Saturday, January 2, 2010

A piece of me...January Twenty-Ten

This is a monthly game started by Notes from the Toothfairy. The game is to share info about yourself on the 1st Sunday of every month. This month....

I like: to sing in the shower

I don't like: to be heard singing in the shower

I want you to know: this morning I sang "Impossible Dream"

I've planned: to cross bridges as a come to them and not worry about it beforehand

I want to say to someone special: Happy birthday Stinkerbell!!!

Did you hear about the failed "frog" holiday record? It was going to be like the Xmas caroles barked by dogs. Sadly they tried to record the "12 days of Xmas" and it was too long. The frogs croaked!

One of my nephews told me that joke!


  1. i dont like singing in the shower cuz sometimes i feel like drowning...

  2. Haha oh singing in the you tend to sing at a lower volume to ensure that no one hears you, or do you belch out your tunes as if no one is there? I'd be way too self-conscious!

    *whew at least now I know my blog wouldn't get completely deserted if I become MIA for a few months! Definitely good to know! Haha.

  3. i'm laughing at the stiletto babe's answer coz my singing stinks too >_<

  4. I sing all the time (out of tune if you're interested to know lol) =D

  5. Hahaa! This is a cute and funny post for A PIECE OF ME. So.... Tell us Rick, you sing in the shower but I'd assume that you don't sing loud because you don't want people to hear? LOL. Happy New Year again.Ü

  6. Showers offer the best acoustics! :D

  7. awww i haven't sang in the shower in forever = ] my turn!!

  8. Hello Dear!

    how are you today hope you have a lovely sunday...
    well I think you felt good you wrote a jokes so ...that´s a good sign for me...hehehe!
    -Thanks for dropping by in my blog...
    It would be my pleasure if you come by again...

    with hug...s


  9. Well, I never did sing under the shower... maybe I should try it out? But I am an awful singer :-)))

  10. hahahhaa.. i used to sing at the shower too and I think it helps...hahahha! my voice became better and they said i was like a frog before and now like a..a...a bird??? hahhah, joke!

    Have a blessed sunday my friend!

  11. Of all the songs that you will sing in the shower, why choose that song? I was hoping you'll sing "I'm too sexy for my body". Hahaha!

  12. Hey Sweetie! You sing in the shower?! hehehehe. So do I?! Do I hear a duet coming up? lols... Happy New Year to you and your family Rick! And cheers to more singing in the shower days. =)

  13. Ha! thats a cute joke.

    I like to sing in the car, at night, on long drives, alone. I blast that shit so loud and sing my heart out!

  14. haha, I like to sing in the shower as well, but never do, because I think my bro would kill me... I do sing in the car while driving though, and drum along too!

    I actually wish I could sing better and on a higher level!


  15. oh btw... eye check up went not so well...

  16. hehehe i always sing in the shower.... and i want them to hear me...
