Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Decorations--and Bandit

This tree-topper is a family heirloom--it's the one with real Santa whiskers (from one of his haircuts). It is really old! It's also my favorite decoration.

My favorite way to view the Santa is with the tree lit, the house lights off, a fire in the fireplace, and Christmas carols playing softly in the background. It's a nice atmosphere to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

My daughter called these "mishmas mecarations" when she was two.

The carolers decoration is another oldie, but goodie!

This is the last picture of decorations. There's a sleigh and reindeer set missing. Maybe next year!

Bandit doesn't like snow and he does not have the helpful instincts of a St. Bernard!!!

The snow is gone already and the decorations will soon come down,
but the feeling of the holiday should stick with us year-round.

PS - I've recorded a few songs just for my friends. For $5.99 you can download "RicAdeMus sings Xmas classics" and I will give you the blues for free--my singing always gives people the blues!!! LOL--I know, bad joke. I blame the girl in stiletto for inspiring it! Thankfully there are no recordings.


  1. ah man! I wanted to get the songs! and repost it on my blog :P

    well, our tree is still standing, and I think it will be for another week, but I do hope the holiday feeling won't dissapear before my bday haha!

    Hope you had a great Christmas this year Rick!

  2. I can't believe all the snow is already gone !!

    I love the decorations and the tree ! My family just sold out tree this year so we're tree-less for the holidays =( oh well!

    Hope your Christmas was full of fun times, & that you have a great new years!

    Sadly, boxing day was a disappointment, but oh well =(

  3. why is it always my fault when people start to behave badly? hmmph? hmmph?

    :P love the noel. yes, let's follow my lead.

    everyone, sing after me!! cuz you're hot & you're cold, you're yes then you're no....

    *no one sings? fine... i'll sing by myself*

  4. Bandit's cute! ^_^

    Hope you had a great Christmas, and well, have a great new year!

  5. That tree-topper is cute :)
    And I like that there's a story behind it. Oh dear, you should really take good care of it each time you guys put down the tree and the decors.

  6. I love the decors because they have stories, it'll be like an heirloom so take care of it especially the Santa (with the real hair? hmmmmm...)

    The download... do that next year, I want to have a really happy Christmas. Hahaha!

    Now, the poem you composed... it's soooooo funny. I love it. Thanks for the effort.

    PS... I'm just wondering why all the comments in my blog go to my spam folder but only yours go straight to my inbox. My inbox loves you Rick. Hahaha!

  7. Happy New Year to you and to your family. May 2010 bring you more blessings and happiness!

  8. What a wonderful tree and a lovely Christmas decoration in General! Except for our tree, there is nothing chrismassy in our house, just some more candles, hahaha!

    Bandit looks so cute in the snow! Hope to see more pics of him soon.

  9. Beautiful decorations, what makes them more special is the way they each have their own stories :) "Mishmas macarations", that's too cute :D

    Happy holidays to you and your family Rick! :)
