Monday, December 28, 2009

Yellow does not = Hello

One of my brothers answers the phone by saying "Yellow". I dont know where he picked that up, but that's not what this post is about. A long time ago the Toothfairy tagged me in the color game. She picked yellow--because she knew it would be difficult! LOL

At first I thought, "I can't do this. I have NO yellow stuff." But then I started noticing things around the house. and in the (back of the) closet. So here goes:

This belonged to my grandfather--on the Irish/English side of the family. I have no idea what it is or if it has any special significance, other than belonging to my grandfather.

These are my two honey bears. I drink honey-lemon tea when I'm not feeling well. Why two bears? The big one sits in the front of the cabinet and gets used for lots of things. In case we run out when I need tea, I have the small secret honey bear in the back of the cabinet. The small bear's name is now Shirley since honey-lemon tea is one of the Toothfairy's favorites. There's no resemblance! =)

One of my ancient Xmas decorations.

A reliable tool to light my way in the dark--but I still could use some help with that!

A dress shirt from the back of the closet.

A casual shirt from the very back of the closet.

A tee-shirt with a yellow Smithsonian sunburst on the back (yes, it really is yellow).

Well, that's seven. It wasn't easy for me or interesting for you, but I'm glad I was able to complete the tag because it was nice to be thought of for the tag.


  1. lolness. i'd be scratching my head too looking for yellow stuff in my house. i suppose i have enough than im giving my house credit for. but one thing that crosses my mind at this moment is one photo with someone wearing a yellow shirt - fave photo of all time :)

  2. Haha I laugh at the randomness of the yellow items, but good job completing the tag ! Be glad she didn't choose purple or something ! haha

  3. I know, I'm such a pain! And yes, I could have tagged you for pink or something, but I think that's actually way easier as you have 3 ladies in the house!

    Finally I can see the secret honey bear! I'd never thought you really have a honey bear, let alone 2 of them! I thought you were just talking about some jar with honey in it!
    you really like honey huh! haha!


  4. hahaha i'm gonna answer the phone by sayin 'yellowwwwwwww' xD and see how it goes lmao

  5. Why did those yellow shirts get hidden at the back of the closet? Well, my husband won't wear anything yellow, he said he would look like a giant banana. But,you did a good job for finding 7 yellow things for the tag. Now, I know who to tag when I got tagged.

    Thanks for visiting my blogsite, and Have a wonderful New Year.

    This is My Life

  6. Don't ever pass this tag to me Rick... if you are my friend, don't even think about it. I had a hard time doing red and blue, what more yellow.

    And you named the honey bear after the Toothfairy... awesome.

  7. LOL i love the "very back of the closet" and you CHEATER! how does that yellow sunburst on a t-shirt count??! lol j/k good job! very creative <3

  8. Yellow actually used to be my favorite color. Don't know why it changed to pink :D

  9. haha i'd have a hard time with yellow too! so if yellow doesn't = hello, does herro = hello? i think so! haha!

  10. just wanna greet you a happy new year!

  11. I love those honey bears! We use them with pancakes.. I've never thought of using them with tea! Thanks for the idea~! xx

  12. hehe nicely done anyway!

    happy new year...followed you here also! see yah!

  13. LOLz love your yellows!! how have you been??I've missed your posts and everyone else's. it's quite hard to update during holiday
