Friday, December 11, 2009

OMG Dad!!!

My dad seemed to believe childhood was sort of a boot camp to prepare for adulthood--and he was the drill sargeant. He tried to keep us as busy as possible to keep us out of trouble. It didn’t work, but he gave it a good try! At some point I want to post about some of the odd experiences I had doing chores for him. But today’s post is about some of his experiences. When I was in college I started hearing stories about the things my dad and his brothers did when they were kids. After that I completely understood why he wanted to keep us busy!

Incident #1: One day my dad and his 2 brothers skipped school to chop down a tree on their farm. There was only one ax, so they took turns. During one of my dad’s turns the tree was almost ready to fall. It was his older brother’s turn, but my dad wanted to strike the final blow. His brother tried to stop him, but my dad was determined. He took one more swing…and he put the ax into his brother’s leg!!! Their younger sister ran screaming for help. It couldn’t have been too deep a cut—my uncle walks fine. How hard can an 8 yr-old swing an ax???

Incident #2: Skip to #3 if you are squeamish! Whew! Here goes. Back in the day, where they grew up, boys were not circumcised until just before they started school. When it was my dad’s turn, he was rewarded with a bag of candy for taking it like a man! Later his younger brother asked if he could have some of the candy. My dad told him it was only for boys who had been circumcised. My uncle was afraid of doctors, but he really wanted the candy. My dad came up with a solution. He had watched the doctor and was sure he could handle the procedure. Yes! He grabbed his mother’s shears and took his little brother down to their barn. A few minutes later their younger sister walked into the barn, saw blood, and ran screaming for help. Fortunately that uncle was fine too—he went on to father 4 kids. No DNA confirmation though! Haha!

Incident #3: There was a covered bridge near my dad’s farm. He and his brothers liked to climb up inside it where no one could see them. Sometimes they would just hang out. Other times they would pay attention, waiting for cars to approach the bridge. They especially liked to see a convertible w/its top down. Why? Because they would try to time it so that as the car passed over the bridge (and under the covered part) they would pee on the car. My dad the juvenile delinquent! =)

After hearing how my dad had tramatized his brothers and little sister I understood why he thought he needed to be a drill sergeant. He was afraid we might take after him!!! LOL!

Also, as much as these stories made me cringe, I took them as reminders that parents are people too. They have a past full of successes and failures, good decisions and bad, etc., etc. If you have a mom or dad who is a hero to you, treasure that. They worked hard to achieve it. If you don't, well, they're only us.


  1. Hahahaha! Rick, your dad is quite a character. So "Dennis the Menace" got his genes from the dad. I guess now you are a drill sergeant too. Hahaha!

  2. Aren't dads really like that? It's because of that kind of vibe that they give that I purposely distanced myself from my own dad when I was a little, goes to show that I don't agree with his ways. The thing is, most parents don't go with change, thinking that the way they were brought up should also be the way that they're supposed to raise their children. Boo to that.

  3. Oh poor brothers and sister! I'm so amazed that they're all okay with no long-term psychological damage! Haha. Thank your dad that you didn't end up doing any DIY circumcisions to anyone you know!
    LOL thanks for offering to help me gain more entries ! Unfortunately it doesn't work that way! There should really be more unisex'd giveaways on blog! Seems like lots of them are geered towards females.

  4. LOL @ the circumcision :S im pretty squeamish buut reading your warning made me want to read it more lol.

    very true about parents... i adore mine :) theyre not perfect, but hey, my siblings and i turned out pretty good... i think lol


  5. one question. is your dad a surgeon?

    if he's not... he definitely should have been one. ax-ing the leg = orthopaedics or vascular surgeon
    circumcision = urology.

    i adore your dad's natural talent as a surgeon :D

  6. wow, your dad was quite the trouble maker! i can't believe he actually tried to circumcise your uncle.. haha. kids those days! now we have the internet :)

  7. uh ok... your dad was a trouble maker, but uhm... doesn't it run in the family too? how about you? :P

    there's so much running and screaming and blood back in those days hahahaha....


  8. @Leah: Haha...benevolent dictator for the kids and humble servant to the wife!!!

    @r u s s: Sounds like you will be flexible w/your kids. =)

    @applePIE.: Me? No way! but there was one teeny tiny accident with a garden hoe. LOL

    @LOLanne: LOL, warnings backfire a lot!

    @girl in stiletto: Haha, no, but the story came out because he had stitched up something and one of his brothers joked that he always did seem to want to be a doctor! When he removed splinters I wished he had an anesthesiologist working with him!

    @Christy: He said he would have finished the job if his sister hadn't interupted them!

    @Toothfairy: Not me! I would say it skipped a generation, but 2 of my sisters thought there was something wrong with their first brother because they'd never seen a boy before. They wrapped his little weenie in scotch tape to help him "heal". {shiver}

  9. oh my god.. hahaha.. my dad is the second oldest of 10. yes ten siblings. he barely did trouble because his family is very strict on something. his parents taught him to be discipline and learned to work hard to achieve something. i hate it when my dad had to tell story about him in the past, all he talked about was his moment being grounded by his parents for not sharing foods to his bros or sisters how he had to walk for miles to go to his school and blaaa blaa blaaa..nothing as cool as your dad! :):)

  10. OMG at #2 O_O
    lol inserting a warning will only make sure that we read it haha
    i bet there was never a boring moment with your dad and uncles around when they were kids!
