Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Fiction

This is a big change for me--writing fiction. But today I'm in the mood to be silly and I was motivated to write a follow-up to my last post.

Mining Journal - Day 4
The entrance to the diamond mine (under the kitchen table) is clear again after yesterday's cave-in. I suspected the tower of empty Pizza Hut boxes wasn't stable, but I didn't think it would collapse into the mine. I need to order PapaJohn's next time.

The mining work is harder than expected. Perhaps I shouldn't have taken it on alone. Sleep evades me--I keep seeing the herd of dust bunnies I wiped out. The first few were an accident, but when the survivors mounted a counter-attack, I had no choice but to turn the Dustbuster on them. I don't think I'll ever get their dust off my conscience--or out of my sinuses.

No sign of diamonds yet. My spirits are sagging. Today things went from bad to worse. Bandit ate my HotPocket and I'm almost out of Dr. Pepper. The only thing keeping me going is the knowledge that Toothfairy is organizing a team of bloggers to assist me. Got to hold on!

Hurry bloggers, HURRY!!! (It's finders keepers on the diamonds.)

Things will be okay when they get here. They will have no problem clearing out the neighboring dust bunny herds (mopping/dusting), re-stocking provisions (grocery shopping), and making sure the mine is kept clear of those dumb pizza boxes (take out garbage). It would be great if one of them would handle the cooking. And, of course, someone to do laundry, someone to iron, someone to do dishes, etc., etc., etc. Hmmm, if one of the bloggers will pay the bills, I wouldn’t even need any diamonds!!!

Once they arrive I can just go laze on the couch. Hurry bloggers! LOL!

PS - This crazy post might make a LITTLE sense if you've read the Toothfairy's comment on my previous post--Return of the Stone. Rather than objecting or defending myself, I thought I might as well write something silly in response! =)


  1. yeah right i'm just putting on my playboy bunny outfit lmao! finders, keepers right? ;)

  2. :P

    You know, I actually wanted to prevent the playboy bunnies coming over to your house, but apparently, I failed and became the head of the bunny army!


  3. Just for the record, I'm pretty sure I never said anything about what to wear for mining!!! LOL

  4. The toothfairy is the head of the team... I will do the supervising. I'll be the foreman (rather forewoman). Wait, what's at stake for us?

    Wait, I'll gat back to you. I just have to load the laundry. This sucks...I never did the laundry back home. Hahaha!

  5. :) You have a bright future here Rick. Hahaa. LOL at Toothfairy!

  6. Hahah oh dear imagine the look on your wife's face when this army of playboybunnies/miners/slaves come marching into your home ! I'm sure that would be priceless!

    & had I known that "knock my socks off" was the key to being the perfect girlfriend, I would've said it sooner ! Haha. you should DEFINITELY start that series! I should start the boyfriend version, guys are so much more clueless ! haha

    And I personally think accounting >>> english, by far!

  7. DUST bunnies, DUST bunnies!!! You know, the accumulation of fluffy dust under furniture. You look under the bed for your slippers, but find dust bunnies instead!

  8. ^HAHA that comment made me laugh, you can see how the two can easily be mistaken for each other, no?

    the 2 stories you told me about mistaken identities made me LOL too! HAHA it's funny how one woman would glare angrily at you for smiling at her, and the other would laugh. Imagine if the door had been unlocked, then it'd be a totally different story!

  9. Hahahaha.. ALL THE BEST! :D
    This reminds me of a coal mine I went to. I got plain ol' coal, though. No diamonds!

  10. wow.
    reading that was fun:)
    keep it coming--
    im loving it:)

  11. I've got funny images on my mind. I was thinking since I am petite, all the bunnies will be marching according to height. I will be the first one on the line. Dust bunnies with a sound weeeeweeeweee haha!

  12. What a funny story! A bunny team lead by Toothfairy, that would be pretty cool! :-))

  13. Can I be a character in the story ?!

    I want to be the villain that takes one of the other bloggers hostage in exchange for the diamond!

    (you can kill me off in some awesome sword fight!)

  14. haha.. we want more fiction stories!!! not sure why, but this totally reminds me of snow white!! lol, ric you are snow white!

    OOoo cool, what is the object?? And that is kinda random, no? haha

  15. Seems that the prospect of mining for diamonds is getting low after the attack of the pizza boxes and dust bunnies hahaa ;D

  16. lol...thanks for putting a smile on my face through this post and the comments??? wow! there's really a diamonds here! hahahah
