Thursday, December 10, 2009

I was a college cheerleader

No, not me! A girl I worked with when I was in college. She had a big impact on me.

She was attractive and got a lot of attention in the office. One afternoon we had the weirdest conversation as we walked to a meeting. We passed a guy she thought was handsome and…

Her: That guy must be gay.
Me: What? Why?
Her: He didn’t even look at me!
Me: Maybe you’re not his type.
Her: I was a college cheerleader!!! He’s gay.

She wasn’t joking, she was annoyed. I wish I had joked, “He can’t be gay, he didn’t look at ME!” But I didn’t think of it at the time. What I did think was that this girl expected men to pay attention to her, as if she somehow deserved it or they owed it to her. It changed how I saw her—suddenly her blond dye job looked a little too brassy. LOL! She just wasn’t attractive anymore. After that exchange I found myself being more careful about who I complimented about a new hairdo or dress or whatever...I don't want to feed arrogance.

Confidence is beautiful (and so is humbleness), but arrogance is not attractive.

I was reminded of that conversation by a comment alittlebitofevrything made to a post by LOLanne. It was something about when “I see a girl trying too hard” and it made me laugh. I know that “trying to hard” is likely to be caused by insecurity, but from the outside it looks the same as arrogance.


  1. Haha I laugh when other cities fall into complete chaos at the slightest indication of snow, whereas where I'm from, we just received 16 cm (6 inches-ish) of snow in one day and everyone is still going about with their business!

    oh gosh I've met countless girls who are exactly like you described above. I don't even know how to respond when someone says something like that. I hope you didn't get the wrong impression that all compliments will turn women into arrogant people!

  2. actually, that sounds more like insecurity than confidence to me. if she was really confident she wouldn't need to be reassured that she's attractive, right? it's kind of sad

  3. hahaha. i on the other hand never know how to appropriately respond to compliments. but i guess personality does play a huge role in shaping one's beauty in the eye of others.

  4. hmmm... I don't know whether it's insecurity or confidence, I think it's both. But it's def. arrogance, and that's one thing I don't like. Ofcourse, people don't have to be humble ALL the time, we're not in Japan or something... but still, a guy not looking at you, so what? Maybe she was just not his type, or maybe he was gay, and you both were not his type, or maybe he immediately see her through! the fact that she said something about it makes her sound confident, but the fact that she was thinking about it anyway, makes her insecure.


  5. Rick, I'm a highschool cheerleader. Waaahhhhhh! Enough said.

  6. @applePIE: Haha, no, I didn't get the wrong impression, every person is different! Our schools would close for 2 days w/6 inches of snow.

    @Manju: It is sad to need it from everyone--even strangers.

    @the girl in stiletto: Personality does influence me. About compliments, I guess it depends who it's from and what it's about--but I usually make a joke. Have you seen the Simpsons? There's a bar tender named Moe Sizzlack--the man looks like a troll. When my wife tells me I'm handsome I usually give her a goofy grin and tell her I have the "Sizzlack Sizzle". LOL

    @Toothfairy: Haha! I've used the word "humble" too much lately! I agree with you...I really just meant the opposite of arrogance! Is there another word I could use for that??? =)

    Now I'm feeling insecure about maybe not beng that guy's type!!! ahahaha!

    @Leah: Why waaaah? Should be Yay!!!

  7. "Confidence is beautiful (and so is humbleness), but arrogance is not attractive." ─ Well Said.
    I was a cheerleader too. Don't hate me okay?
    Have a good weekend.Ü

  8. Wow, she must have been too used to be noticed by everyone that it irked her to see someone not affected by her "fabulousness". And yes, you saying “He can’t be gay, he didn’t look at ME!” would have been the perfect retort :D

  9. bealughhhas!! arrogance isn't attractive at all and it must be even MORE unattractive for a guy to see a girl who is like that! maybe the guy didn't look at her cus he could smell her arrogance from a far. haha! ;P

  10. wwhhaat the?
    too much confident,
    i feel like vomiting..

    Confidence is beautiful (and so is humbleness), but arrogance is not attractive.


  11. wow, overconfident much?

    i read a few of your blogs, and i must say that i enjoy your lighthearted stories :) thank you for sharing !

  12. Hi friend this is vennilla here.. ur doing a wonderful job.. can we exchange links..

  13. Rick, as the saying goes, don't do unto others what you don't want others to do to you... I hate latecomers so I try to set an example by being early or just in time.

  14. HA!!!! That is SO funny! There is a great difference between confidence and arrogance! LOL

  15. this line is hilarious : I wish I had joked, “He can’t be gay, he didn’t look at ME!”

    u should've said that .. haha..

    but yeah, i think she's just used to get attention all the time.. but she must understand that beauty is still in the eye of the beholder.

    thanks for sharing Ric.. happy weekend :)

  16. lol that's great. your comment on my latest post made me laugh too = ] you are a funny guy. what office is this? sounds like an adventurous place to work.
