To me this is a funny story, but my wife is both amused and appalled by it. For an all-american-boy-next-door, I think I had some unusual experiences growing up. But who knows, maybe they're not that unusual.
But before I get started...ever see the old Bugs Bunny cartoons? In one, Daffy is trying to scare Elmer Fudd's dog so he won't go hunting with Elmer. He tells him hunting is when "two go out and one comes back, if you know what I mean!" {Elmer is going to shoot the dog}
As I've mentioned, we lived in a semi-rural area, a block or so from my grandma's tiny store. To get to our house you had to go up the hill on the dirt road next to her store and we lived at the bottom of the hill on the other side. Every once in a while she would call us at night because she thought someone was breaking into her store (she lived behind it). We didn't waste time calling the police. Instead my dad would load his handgun and tell me to put on my shoes--we were going into action!
My dad's SWAT tactics were always the same. We'd walk to the top of the hill together and then he would sneak around the back of the store on the right side (in the dark) while my job was to walk down the road (towards the only street light in the neighborhood) kicking rocks, making noise and drawing the attention of the criminals.
As I walked down the road, I always thought about that cartoon--two go out, one comes back. It worried me a little. There I was walking towards Lord knows what and thinking that even if there were no criminals, my crazy father might shoot me by accident. I'm happy to say that never happened. I'm also happy to say I never drew the attention of anyone actually dangerous (at least not related to this story). A few times there were teenagers outside the store and they ran when they heard me coming. But we did encounter one interesting drunk fellow. I was only 11 or 12, but I knew he had to be drunk because he kept pointing at me and yelling, "I'm not afraid of that young buck! I'm not afraid of you." That was crazy! For one thing, I was 12 at the most. More importantly, my father was standing there pointing a gun at him!!! But his big concern was making sure I knew he wasn't afraid of ME???? He had to be drunk.
Unfortunately, the next day the guy followed me from the bus stop in his car, yelling at me the whole time. I ignored him until we got to the railroad tracks. Then I walked down the tracks (away from my house) to put some distance between us. Being the weird little kid that I was, I headed away from my house because I didn't want him to see where I lived. I saw him again the next day, but this time he just slowed down enough to ask "are we cool?" I shrugged and said "sure" and then never saw him again. Thank goodness!
That was an interesting experience. Okay, it was weird! But it changed nothing. The next time my grandmother called in a possible 3-11 (burglary in progress), my dad and I queued up the SWAT theme music (jk about that part) and sprang into action!
PS - In case you are wondering where my older brothers were during these adventures--me too!!! Somehow I always ended up being my dad's partner in crime fighting. Maybe I should have titled this post "Starsky & Hutch" instead!!! LOL
I was supposed to ask that question: Where are the older brothers? But I guess you were the one meant to experience all these adventures. It's destiny Rick. Hahaha! And you are cool dude!
ReplyDeletePS... Rick, I'll buy you dinner. Just don't touch my hair. hahaha!
ReplyDeletesee, you're a born crim-fighter. we just need to get you a batmobile now
ReplyDeletei feel like as if you're a southern.
ReplyDeleteor ya know, like cowboy or something.
i don't know.... forgive me if i got it wrong ahha.
ReplyDeletewhat is wrong with me.... =S
hehhe...i really enjoy reading your stories Rick though its a little bit long but interesting and can gave a smile on my face:) even a laugh!
ReplyDeleteGood day to you mah friend!
Haha that guy was so day he's trying to freak you out, & the next day he's all cool ! So bizarre!
ReplyDeleteI have been working on avoiding writing comments on other blogs that are as long as posts and writing posts that are as long as books. I failed with this one and I'm sorry! My next post won't be a novel!!!
ReplyDelete@Leah: If I ever blog about my siblings, you'll be surprised. I think you're right about destiny! But I can't believe Shrek got to do something I can't!!! LOL
@Manju: When the Batman thing came up, I thought "Those night patrols finally paid off"! =)
@stiletto girl: We're on the edge of the south. My parents grew up on farms and I spent a LOT of time with my grandparents, so I think I ended up with old-fashioned southern manners.
@Laikka: It is too long! I'm glad you found it interesting.
@applePIE: Haha, yes! I started to say "no" at that last encounter, but realized it was better to let it go. I think alcohol had messed up his mind.
I really like the way you tell stories Rick, in reading this post I felt like I was one of your neighbors, peeping through the curtains and wondering what that father and son was doing! :D Yep, you're definitely a GI JOE (even though you're not in the army!)
ReplyDeleteThat guy was creepy, good thing he did not bother you again! :)
I think I'd like to have you as a neighbor, I'd expect to not have boring days on my street. Right? :)
ReplyDeleteLOL that's awesome and slightly scary. can't believe you were the front line man!! sounds like you had some good times with your dad though, which is great : )
ReplyDelete@krissy: That's very kind, thank you! I never thought about the neighbors. I hope none of them were watching!!! =)
ReplyDelete@r u s s: We would have lots of fun and the occassional excitement. Or maybe lots of excitement and the occassional fun! LOL
@sssdawna: I don't know if I'd call them good times, but definitely good experiences. Those patrols helped prepare me for the Halloween night I received my first real kiss. That sounds like an odd transition--and it was an odd night. I'll post about that soon.
Go go SWAT! :-p Your dad's kinda quirky. Good thing nothing bad happened.hehe
ReplyDeleteok, what's up with people following you?! haha!
ReplyDeleteHey Ric, you may be the last of your Dad's batalion but you are the Captain of the Band of Brothers.
ReplyDeleteInteresting story ... long ... but interesting ... honest, cross my heart ...
holy smokes! i was so into the story when i came to the part where the guy followed you the next day, i burst out laughing when he asked "are we cool?"!
ReplyDeleteit sounded like you live in a beautiful area. i wish i live at a rural area. i don't quite fancy the city.
eitherway, you've got one hell of a super fun dad! i can only imagine the scene!
Sorry for ruining your lunch :( What did you end up eating anyways?
ReplyDeleteyoungest brother, yet so adventurous. :) i don't recall that specific episode of Bugs Bunny, but I've been noticing more and more lately how many lines in "kids' shows" refer to more morbid/"grown-up" topics that I had never caught when I would watch them back in the day....
ReplyDelete@Sonia: Haha, his belief in standing up against the bad behavior of others was among his best traits. Rationalizing his own bad behavior was another story though!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@Christy: I hope it didn't warp me! =)
@Wenny Yap: Haha! Thank you! That's a cool analogy. Somewhere in blog world I mentioned my dad was like a drill sargeant at times.
@XANABIOTICX: I wanted to throw a rock at the guy when he asked me that!!! But I knew it was best to let it end. I did grow up in a great place. Lots of fields, woods, and my grandparents nearby.
@Dana Yoshimizu: You didn't ruin it! Please keep the food pictures coming. LOL!
@kimmy: The writers were pretty slick in slipping that stuff in. Maybe they did it so the parents wouldn't get bored??? I don't know, but some of it is funny.
Haha, it's all about how you present it to her. Maybe just ask her if she would like it? Mention it's free since there is nothing people like more than free stuff. Also words like MAC and special limited edition words like that always help cloud up the brain so the you think I need more make up question doesn't pop up or at least not until later.
ReplyDeletehaha, so you're a leg man!? ;D Oh and yes, face is by far the most important thing, in my opinion
ReplyDeleteyummm your lunch sounded pretty good! :)