Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow!!!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We're having a pretty good snowstorm today. Last I heard the forecast called for up to 24 inches. Our airports are closed. The subway stations that are above ground are planning to close. All activities are cancelled. And the grocery stores were packed @ 10pm last night (look left!). A friend took the picture--I wasn't there.

How much snow does it take to affect your town this way? To make people flock to grocery stores? If you never get snow, what sort of weather activity makes your neighbors panic? I love snow--except for the shoveling!!! It reminds me of snowball fights, sledding with friends (especially in the dark), sliding around on top of the frozen snow--pretending to ice skate.

Wait, shoveling is really the best part. I'm happy to share the fun with you! Call me!!! Please!!! LOL


  1. grrrrrrrrr....everyone's having snow D:
    not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i want snow too!! :(

  2. well, snow is not THAT grand here. not enough to even hold it. ahahaha.

  3. So people tend to snow-panic shop too? Don't ask me about snow Rick, I'm willing to brave any snowy condition just to have my first glimpse of snow. I'm obsessed.

  4. Gah! Those lines are looong.Ö
    People here in Manila get those panic moments too, but not when there's snow ─ because it doesn't snow here. Panic-Buying happens whenever there is a super typhoon that hits the country. People are always reminded to stock up on food for a good number of days, etc etc etc. Blame it on climate change and how irresponsible people have been with the environment, we suffer the worst kinds of storms. My country's been hit several times this year.

    You're not alone dear,
    it doesn't snow in the Philippines too.

  5. Oh wow! That's a lot of people buying groceries!!! The shops open till so late?

  6. Jealous of your snow!!!! :(
    I wish it'd snow here but then I wouldn't be able to get home for christmas hopefully it'll snow whilst I'm home :)

  7. Wow, what a mess! I mean it is snowing here in Germany at the moment, too, but it actually doesn't affect us this much to have people lining up in the supermarkets or so on. The puplic transport also still runs. But I love snow, it is really rare to have snow in the region where I live. I spent the morning watching out of the window :-)

  8. oh gosh that is a pretty intense snowstorm ! last sunday it was -55C here where i live, making us the 2nd coldest city in the WORLD next to siberia ! it was crazy !

    & that hair cut of yours isn't even bad ! when you said bad haircut i imagined much worse ! haha

  9. @Manju: If it makes you feel better, I'm sore from shoveling. This snow was pretty AND heavy!

    @the girl in stiletto: We never get big storms like this in December. Jan/Feb are our heavy months--once I was snowed in on my birthday in March!

    @Leah: I don't want to make you feel worse, but snow is so beautiful when it's falling. Even the ugliest tree becomes beautiful. I love to go for walks ot drives while it;s snowing. I threw a snowball for you!

    @r u s s: That sounds worse than snow. As long as the power stays on we're safe in our homes during a snow storm.

    @Blair: Some of the grocery stores stay open all night, but that one closes at 11pm. I don't know why people panic...even the worst snowstorm keeps them home only one day.

    @Shibby: I hope the Cold Miser cooperates and
    gives you snow @ home!

    @Thanh Thao: It is so pretty to watch! I don't know why people here panic. Food, snow shovels, salt--it's fun to watch them too!

    @applePIE: -55???? Holy smokes! What do you wear on your face when it's that cold?

    In that picture I was transitioning from Bald Claude (just got a hair cut) to Furry Murray (needs a haircut) it had grown out a little. LOL!~

  10. HAHAH! It's funny how people do seem to get into a little panic when snow rolls through. It was a little frantic here in NYC, but not because of the snow, it was more the crazy strong winds mixed with the snow. I thought I was going to get swept up into it!

    That is so funny about your tree lights! I am glad no one got hurt and that you were able to replace them. I think it's pretty normal for me during the holidays to refer to the Griswalds in some manner in any given conversation!

  11. bahhh i HATE snow! makes driving soooo much harder... what's usually a 10 minute drive to work from my house turns into 30-45 minutes when a snow storm hits =_=

    soooo not looking forward to a snow storm!!


  12. bahahha our city is pretty sad rick... we dont get snow very often.. it'll usually just happen for a few days or a week and go away for good. but when it DOES snow... even if its 2 inches... everyone freaks out, places close down, accident rate goes up. ITS CRAZY! haha!

  13. @eQ: LOL, good thing you had your BF and that cute dog to anchor you!

    @LOLanne: Bahhh? I don't remember you reacting that way to anything before! After yesterday's shoveling I'm tempted to agree with you, but that feeling will fade and I'll get silly the next time it starts to snow. =)

    @Kym: Wow! Between the careless drivers and the panicked drivers it sounds too dangerous. I can't understand how the stores here sell out their snow shovels every time it snows? Don't people still have one from the last storm???

  14. Hmm... the snow is here too. it's almost everywhere now! I think it's fun, except when I need to get to work! and I don't like the dirty part, the black parts as well..

    How have you been?


  15. I wish I can experience a white Christmas too, even once! :)

  16. I almost fell off my chair Rick... hahahahaha!
