Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Empty Ring

This is not my usual, goofy post. I would like a little advice.

I bought my wife's engagement ring when I was 18. I didn't know what I was doing and got one that was a little too big for her finger. But she liked it and didn't want it resized. Later we bought the wedding rings together, so that one fit! Somewhere along the line her hands swelled a little and she stopped wearing the wedding ring because it was tight--but she didn't want it resized either. The good news was that then her engagement ring fit perfectly.

I haven't been happy about her not wearing the wedding ring, but it gave me an excuse to tease her that, "at least we're still engaged!" That was fun.

After she took a shower last night, she noticed the stone was gone from her engagement ring. She was really upset. We searched everywhere. It's gone. It was a very modest stone, but the sentimental value was high. I wanted to make her feel better, so I told her we could pick out a new set (engagement and wedding) for Christmas. She said no, she wants to wait until our anniversary in mid-May. She just thinks that would be better.

How is waiting 5 1/2 months better? This actually bothers me a little. Could she be hoping to find the missing stone between now and then?

Also, would it be wrong for me to spend those 5 1/2 months teasing her that, "Gee, now we're not even engaged"??? Haha...I wanted to end this on a light-hearted note! I wouldn't really do that. =)

Edit: I forgot to mention that we got engaged after midnight mass on a Christmas Eve.


  1. wrote a huge comment, but decided to email it instead. So check your mail! :)


  2. i suppose the anniversary brings much more sentimental value than christmas, cuz it is more personal to you both, whereas christmas is a celebration for everyone. meaningful but not personal you know...

    besides, being married is not all about the ring. again, the ring is meaningful but it is not the whole meaning of marriage you know...

    :) hope this helps you feel much better about waiting 5 1/2 months.

    perhaps you can still get her just a ring for christmas... cartier has nice rings. so does tiffany. (now im not helping bahahaha)

  3. Hi Rick! I know why your wife wanted to wait for your anniversary to have the new set of rings. She is sentimental. She doesn't want the rings if there is no reason why you gave her that. That would just be like buying a new shoes to replace the worn-out ones. But if there is an occasion, then that will make the purchase special. I'm blabbering, am I still coherent? Hahaha!

  4. Hey Rick! I know wifey feels awful about the whole thing, I know I would too. I think it is best to wait until your anniversary. Because your anniversary is a very special date. Most everyone spends Christmas and gives presents to each other but your anniversary is yours alone along with a few other people celebrating it as well. Wouldn't it be cute on your anniversary you guys go to the church to renew your vows and also to get those rings blessed? Well....just a thought.

  5. OH no! I was so sad when I read your comment this morning :( I do hope you can find it in before May comes, the thing is the stone could be anywhere, it such a small thing and can got away easily ....anyway sorry I dont mean to dampen your hope. Maybe it's better to wait until may comes? since it's your wife's wish too and keep searching? dont vacuum the house for sure, sweep it...
    I do hope somehow you can find the stone! I know it's not about the money, it's about the memory. My hubby gave me my engagement ring way before I started my business. After I am in the field I know the quality of the diamond that he gave me is not the top and he was paying abit too much for it, but i wouldn't trade it for anything else because it was from him :)
    Keep me updated ok! I hope you and your wife will find it

  6. I just typed a looong comment and then blogspot went funny and it's all gone T.T anyway, rick, Just want to say im so sorry when I read your comment this morning.
    Maybe you should wait until May, since it's your wife's wish?and keep searching for now?don't vacuum the house, sweep it.
    I know it's not about the money but more on the sentimental value. my hubby gave me my engagement ring way before I start my business. and after Im in the field I know the quality and the price that he paid was abit too much, but I wouldnt trade the ring for anything better because it's from him. so I do do hope you can somehow find it..but if you can't, well...cheer you wife up by saying that it's time you give her a new diamond :)

  7. @the girl in stiletto: Well, you were helping her, but not me!! Haha~

    @Leah: LOL, you were making sense! I'm sentimental too--today we're celebrating the anniversary of when I asked her "to go with me". I sent flowers with a card that says thanks for joining me on the trip. Yeah, I know it's corny.

    @ChinkyGirLMeL: Re-enlist??? No way! =) Actually that's a sweet idea. Someday we will do that.

    @acutelife: Thank you Hana. I thought I found it this morning. I stepped on something in the shower, but it wasn't a diamond. I promised to get her a diamond with no occlusions she can see while blindfolded!!! =)

  8. wow... missing stone =T Maybe she does want to find it. The original means more than getting a new one.

    I have heard about "LOCKS OF LOVE" but I decided not to donate to them. Yes, Pantene does have a program for donation of hair. Locks of Love expect you to donate at least 10 inches of hair that doesn't have split ends, not dyed, and beautiful. Pantene expects at least 8 inches. Even though I had 15 inches of hair to donated... why not Pantene? lol. They don't seem to be noticable so yeah....
