The subject of ironing has been coming up recently with various friends. Does anyone enjoy ironing??? I've gotten to be pretty good with an iron, but I don't like doing it. I am very thorough when I iron. I'm probably not the fastest and, again, I don't like to iron, but if I've got a job to do I want to do it right!
I ironed some when I was a kid, but I acquired most of my skill after I got married. My wife used to do all of my ironing. Then I made a mistake. It was a joke. I thought I was being cute! But it was a big mistake. As I mentioned, my wife used to do my ironing, but there was sort of an on-going problem with it. She sometimes started a new crease in my pants legs rather than following the old one--and then there would be two, one sharp and one rounded.
One cold December afternoon she had just finished ironing a pair of pants for me. When I looked at them I saw three creases. A cute little joke popped into my head. I said, "Gosh honey, there are so many creases in these pants, no one will know which direction I'm walking."
I expected the usual laugh and a slap on the arm. Instead I got the unbearable quivering lip. I really can't handle that. I apologized, but it was too late. She said she was "never going to iron again". She is a woman of her word. She has NOT ironed anything for me since then.
Hmmmmm, somehow the story seems incomplete. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention she was 8.5 months pregnant at the time. That’s probably what made her over-react. So unreasonable . Women! {sigh} Haha!
But seriously, I learned my lesson. I don’t complain about what other people do for me unless it’s something I’m willing to do myself—forever!!! LOL!
hahaha..lesson learned!! this is another funny story from u Ric..
ReplyDeleteWell, I quite like ironing..And just like you, I always try to do it as best as I could..And my family like how I iron so much that they always ask me to iron their clothes now = =
Haha aww your poor wife! I'm actually surprised she hasn't ironed anything for you since then! That's dedication right there.
ReplyDelete& please. women do not overreact, what're you talking about? *rolls eyes* haha.
no, i don't enjoy ironing...
ReplyDeleteSERVES YOU RIGHT!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete(i kid! use lots of steam, it works better than plain old iron)
awww your wife is soooo cute! ive ironed a couple of bf's shirts before... i dont like it either, anddd i made it clear to him that me ironing his shirts was a "one time thing" lol
Ahaha now that's a woman after my own heart!!! ;p ;P
ReplyDeleteLOL, good job Ric! Wife = 1 pt Ric = 0. At work we use a fabric steamer, it is the best invention everrrrr!
ReplyDeleteI like this: I don't complain about what other people do for me unless I'm willing to do it myself.
ReplyDeleteI go by that principle too.
And I hate ironing, my mother hates it too so we have our clothes ironed. It's more convenient that way ☮.♥.☆
I have an easy solution to ironing...I just don't do it. I can't remember the last time I did it.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! I don't iron very well but my husband does. Total role reversal!
Mwahaha I can totally relate with the "quivering lips" effect, that technique has won me a lot of favors :D
ReplyDeleteI am not much into ironing... Come to think of it I am not much into ANY household chores :D
haha. that's what you got. you deserve it..
ReplyDelete~just kidding:)
LOLz I wish I could go on strike forever but that would mean risking my future-kids too XD thanks for the words of encouragement rick! I certainly will be learning my best!
ReplyDeleteI actually never iron myself, and I am really thankful my mom does it for me. :-)
ReplyDeleteI prefer doing laundry and washing the dishes, but ironing seems so annyoing to me!
See? Your wife did you a favour with not ironing for you anymore, instead you learned to do it for yourself! XD
LoL!.. i never had the "talent" in ironing.. everytime i try to do it.. i always end up giving the clothes more obvious creases.. so i gave up on it.. hehe
ReplyDeletebut since u learned how to do it yourself.. i prolly try once more.. hope ill be as successful as u are.. haha
ironing is most likely to be second hated chore. i hate ironing but i hate folding clothes even more. =S
ReplyDeletei try to iron less things n wear less crisp shirts. when i iron my shirts, they have to be starched crisp - which can be a pain in the ass to do.
hahahha that's what you get for throwing jokes at a 8.5 months pregnant lady!!! ;P you should get an iron press like mine.. 125lbs but does the job in 10 seconds. :)
ReplyDeletedaaaang that sucks for you! lolol i actually find ironing therapeutic. maybe it's the steam and the way everything comes out smooth. but i'm not very good at it, at all!
ReplyDeleteRick, I am the iron queen. I cannot go out without having my clothes re-ironed again.
ReplyDeletelollll that's what you get for complaining ;P
ReplyDeletebut seriously, i'm really lazy about ironing