As a teenager I worked at a burger joint. Until I could afford a car, I walked to and from work. I was an independent kid, so I didn’t ask for rides. It was about 4 miles. I mostly worked nights and walked home between 11:00pm and midnight—later on weekends. Frequently my folks were already in bed when I got home. More than once police questioned me about being out so late—in bad weather (rain, snow, a plague of locusts) they sometimes gave me a ride to my grandmother's store.
My parents had two locks on the back door--a skeleton key lock and a deadbolt. Everyone in the family had a key to the deadbolt, but only my parents had skeleton keys for the other lock. (Note: With a skeleton key lock, you can actually see through the keyhole to the other side.) One night I got home to find both locks were locked—and everyone was in bed. I couldn't open the door. Being independent (and maybe a little stubborn) I decided to break in. We had one window that would pop open if you pushed on it in the right place. I worried a little about being shot climbing in the window, but not enough to keep me from doing it. It became my regular way into the house after work. But then one Saturday my father fixed the window. Coincidence, or did he know I had been coming in through the window??? Haha!
I had to find another way in. I played with one of the cellar windows and found a way to flip the lock from the outside. That became my new way into the house after work. That lasted about 2 weeks until one night I came home, climbed in the cellar window, and discovered my father had locked the door from the cellar to the kitchen. Coincidence, or did he know? Hmmmm?
Again, I refused to knock, so I had to think of another way in. Then I remembered something I had seen on TV. The cellar door had a skeleton key lock and my dad had left the key IN the lock. So I found newspaper in the cellar and slid it under the door. Then, using a screwdriver from his work bench, I pushed the key out of the lock. It fell onto the paper and when I pulled the paper out from under the door the key came with it. I had the key! I did a little victory dance about getting in, but I was also worried. If my dad had removed the key from the locked door, there would have been no way for me to get into the house (the non-cellar part). I knew what I needed to do.
Fortunately, I had just started a new class in school—metal shop. The next day I borrowed my mother's skeleton key and made a copy of it in class. I didn't know if cast aluminum would be strong enough, but I made a mold of the key, filled it with melted aluminum and hoped it would work. It did! I didn’t have to break into my own house anymore. Yes, I did another victory dance in celebration! That was one of the most useful classes I took in high school!!!
I never asked my dad if he forgot I wasn’t home or if he was actually TRYING to keep me out. Maybe he was just tired and forgetful after having been a parent for 32 years--my oldest sister is 16 years older than I am. What do you think? Was he sending me a message and I failed to take the hint about coming home??? Personally, I do not think it was intentional. I was his youngest child and he still needed me to do chores. LOL!!!
PS – I later had to use my break-in skills to help one of my brothers. So maybe everything really does happen or a reason.
hmm... I've locked myself out of the house a few times as a kid, and the only way in was to break the window next to the door. I've once had my neighbour break it and replace it with a totally different glass. I'd expected my mom to freak out on me, but I'm not sure if she just never noticed the different window, or that she just didn't wanted to say anything about it.
ReplyDeleteWe're having that same window ever since.
i used to break in to my house too when i was a teenager. not because i came home late at night. simply because both of my parents were working and there were times i simply FORGOT to bring the house key. i used all the paperclips i could find in my school bag to try open all the locks. most of the time i excelled, there were times i failed.
ReplyDeleteand while in college, people gave me 'the look' when they found out that i can open locks using paperclips. until one time, one girl accidentally locked her keys in her locker and she wanted to get stuff from her locker urgently, she came knocking on my door, asking me to open the lock for her.
and people gave me 'the look' when she told them about me helping her.... and they must have thought that i would open their locks and steal their belongings or something.
but whatever, as long as i know myself that im not misusing my 'special' skill to do something bad, i don't care what they wanna think of me.
right? :)
I guess you're dad simply forgot that you were still out... and you didn't say a word about the locking thing the whole time. I guess you found it an adventure to be able to find ways to get you in the house. And you did well... maybe you were a burglar in your past life. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI've locked myself out of the house a few times and was forced to sleep inside one of our cars because no one could hear me. After that incident, I made sure that I never leave the house without my keys :)
ReplyDeleteOh wow, and if you could break in that easily, I'm sure others would have been able to as well. I've never broken into my house before. My mom is an o.c. and she just can't sleep until my brother and I are both home. I always felt bad going to parties and coming home at 3am because mom always waited up for me. lols
ReplyDeleteVery resourceful. I'm glad you were able to get yourself into the house all those times :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in high school, it was more like breaking OUT of the house at night =X haha. Your way is much more cool.
oh my, you're so genius! my old house was very easy to break in. since my parents bedroom were downstairs and mine was upstairs, i climbed my fence and walked to reach the tree outside the house that stick to the fence and climbed up more on that tree to reach my roof. from the roof, i could easily walk to my room. there's a terrace right in front of my room and i was the only person in the family who hold the terrace door key. i did it once, its on the afternoon just to test it and it worked. i didn't dare to break in like that anymore since my parents are scary. hehehe.
ReplyDelete@Toothfairy: That was good thinking. Maybe your mom was just happy she didn't have to handle it.
ReplyDelete@the girl in stiletto: You help someone and people think you're going to steal their stuff? "What do you mean she can pick locks???" Haha!
@Leah: Since my parent's house was so small, my in-laws used to joke that I didn't know how to take a hint! =)
@r u s s: Me too, and I stay close to whoever has the car keys when I go out with friends!
@ChinkyGirLMeL: That's not fun...getting home late and having mom awake and waiting for you!
@- kimmy -: Haha! Breaking out! I think my siblings may have had to do that, but by the time I came along my parents were tired.
@NITIA / MONTO: LOL, it would be terrible to get caught. I hope the terrace door had a really good lock since the door led to your room.
That is actually so clever of you to get the key like that. You are so lucky that he left the key in the lock. :P haha I wish I could've thought of something clever to break in, but when nobody's home, all the doors and window gets locked securely.