Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Darkside I

If this is not the most evil thing I have done (on purpose), it’s definitely in the top 2 and I've forgotten the other one. It involved my very first girl friend—Dawn. We were 14. I spotted her during soccer practice. She was a cheerleader and obviously the best one. =) She agreed to be my girl. For 3 weeks we held hands, smiled at each other and talked in the hallways. Then just out of the blue she broke up with me. It didn’t bother me much. It might have been because her family didn’t like “Catlicks”, as her grandpa pronounced it. "Might have been" but wasn't! I soon learned the true reason. Her real boyfriend had been out of town, but now was back--an older boy. She had used me as a temporary replacement--cheating on the other guy! That made me mad. I wanted revenge and I had a plan. Yes, an evil plan!

Step 1 - I used all the charm I had (at 14—hahaha) to win her back. I convinced her to break up with the older guy so we could be a couple. It worked…she was mine.
Step 2 – I knew she was on restriction for a bad grade in Spanish. She wasn’t allowed out of her house after school. So I bought a couples ticket for the upcoming school dance.
Step 3 – I invited her to the dance. She gave me an annoyed look and reminded me she was on restriction. I replied, “Oh that’s right. I already bought a couples ticket. Do you mind if I ask someone else?” Her jaw dropped and she starred at me for about 5 seconds before she stormed off. I sold the ticket for face value, went to the dance alone, and met my second girl friend there. Victory! Right???

At first I thought “now we’re even”, but that annoying conscience kept making me think about it. Is there a way to remove that thing??? Anyway, I’m sure you know the rest of the story. Guilt worked its magic and I have never even dreamed about doing anything like that again—hurting someone on purpose. Not even when I found myself in a similar situation in high school. Well, maybe I have dreamed about it, but...well...we can't control our dreams!

Oh, PS – I bumped into Dawn four years later and we had a great talk. I apologized. She apologized and gave me a hug. All was forgiven. So please don't yell at me about this!!! =)

During my short dating career, I was the "replacement" twice. By any chance have you had a similar experience, from either side of the relationship?


  1. You were a mean 14-y/o Rick! Hahaha! You did that to a girl... bad bad bad! Well, I kept putting myself in that girl's shoes, she was 14 and she was still a kid too. Ok, you're forgiven!

  2. woahh rick, already a player at 14?! tsk tsk lol j/k.
    nawww i dont think what you did was mean :P ive heard 14 year olds do meaner things!

    i've been a replacement before... dated this guy who just got out of a relationship with his FIRST LOVE... he was pretty broken when we met. took months to build him back up then he left me when his ex decided she wanted to be with him again :(


  3. @Leah: {cringe} But it was so out of character for me--even then! Haha! Guess I wasn't ready for a GF. That memory keeps me humble about other people's mistakes...usually! ;o)

    @LOLanne: A player! Hahaha! She was wrong to cheat on her BF w/me & I was wrong to plan out revenge. I'm glad we had a chance to talk when we were older.
    Wow! I hope that guy wasn't your first love! That's rotten! But you can smile now at how things have turned out. =)

  4. you little heartbreaker! haha! ;) ahhh well, it's high school...

  5. @Kym: I truly learned my lesson. I learned a lot in the 9th grade!!! =)

  6. OMG. you DID that??! must be really hard for Dawn since she really bought into you.. i was a replacement once or twice too, i think. it was horrible.

    but those were the naive days...
