Monday, December 21, 2009

Unwanted Gifts

Have you heard of duckpin bowling? It uses 10 pins, but they are much smaller than regular pins and the balls are smaller. They weigh about 5 pounds and have no holes for your fingers. You hold them like a softball. Aside from the size, the big difference is that you get a 3rd throw. Because of that, duckpin bowling balls are bought in pairs. If you don't get a strike or a spare, you get to throw another ball to try to get more pins. It's a more frustrating game because you can throw the ball right down the middle and only get two pins. And your next ball can go right through the hole left by the first one.

Now that you know something about duckpin bowling, this story is really about a past Christmas present. I used to bowl in a league with my mom--her team members quit and she needed teammates. Anyway, on Christmas that year my girlfried (now my wife) handed me a wrapped box and asked me to guess what it was. It was a perfect cube and heavy for it's size--about five pounds. I thought maybe it was a bowling ball, but there was only one, so it couldn't be. I told her I had a guess, but it just couldn't be what I thought it was. She kept asking me to guess. She looked so excited. Finally I gave in and made a guess. I told her I thought it was a bowling ball, but it couldn't be because they came in pairs.

Her excitement disappeared and was replaced by a quivering lip. She was soooo upset. "I thought I got you the perfect gift, but I screwed it up!" It took a lot a work to calm her down and convince her how happy I was to get the gift. I had to go out the next day and buy the matching ball myself so I could use her gift. I used them every week when I bowled with my mom--my girlfriend frequently showed up to watch us. Just for the record, I didn't like those bowling balls!!! They were too light and produced terrible pin action! But using them was better than seeing that quivering lip again! I think I still have them in a closet around here somewhere.

Do you have any gifts from loved ones that you don't like, but wear or use just to make the the giver happy?


  1. hey rick! is she still convinced that you like them?! haha! well my bfs mom usually gets me something when she travels so last year she brought back a nike shirt.... wait for it..........with NEON GREEN SLEEVES. I haven't worn it to this day. haha!

  2. awwww it's the meaning behind it that counts :)

  3. awww quivering lips = women's secret weapon against men lol. i like to think i've perfected it over the years... although i do use it sparingly ;)

    now that im thinking about it though... i dont think ive ever received a present that i didnt like/love!


  4. Rick, you are soooooo sweet. That's another side of you I don't know yet.

  5. That's a cute story and at the same time a perfect example that it's the thought that counts. What matters is she gave you something.Ü I've had my share of stuff too that I rarely use, BUT I do make it a point to show the person that the present is being used even if it were just once ... nice post.

  6. @Kym: Unless she reads this, she still thinks it was the perfect gift. Neon green, oh no! Maybe you could slip it into your next tee-shirt shipment (accidentally, of course) just to get rid of it. =)

    @Manju: Absolutely! It's so nice for someone to take the time and effort to give a gift.

    @LOLanne: I've never gotten a gift I didn't appreciate, but I've gotten a few I didn't like. But no names! LOL

    @Leah: Um, no I'm not!!! {blush}

    @r u s s: That's nice--that you make sure the person knows the gift didn't just get thrown in a closet. =)

  7. Hey there, thanks for the loveliest comment on my post :)

    Getting a gift that you don't appreciate and getting a gift that you don't like is definitely different.

    You did appreciate the gift although, err, you don't really, errr, like it :) and that's a sweet thing to do :)

  8. yeah i do that . just wear it like once (most twice) to make dem happy. all i care is deir effort to buy a gift . not how much i like it :D
    enjoy your last few days of 2009 !
    hope you havent wasted this year for nothing ;)
    visit my blog + comment + follow !
    GLISTERS AND BLISTERS. blogspot . com

  9. i've received a couple of things that weren't my cup of tea but it's the thought that counts right? =D

  10. I think I do have a few gifts I didn't really like, but never told the giver. I'm grateful that I got something in the first place, so it's ok. I might not use it, but won't throw it away either.


  11. thx for ur comments .
    awesome post !
    keep up the blogging work .

    wish you a merry christmas in 2 days !
    visit my blog + comment + follow !
    GLISTERS AND BLISTERS. blogspot . com

  12. On giving gifts, it is always the thoughts that count. But to admit, i had received gift that I haven't used up to these days (guilty!) but i am keeping it.

    Wish you all the best this christmas! and thanks for that comment - I'm just posting in between my breaks. I really missed blogging and I still got lots of updating on my blog and catching up with other blogs too.

    By the way, if you're not too busy preparing for the holiday please drop by my blog, i have tagged you in my 2009 sign off post :)

  13. Hahaha, the quivering lip... I TOTALLY use that against my husband!! ;)

    I honestly don't. I am all about practicality. If I'm not going to use it, it's not staying in my house! And everyone knows! lol

  14. The thought really counts . . . a sweet thing! :)

  15. Rick, you always make me laugh... every single comment you make keeps me on my toes.

  16. i wish you could share your snow too ;) hehe
    merry christmassssssssss xD

  17. I've gotten a few gifts that I didn't remotely like! I mean, what the heck am I supposed to do with a hundred picture frames, right? But at least I didn't have to use them to please anyone. LOL

  18. I actually can't really remember a specific present I didn't like. But what counts is the fact that it was given to you by someone who cares, and then it doesn't matter what it is. It can be a lollipop or something you don't need. In that case I give it to others :-) But I appreciate every present I get ftom heart.
