Monday, January 18, 2010

Car Insurance

Several weeks ago my wife reminded me of a weird story about my family! Our car insurance bill arrived in the mail and that prompted her to say, "Gee, I still can't believe....

After I got my driver's license I was eager to buy a car so I wouldn't have to walk back and forth to work. My parents agreed to put the car in their name to help lower the insurance rate for me, but told me it would still be expensive since I was a teenager. That car was a real clunker, but that's another story.

Every six months my mom would tell me how much I owed and I forked it over. It was a lot. But I was a teenager, that's just how it works.

A few years and a few cars later I got married. We decided to get a car in both our names and traded in the one I had registered to my parents. The "new" car was a lot newer than the trade-in, so I knew the insurance would be a lot higher--but I hoped being married would offset that somewhat. We went to the insurance agent's office to fill out the forms for our policy and the agent shocked me. He gave us a quote that was less than half of what I paid for the older car. I asked him why it was soooo much less.

The agent checked my parent's file for the information on my old car. He asked me again how much I had been paying. When I told him the amount he started laughing--and then he apologized. The amount I had been paying my parents to cover my share of their car insurance bill was actually the ENTIRE bill--for my car and both of theirs!!! Later my dad explained his thinking--he said having me on their policy raised the rate on all 3 cars, so he thought it was fair for me to pay the entire bill.

I wonder if he collected the entire amount from my brothers too before they struck out on their own??? LOL!!!


  1. LOL!!!! That is soooo funny!!!! lol!! You should've asked your parents to pay you back... hahaha

  2. LOL that's pretty funny! How tricky of your parents, but oh what a good idea ;D Maybe I'll use that on my kid one day. LOL

  3. That's hilarious. You have some sneaky parents..but I guess it worked.

    In reality, a small price to pay I suppose considering how much the probably spent in total raising you. :P

  4. lmao ahahhaah thats horrible!!! im sooo happy AND lucky... my parents never charged me a single cent for my car insurance when i started driving... mine alone was $400/month! :S


  5. hahahha...wise parents and i sense you got some of it..weeee!

    Good day!

  6. Ahaha you really have the funniest stories Rick! :D

  7. Hahaha oh my goodness so sneaky. It must have been a ridiculous amount to pay! Your parents must've sneakily snickered to each other every 6 months when you paid them =p

  8. you can write a book with your funny experiences..
    ill surely buy:)

  9. Hahaha..funny..that's a good idea though :)

  10. You have been paying for their insurances as well the whole time lol!

    Rules, restrictions, or exclusions for the awards? Hmmm, I'm not sure either. I usually ignore them hahaha XD

  11. hello... just dropping by... have a great week!!!

  12. Can't help but laugh when I came to the point of knowing you're paying for your parent's car as well. Totally sneaky!

  13. Very sneaky parents, I must say! :-) Tell them you want your money back, hahahaha! XDDD (or at least a part ^o^)

  14. your parents are mean. ahaha. that is very not nice to manipulate children like that.

    but why on earth did you fall for that, ric??? lolness. glad this time you don't have to pay THAT much :D

  15. LOL! this sure is hilarious! and this just inspired me to the same thing to my future kids. talk about earning your needs and wants! :D

  16. Haha, aw I loved this story. Thinking of trying this method on your kids one day?

  17. You crack me up! Like you always do.
    I look forward to your next funny story ☮.♥.☆

  18. ahhhh so sneaky!!!!! lolzzz
    i'm gonna keep this in mind for when i have kids *evil grin*

  19. LOL your parents are quite the character!

    p.s. the chili is SUPER HOT! like a pea size amount would literally burn your mouth for days, lol.
