Friday, November 20, 2009

My Evil (?) Twin

I want to thank the Toothfairy for inspiring me to write this one.

Several times in my life I have been mistaken for someone else. It happens to everyone at some point. Usually it's someone who thinks that you went to elementary school together, you used to date one of their friends, or that you were on the same team at some point. It never involves a former best friend or other really close relationship. Well, almost never.

Several years ago I was out shopping with the family in a small town just outside Baltimore. My wife suggested we have an early dinner, so we stopped in a chain restaurant she likes. Since it was early the place was almost empty. Just as the hostess asked "how many" we heard a woman yell "What are you doing here?" We knew she wasn't talking to us, so we ignored her and followed the hostess to our table. As we looked over the menu, my wife whispered that the woman (who had shouted) and the older woman with her were both glaring at us. I said she should just ignore them.

After the waitress took our order, the woman stood up at her table and yelled at me "Jim, What are you doing here and who is that woman????" She was so mad she was shaking. I asked her if she was talking to me {but not like in "taxi driver" lol}. She squinted, took a few steps towards me and asked me to speak again. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She blushed and apologized. She said I looked just like her EX-HUSBAND and that both she and her mother thought I was him--Jim. Thank goodness I have a deeper voice than he does. They didn't hang around long after that.

My wife has had a lot of fun with this. Every once in a while she'll bring it up and say she had started to wonder if I was going around pretending to be "Jim Kirk"...and then she smirks a very pleased smirk and her eyes twinkle. I don't mind being teased, but it does bother me a little to think there is someone out there who could be mistaken for me by his ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law. Because of her anger towards him, I always thought of him as my evil twin. But really, I shouldn't have judged him by the reaction of an ex. He could be a great guy.

Maybe I'm the evil twin!!! hahahaha!!!


  1. wow lolness. my aunt, i repeat, my own aunt, mistaken me with my best friend. she saw my best friend at a restaurant one day and sent me a text:

    what are you doing with those people??

    i was like huh? what the hell? which people?

    then she was like: uh-oh. i thought she was you. oh, it's your best friend!

    p.s we HARDLY look alike cuz i'm tall, she's short. i'm hot, she's beautiful :)

  2. ooops. did i just say i'm hot out loud? nyah ha ha ha

  3. @the girl in stiletto: Yes you did. It's very healthy to be honest with urself that way!

  4. my younger sister and i apparently look the same to a lot of people... most of her friends usually think im her when they see me. andd everytime theyd say hi and i don't respond, theyll usually call/txt my sister to ask why she just snobbed them hahah


  5. i dont really think u could be the evil twin Ric.. You're too nice :)

    but this story is funny.. thanks for sharing.. :)

  6. hahaha! that's a funny story. how embarrassing for that woman! it was an amusing twist that you added to the end there about "Jim" possibly being your evil twin haha.

    about the karma, thievery, and plain annoyance, i didn't call the police because of many complications. but i am still very angry!! :(

    wonderful blog :)

  7. lol this reminds me of my own "evil twin"..
    she and I are actually friends(ish), and to the people who know us, we reeeeeally don't look alike. but for a good month, while we were pledging for the same frat, people confused us for each other all the time. i would learn about my "twin"'s frisky businesses through the guys who talked to me afterwards, thinking i was her! >_< (i was the good twin, promise)

    hehe, thanks for this story :)

  8. @LOLanne: Haha! I didn't have that problem with my brothers, except w/the neighborhood snoop. She would see them do things and tell my parents it was me!

    @Kay: My theory is that, like a mirror, I just reflect back to people what I see in them. =)

    @alittlebitofevrything: Once in a while I catch myself watching the local news and hoping I don't see a "police sketch" that looks like me! Haha! It's probably better you didn't call the police..karma will take care of it.

    @- kimmy -: Oh no! That's too funny! I wonder if that was more embarrassing for the guys or your twin??? I believe you're the good twin. But what do you mean by "good"? jk...LOL

  9. lolz that gotta be super awkward (more for that lady n the mom) I think you almost gave them heart attacks XD XD it's funny! People always thought my sis and I are twins, but thankfully they realize after a couple of minutes hahaha

  10. wow... I think it's a bit weird, not to know your ex husband well enough, to mistake you for him! How much can you 2 look a like?! I mean, husband! That's like mistaking your mom for someone else... :S hahaha


  11. @acutelife: Haha..they were both very upset. I hope your sis never got you in trouble!

    @Toothfairy: I think I'm a magnet for great people, weird people and some who are a combination of both! =)

  12. I'm intrigued... how can someone mistake you for an ex-husband? Hahaha!

  13. Wow. I'm sure that lady was probably more than a little embarrassed. Hehehe. And you could never be the evil twin, you done have evil in ya. =)

  14. @ChinkyGirLMeL: :o) Thank you, Mel! I think I'm going to have to squeal on myself by sharing a story from my Darkside! haha~
