Monday, November 30, 2009

The Door Princess

Recent mentions of tomboys and princesses reminded me of the "Door Princess" (DP).

I always try to be a gentleman...polite. I open doors, help the elderly with groceries, give up my seat on the train when it's crowded. Little things. But there is one person I'm not sure how to treat--or at least whether I should hold the door for her or not. She's a co-worker. I discovered she's a Door Princess. If she is with another person (male, female, it doesn't matter) she refuses to open or even touch doors. I didn't notice that myself. I only came up with the name!

Since I always hold the door for people (women & men), I didn't know the condition existed. But then one day I joined a group for lunch and the Door Princess got to the door first. She stood there with her arms folded, waiting for someone else to open it for her. So I did. One of the ladies in the group gave me grief for that. She explained that the DP always expects someone to open and hold the door for her. I said I was just trying to be a gentleman. Then all the ladies in the group got involved--teasing the DP and telling me I shouldn't bother being gentleman for someone who expects it. The guys in the group didn't say a word.

The gentleman in me wants to keep opening and holding doors. The DP laughs now when I push open a door for her, wondering if I'm going to hold it or release it (I did it once). But she still keeps her arms folded. She claims it's not a germ thing, she just really likes having other people open doors. I have another friend who gets mad if you try to open a door for her--she wants to open it for you. Always! I tried alternating, but she doesn't like that either. As a gentleman, my only option is to let her have her way, so I become a Door Prince whenever I'm with her. I'm flexible!!

This is something I never thought about one way or another until the ladies started talking about it on the way to lunch that day. The two friends I mentioned are at opposite extremes. But are they unusual??? Are you a Door Princess (or Prince)? Or do you always want to be the one to open the door when you're with someone? Do you appreciate it if/when someone holds a door for you?

This is an odd topic--please don't judge my blog by this one!!! =) But people were talking about it in the real word, so I thought I'd mention it here. Let me know if you think I need new off-line friends!!! LOL!


  1. Hi Rick! I appreciate it if someone opens the door for me but I don't expect it and I don't wait for it. I walk so fast due to my long strides and most of the time, I'm the first one at the door. It would be funny to stand by the door and wait for a gentleman to open it for me. Hahaha! I know I will be the talk of the town if I do that.

  2. im pretty flexible with these too... buuut i think it also depends on who im with as well. if im with the bf, i appreciate it if he opens the door... but if i get to the door first, then i dont mind opening it for him.

    rick, you always come up with the cutest terms... door princess :P


  3. @Leah: My friend did look odd standing there with her arms folded, waiting. I'd try to get to the door ahead of you if I could make it look natural. =)

    @LOLanne: That's how it should be--being polite to each other. I hope I didn't steal the term. I don't remember hearing it anywhere. Haha!

  4. when we go for ward rounds, usually the boys will hold the door for me. i don't mind opening the door myself, but the boys are kind of gentlemen, they always want to open the door for me (and everyone in this matter). sometimes the consultants hold the door for me (or anyone)... it doesnt really matter, to be honest - whoever gets to the door first should open the door, i guess.

    i especially like it when the boys open the door for me, then hold my back as to usher me in. i like it because it makes me feel so girly. heheh. :D

  5. gentlemen like you are always appreciated! (well, by me at least) I definitely like having the door held for me, and on dates I feel like I look for it in guys. =X haha. but for the most part, I don't mind opening my own doors and holding doors for others.

    p.s. thank you for your comment on my last rant, it was encouraging :)

  6. wow... seriously, what a fuss about opening doors! I didn't know people think about it anyway! I like it when a gentleman opens a door for me, but I really don't mind if someone doesn't!


  7. I forgot to mention I open car doors too, but only on the way in!

    @the girl in stiletto: That sounds nice. I'll remember! =)

    @- kimmy -: That's good--if a guy can't think to do that when he's trying to make a good impression, then he's not a keeper!! LOL
    And, I'm glad!

    @Toothfairy: Haha, aside from wanting to be a gentleman, I agree. The girl who insists on opening doors has actually elbowed in front of me to get to it 1st. I hoped that was unusual!!
