This is not going to be about Tiger Woods.
My family is Catholic and confession (penance) is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church. Confession is required at least once a year, but some Popes have recommended more frequent, even weekly, confession. My parents attended Mass each week and we went to confession about once a month. That can be a little boring (for the priest) when you're young. A typical confession when I was 9 consisted of "Ah, I got mad at my parents twice and I coveted my friend's comic book," The priest would ask "What else?" I didn't want to disappoint him, but I couldn't lie in the confession booth....that would be bearing false witness against myself! So I would tell him that was all I had, he would sigh, and tell me to say 5 Our Father's and 10 Hail Mary's as penance. Once I had to say an Act of Contrition, but what is said in the confession booth stays in the confession booth, so no one will ever know what THAT was about. =)
Why is this post titled "The Art of Confession"? Because of the way my parents practiced it. We attended a very old, very small church. For years I thought our church did not offer confession because we confessed at a neighboring parish. But I found out later our church DID offer confession. Apparently my folks didn't want to confess to our priest. I'm not sure, but that makes me wonder if their confessions were much more interesting than mine!!! LOL!
oooh im catholic too.. buut the last time i confessed was two years ago :S
ReplyDeleteandd LOL @ your parents not wanting to confess to your priest.
hahahah. i wonder too... and of course they have much more interesting confessions, i've no doubt. i believe that the older we get, the more we know about things, the more we think about things, the badass our thinking become. ehehehe.
ReplyDeleteThat makes me wonder too! but thinking about it, I do understand why they didn't wanted to confess at someone they know... how awkward would that be?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I don't have to do it.... keeping my dark side aaaalll to myself :P
Hi! No we have no crossed paths on other blogs. I don't really remember how I ended up here but I find your stories extremely interesting!
ReplyDeleteI just started blogging so there isn't much to follow at the moment, but I would love it if you do! =)
I do that too, I don't confess to our Parish Priest. My last confession was when I was confined at the hospital, that felt more comfortable :) I like your post, something to ponder on.
ReplyDeleteI am a Catholic as well but I haven't gone to confession in a year. My bad :( I studied in a Catholic school the rest of my Elementary and High School years and we were required to go to confession. I remember my classmates and I even writing our sins down in a list just so we won't forget :D
ReplyDeletelolzzzzz that would maybe make things awkward...makes you wonder though haha
ReplyDeletep.s new follower ^^
guess you're right.
ReplyDeleteim not catholic, but i really really want to try that confession thing.
but what if the priest tell me to pray your prayers, i didn't know it, so i never tried.
but someday i will.
i want to know the feeling after the confession:)
haha. me:weird
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ReplyDeleteAh this made me smile :)
ReplyDeleteI used to go to church with my grandparents and I always wondered what they confessed because I always saw them as good people (and still do) but when you're young you dont think your grandparents can do anything wrong :) though there are alot more things to confess about then you realise as a child :)
(had to correct my typos)
Hm..yeah..that really makes you wonder huh?lolz
ReplyDeleteYES we do have TIMTAM here and no joke on it's being Australia most popular choc cookie, at least for a while lolz... I always thought it's Aussie or NZ products? it's very popular in Indonesia too :D
Parents always have secrets!! XD
ReplyDeleteAnd hey..If I ever had to do the confession thing,I swear I'd lie. Just to entertain the priest!
Hahahaha! Your parents didn't want the local priest to know their secrets.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Catholic too. One time, when I was a kid, I remember telling the priest when he asked me to enumerate my sins: "Father, it's the same as the last time." Hahaha! I almost got kicked out of the confession box.
So I heard about Tiger Woods' mistresses. Shame on him!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, thanks for the comment! Don't run away just because of that paragraph! hahaha. You're grown up with a wife, deal with it! It's natural. LOL. But watch out for her! Sometimes she can get pretty pissy out of no where even if she doesn't act that way every single month. haha.
I know it is difficult to put it aside but GPA is more important. It's something that's hard to change. Being mad and upset at the same time at one person for a long time is hard to push aside too but sometimes.... just got to brush it off for awhile and deal with it later if it's not as important at the moment. But it caught up to me and I went down a level because of the situation =T I don't think I can cope with it, I was extremely upset and angry though so yeah. At least I think I ace the exam! haha.
oh, and I think the confession thing is a great thing! Each religion has something interesting.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post, brings my memory back to my first communion experience.
ReplyDeleteLast time i'd confessed? 9 yrs ago. Reason: i'm converted to born again christian. we do confess but it's more of confessing directly to God and asking for forgiveness and with prayers that really come from heart.
@Leah on her comment "I'm a Catholic too. One time, when I was a kid, I remember telling the priest when he asked me to enumerate my sins: "Father, it's the same as the last time." Hahaha! I almost got kicked out of the confession box."
ReplyDelete-- can't help but post a reply to your comment. As if the priest would remember it all hahaha!
the last few lines were quite funny... i already confessed my sins for the preparation for Christmas last December 8... hehehe and it was quite a relief!
ReplyDeleteit's not a bad impression come on! lol
ReplyDeleteanyway, thanks for following ^^
i've only ever confessed once you know. i'm not catholic, but once they had a priest come in in high school to listen to confessions, and everyone went to confess coz we got to ditch class if we went. so i went and made up a whacked story just for kicks...such lazy silly highschoolers haha
We are Catholic also. But the last time I confessed was so long ago, maybe about 6 years ago. I dunno what it is with confessions that just kind of scares me. But I do hope I could do that again. The feeling after confession is pleasant, I felt light hearted and at ease. =)