Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thank You for Blogging (w/me)

During the past month I received a thank you for blogging award from Mel @ ChinkyMel's Corner and Krissy @ I am krissy . That meant a lot because they are both great people, great bloggers and two of my favorites! Mel was the first blogger I followed and my first follower--I had practice "following" her on other sites. In fact, I'm not sure why she still talks to me after the way I stalked her here from those other sites!!! (Hi Mel, it's me again!!!) =)

Of course, I'm not really sure why I have any readers/ commenters/ followers. But I know I really appreciate all of you and I appreciate being accepted into this community! From day one my profile has said I like to go my own way and avoid groups. But not this group. There are so many wonderful people here who gladly share their humor, experiences, advice, encoragement, etc. and I am very happy to be a part of it. I wish I had met people like you when I was still little and cute and trying to get myself adopted into a new family--preferably rich, but that was always negotiable. LOL!

I truly thank all of you for blogging and pass the award onto each of you.

But I also want to give a special thanks to the people who have been my most consistent readers this year. In no particular order (other than alphabetical), they are:

Ambiguous Angel
krissy ♥
Thanh Thao Lam
the girl in stiletto


  1. awwww thanks for passing it on Rick!!! anddd thank you as well for blogging :) i looove reading your posts on your childhood experiences!

  2. Hahahaha...Rick, if you failed to include my name on the list, I will hate you for life (though I will still secretly read your posts. hahaha!).

    Happy New Year Rick... it'll be 2010 here in Manila in 14hours.

  3. woohoo! i made it on your list! haha! ;) blogging is such a great community isn't it? who woulda thought!!! have a very very happy new year with your family, rick! :)

  4. Aww. That's sweet! :)
    Well, THANK YOU too for making my blogging comeback worth it. HAPPY NEW YEAR Rick.

  5. i'm there! i'm there! yayyyyyy xD
    we stick around coz your blog is awesome and so are you Rick ^_^ so THANK YOU for blogging :)

    p.s HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! :D
    p.p.s I want to see you in a calvin klein ad next year huh. go eat celery! haha


  6. I wasn't sure why I had anyone giving a damn about what I post either, at the start. But I'm glad I did, and I'm also glad that some of them stuck around for years!

    Happy 2010!

  7. You so deserve it! :)

    Thank you so much for including me on your list, and thank you for sharing your stories with us :)

    Happy new year to you and your family Rick! ♥♥

  8. awww thank you =)
    Happy new year may it be the best one yet =)

  9. That's so sweet to list me up in your list! We only know each other for about 1 month or so?
    But you were one of my first followers, so I appreciate that! Since I am so new to blogging, I hope we will follow, comment and share each others thoughts for a long time.

    Thank you so much for everything until now.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  10. Aw I got such a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I saw my name ! haha
    Like I said before, your blog is incredibly fascinating/interesting to read ! I look forward to more in the new year =)

    Happy new year to you & your family !

  11. Here is a big fat smooch !!!!

    Thank YOU for blogging =)

  12. OH ps.

    Have a fun and safe New years Spot Molly ;P

  13. awww thank you so much, ric! the answer to the question of why people bother to comment is, because you're ric :)

    happy new year yeah! :D

  14. Congratulations on the blog awards!! And it's so nice to have readers that have become great friends!

  15. WAHAHAHA! you go nagging about my list, that is in alphabetical order as well... and there I am, at the very last place in yours!

    oh well... Thanks anyway... :P


    you need to reply my question on my list post!

  16. wowwww.. thank you Ric for your appreciation. you are the best blogger who consistently visiting my blog too and all your comments on my post are just the best comments i've ever gotten too. thank you so much once again.

    and Happy New Year 2010! Hope you have a great one. :)

  17. happy new yea again rick hahaha ;)
    oh nooo, ck models don't smile, they just gaze seductively at the camera lmao....hmmm i wanna see what picture you're talking im dying of

  18. This was the first thing that greeted me this morning... shorter hem. If I do that, I'm counting the days before I get totally kick out of my house. Hahaha! Rick, you always make me laugh in the morning.

  19. aww happy new year to you too! i am really glad i started blogging in this community...amazing people like you to be found. i hope to be on that list of yours in 2010, take care! xo

  20. Happy New Year Rick! I squealed so loudly when I saw my name in your list. Thank you! =D

    Hurricane Blair doesn't wrap her packages, she dumps them into a padded envelope and sends them off haha!

  21. you have lots of awards this past days my friend! grattis and i think its a good start:)
    This is my personal blog by the way:)

    The same author me
    tejan and Lara Angelikka too:)

  22. Awww hey sweetie! I'm really glad that you are blogging. Seriously, I can't help but say, "Thank You For Blogging". You are one of my favorite bloggers around. And you really have come a long way. we all love you sweetie. =)

  23. WAHOO I made the listt!! I felt like I got picked for something special.. like what teachers did in grade school, haha. Thanks for reading my blog Ric, you are the bessssssssssst!

  24. awh... thanks for the award, though i seldom visit your site... thanks again... i'll keep it up to you someday.... take care!
