I was going to do a serious post today, but there has been so much "B-love" expressed in blogworld lately I decided to share my B-story instead. Have a great weekend folks!!!
I stay calm around bees because my grandpa told me bees don’t want to sting you. If you stay calm and leave them alone, they will leave you alone. It works pretty well. I was good at the “calm” part, but once in a while I seemed to have trouble leaving them alone.
One of the most painful incidents was made worse because of who witnessed it—the cute, young mom next door. Her house was at the top of the hill between my house and my grandmother’s. I was 15, she was 26. Anyway, weeds were growing out of the sandstones piled along our dirt road across from my grandma’s store. The weeds scratched against my dad’s car and he wanted me to trim them using our whip—you swing it like a golf club, it has a blade on the end.
I started the job one afternoon after school. As I walked up the hill I noticed my neighbor was on her porch. She waved and said hi, I tried to look cool--I had a little crush on her. I started cutting weeds at the bottom of the hill on the other side and worked my way back towards my neighbor...I mean my house! Soon I was half-way up the hill. I could see the top of her house, but I couldn’t see the porch yet because of the hill. I was not playing full attention to what I was doing. I didn’t think anything about the few bees I saw—bees were common in my neighborhood. I didn’t notice they were ground bees (yellow jackets). It never occurred to me there might be a nest in the rocks. I just kept swinging!
Before I knew it, I heard the unmistakable sound of many bees taking flight. One stung my arm and a few got under my shirt. Here's how my neighbor described (the next day) what she saw happen.
Her: What happened to you yesterday? I heard you yell and then I saw your whip fly up in the air over the top of the hill. Then I saw your shirt fly up in the air….and then you came running up over the hill waving your arms all around your head. It looked like you had gone crazy!!!
Me: Umm, I found a bee’s nest and they found me.
Her: ahahahahahaha!!!! Oh, I’m sorry, I hope you’re okay. But you just looked ridiculous!
Me: {dejected}
What hurt more, getting stung 5 times or looking like an idiot in front of miss cute (well, mrs. cute)? Definitely getting stung hurt more!!! But both were caused by stupid bees. BEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! Argh!
Bonus Story – In case you have nothing else to do at the moment.
The first time I was stung by a bee I deserved it--and I was punished horribly! I was sitting under trees next to our driveway—I was 6 or 7. I noticed the birdhouse in one of the trees had been taken over by bees. I had been playing with an old, broken toy train car and I wondered if I could throw it and hit the birdhouse from where I was sitting. I nailed it. I was so proud…until I saw the bees rushing out of the bird house! I ran, but not fast enough—if only I had been wearing magic sneakers. LOL! I was lucky to only be stung once, but it was in a bad place. A private place. The place where a teacher would have gone to jail if he touched me there. It was horrible and all my own fault! My grandpa shared his wisdom while I was recovering from the painful, painful swelling. I do my best to LEAVE BEES ALONE!!!
Do you remember the first time you were stung???
Aw, thats so cute, sad, and funny all at once.
ReplyDeleteBelieve the first bee sting I ever received was when I was about 5 and went down a slide and instead of putting my legs and feet down to stand up I just slid and then landed on my bottom and also on top of a bee.
Hahaha! Rick, you cannot do a serious post and please don't. I love your stories... I can't imagine you talking about serious stuff anymore. It will not be YOU.
ReplyDeleteYou got stung in a place "that cannot be named"? Hahaha!
i wonder whats the feeling of being stung by a bee? haha!
ReplyDeletei noticed that you write your stories well.
maybe someday you can write a story for us, like love stories or anything, something fictional, serial.
have a wonderful weekend to you rick!
weee...hahha beleive it or not dear friend..i witness a boy on his 12 and I was 24 but I was still single then and I knew this boy has a crush on me. One day he do cleaning their yard (like what you do..heheh) as to impress me..hahah. But suddenly beehive from their guava tree broke and bees coming and he run like forest gump soo funny to seee..hahahah!
ReplyDeleteuuh..do i sound naive? ok..poor boy! lol.
thanks for sharing this story..its funny!
I guess you and the bees just can't get enough of each other. Hahaha ... great story.
ReplyDeleteOh no.Next time beeeeeeeee careful. Hehehe. I hate bees. Just the sight of them scares me. =)
ReplyDeletehaha. now we both have experience with bees.
ReplyDeleteit sucks. i know:)
Wow Rick, you certainly have a LOT of experiences with bees! You must be their favorite! :)
ReplyDeleteehem! that must have hurt!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a funny story! Wow, this must have hurt so much! :-) Luckily, I have NEVER been stung until now by mean bees, because I avoid them as best as I can. I really hate them and panic as soon one comes near me. More than bees, I seem to attract mosquitos. Whenever I am in Japan, I get stung so much, my whole body swells, hahaha!
ReplyDeleteLOLOL way to play it cool in front of the hot neighbor mom !
ReplyDeletebees are honestly evil ! it's impossible to stay calm when they buzz so darn loudly and fly so darn close and you KNOW if they sting you it will hurt so darn bad! the first time i was stung i was playing in a playground and all of a sudden i feel something on top of my head so i go and touch it/grab it...the bee did NOT like being grabbed so it decided to sting me right on my head. i was like...10 or so and cried like crazy so my parents took me to the emergency room ! hahaha.
@Megan: Not my best day, but in time things like that become funny. That was a rough first slide you had. I've heard the sting is worse when the bee is getting squashed at the time!
ReplyDelete@Leah: Hrrumph! I don't have many facets, but I have a few!!! LOL
@GirL With GLasSes: It's worse than the worst shot you've ever gotten. The venom makes it feel like you're still getting stung even after it's over. Then the area around the sting swells and hurts. It's worse if you're allergic. I hope you don't experience it! Thank you for such a kind comment. =)
@Laikka: I believe it!!! I hope you were kind to the poor boy.
@Wenny Yap: Hahaha, I've had enough of them--once I was stung 6 times by honey bees while at the top of a long ladder picking apples for my dad...and a few other painful encounters.
@ChinkyGirLMeL: LOL! That's cute. I still stay calm when I see bees. If one goes in my soda can when I'm eating outside I just wait until it's finished and flies away.
@ambiguous_angel: I'm sorry, I really wish you didn't...it's one experience we don't need! =)
@krissy: I thought you were gonig to say I must be sweet. hahaha!
@Blair: Um, yeah! I have a joke or two related to that, but they might be inappropriate. LOL
@Thanh Thao: I'm glad you haven't been stung, but that's awful about the mosquitos--they're so annoying. At least bees have a useful purpose.
@applePIE: Oh no, you grabbed a bee!!! I bet it hurts worse on top of the head than on an arm (for example). My grandma used to tell me to put an onion slice on a sting, but I never noticed that doing anything other then making me smell like an onion. I haven't been stung in a while and I hope to keep it that way. =)
hahaha..really? you're never be serious about this, ric.
ReplyDeleteoh yeah i did. i was practically want to know what bees are. i was still 9, and i climbed up trees alot. i poke their nestle with a stick until one of them went out and strung my arms. the swollen was big and whenever i saw bee i'll yell "I'M BITTER" because i'm scared and they know they love something sweet. stupid i know.
LOLz your bees stories are classic!! XD XD but it was good that you didnt get stung more than those few, because it could be fatal. I'm sure you are more sharp and aware around bees now? or at least can instruct other better on what to do when facing bees lolz
ReplyDeletehaha thanks for the comment ; aww poor bees at least you know they're dead now (coz they stung you) i don't think ive ever been stung by a bee and when i got my one and only tattoo, i learned it was suppose to feeel like a million bee stings, (& i wish i really have been stung so i knew how it'd feel lol!)
ReplyDelete@NITIA/MONTO: Hahaha! I guess you and I learned our lesson about bees the same way. Sadly, the only fiction I have ever posted was that silly one about mining for diamonds! Everything else is completely true.
ReplyDelete@acutelife: I did see a doctor once after getting multiple stings. My arm, face and lips were swelling. But he kept me waiting so long (trying to reach my parents) the swelling started going down by itself. He prescribed steriods anyway just to be safe.
Yes, I notice bees very quickly, but stay calm about it. That's really my only advice--stay calm unless you know the bees are agitated--then run!!! At one picnic my niece panicked at the sight of one bee (that was minding it's own business). She started jumping around and screaming--she knocked me backwards over a picnic bench. I was a casualty of her panicking!!! LOL
@em.me.ma: I couldn't get a tattoo. I think I handle pain pretty well, but I never volunteer for it! The pain of a sting depends on the type of bee. Honey bees aren't as bad, but still painful.
ReplyDeletedejected...haha! aw man. that's what i call a fail.
ReplyDeletei've never been stung by a bee but i did step on one and that shit hurt like HELLL!!!!
LOL!!! I bet that was so embarrassing for you!
ReplyDeleteMy first time was while I was on the swings and I didn't know there was a bee in the air and it stung me in the leg! It was a big bee too....