I had an interesting drive to the train station this morning. As I approached my exit, an 18-wheel tractor-trailer was trying to merge onto the highway. I couldn't move into the left lane because a white truck was next to me and I needed to take the next exit anyway. The big-rig started merging into my lane like I wasn't there. I hit the gas and just barely escaped a terrible accident.
My feeling of relief didn't last long. The tractor-trailer (I'll just call it the truck from now on) driver blew his horn and gave me the finger. He almost crushed me between his truck and the white one and he was mad at ME!!! 95% of the time I would laugh at that. Most of my friends can't imagine me losing my temper, but....I don't feel well today and had no patience. I blew my horn and saluted him back.
It's not a good story, but unfortunately it didn't end there. When I took the exit for the train station, the truck took the same exit. That made sense--the train station is in a warehouse district. I passed the first warehouse, so did the truck. I passed ALL the warehouses, so did the truck. For some reason I started to feel amused--I was curious to see if he would take his rig into the train station parking lot. I turned into the train station, so did the truck.
Instead of parking where I normally do, I headed into the compact car parking lot. That crazy truck driver followed me in. A huge tractor-trailer in a compact car lot!!! Anyway, my plan was to loop around the lot and go out the other side--the truck was stuck in the lot and I could easily drive away to another station. But instead I hit the brakes. My momentary amusement at the truck driver's stupidity was replaced by anger. Who did that jerk think he was? Almost causing an accident and then stalking me!!! No way!
As I jumped out of my car, he hopped out of his rig. Have you ever seen "The Green Mile"? Remember the big guy with the weird powers? Yeah, him. The truck driver was his size. A freakin mountain. Time must slow down in moments like that, because I remember chuckling in my head and thinking, "Oh, my dad is going to be SO proud I died on my feet!!!"
But really I was still angry and it showed. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because of that thought about my dad, but as I charged towards the fellow I said, "Okay buddy, you tried to kill me once this morning, would you like to try again?" That startled him. He looked confused. He claimed the white truck waved him over and I cut him off. I corrected him.
You know what happened next? He apologized and shook my hand! Less than 60 seconds after being mad (crazy) enough to follow me into that lot, he was apologizing!!! I don't understand that. Maybe I startled him out of his anger. After we shook hands, I drove to the full-size parking lot and headed for the train. As the train pulled out I could see the truck still stuck in the parking lot...inching forward, inching back, inching forward, inching back. I'm sure he had a lot of explaining to do about why he was so late getting wherever he was supposed to be this morning. LOL!
Maybe someone should call the Pope because it's a small miracle this story ends with an "LOL". I'll get back to my usual light-hearted posting style next time (maybe about bees!), but this was just such an odd experience I wanted to write about it.
Whoah. look at you Rick, so brave! :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe the big truck driver thought at first that you are a pushover. It's great that you stood your ground! That'll teach him not to be a bully! :)
you are one brave man.hehe.
ReplyDeleteim glad it ended that way:)
Oh my goodness good thing a) the truck driver didn't kill you while merging and b) didn't punch your face in before talking it out! I'd be so scared if a truckdriver was following me, especially if I knew he was angry/crazy! At least he was willing to admit that he was wrong and apologized. I know a lot of people who have too much pride to even do that!
ReplyDeleteHEY! I nominated you for an award ^___^ && I also tagged you in a fun tag! I hope you have time to do it :)
ReplyDeleteDRive safely..drivers! ahehehe! It excite me while reading this story, cause knowing Rick, I thought the story will end up like... when i came out the car...the truck driver came out too...and waaaaa its my brother...lol!
ReplyDeletegood day!
ha! it's your batman instincts getting you to stand up to that guy hehe ;D
ReplyDeletep.s. i'm a fitness freak lazybum ahaha, whatever that is xD
@krissy and ambiguous_angel: Haha, I think I was just grouchy! I should have looped out of the parking lot as I'd planned. But who knows, the nut could have been waiting for me there the next morning, so it was better to settle it.
ReplyDelete@applePIE: It was an exciting morning. You're right, it was really amazing that he was able to apologize instead of rationalizing his bad behavior.
@Dana Yoshimizu: Eeeeeeee! =)
@teJan: It's funny you say that, I HAVE a crazy brother who probably gets mad in traffic and follows people!!!
@Manju: I need a catwoman signal so I can summon help next time! =)
Oh Rick, I can imagine how that truck driver looked like and I'm just glad that everything worked out fine. You've got the charm. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteahahah! it usually pisses me off too when people don't know WHEN or HOW to cut lanes. last time I got honked was when my friend drove my car and she wanted to change lane - into a 120kmph huge truck.
ReplyDeleteblimey i scolded my friend so bad i felt terrible afterward. i didn't allow her to drive for a few days ahaha. i keep on reminding her TO CHECK HER SIDE MIRROR BEFORE CHANGING LANE.
sigh - no wonder they say women are bad drivers. most of the time, i have to agree.
LOL I didn't think you'd get so excited XD HAHAHA
ReplyDelete& "I'm sure the inside voice thing is just a result of your energy and enthusiasm for life!" That's a good one. I should tell my parents & Raymond that! :D They'd love to hear that that's my explination for why my voice tends to be louder than most~ lol
Waa, thank god that nothing serious happened to you! This incident could have ended even worse!
ReplyDeleteBut it is really a miracle that the guy suddenly changed his mood and apologized! Truck drivers can be really scary!
I am wondering what your story about bees could be?? :-) Looking forward to that.
Oh, my goodness!!! I was shaking a little when you mentioned the merge. I get so nervous driving on the highway with big trucks!! I hate that feeling of being stuck between two trucks. Thank goodness you are okay! That is so strange of the truck driver to follow you and then to apologize so quickly....
definitely a miracle!! i would have called the cops once i saw the truck driver stalking me... thats just too scary! good think you intimidated the bajeebus out of the truck driver though ;)
Geez, Ric, I should say you're really brave. I had almost the same experience few years back, when a car cut my way. The driver was tall and his body was full of tattoo!! I was scared to death..But thanks God it ended up well, for your case also :)
ReplyDeleteNice story Rick! Im so glad you are unscathed, I was holding my breath when you mentioned about his size @.@ lolz but thankfully it ended very well. yes, it's a little miracle that reminds us every now and again that life is full of little miracles and surprises.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry about your wife diamond, maybe it's time to start looking around to buy her the replacement? :) let me know if you need any advice
OMG you are so fucking bad ass! I want to be in your company if I ever get stalked! WooHOO!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo you!
oh gosh rick, i've had a similar thing happen to me exept it didn't end as nicely as your story did!!!
Wow, you're the MAN! I don't think many of us drivers dare to face-off with the likes of such intimidating drivers ... truck, car or whatever they drive.
ReplyDeleteThank God nothing untoward happened but at least he's the wiser now ... hahaha!!!
@Leah: haha, luck, but I'm not sure about charm!
ReplyDelete@stiletto girl: You could have been flattened! You must really like her to let her drive your car again.
@Dana Yoshimizu: Hey, the truth is the truth!!! =)
@Thanh Thao: I get lucky like that a lot, I think I have a guardian angel (or two)!
@Elaine: Divine intervention!
@LOLanne: Hahaha, I don't think I could have intimidated him with a club. LOL
@Olivia Liem: I'm glad you were lucky too.
@acutelife: Thank you Hana! She convinced me the one she found was her's--it just looked smaller out of the ring. But we've got a lot of b-days, Xmas's and anniversaries ahead of us, so I will need help at some point. =)
@eQ: Haha, I would definitely watch your back!!!
@Kym: I'm so sorry! That woman's ignorance really makes me mad. I usually don't get angry when people are stupid towards me (I usually mock them--usually), but I can't tolerate it when people act ugly towards others. In August I had a run in with a "man" who was yelling at a tiny, older vietnamese woman in a Starbucks.
@Wenny Yap: Welcome! I've enjoyed your comments on other blogs. I have 5 older siblings who prepared me for moments like that!!! LOL
wow, talk about crazy road rage.. haha! i can't believe he stalked you into the parking garage! sometimes i get paranoid and think people are following me... haha.. but this time it actually happened to you! but at least he apologized and everybody went on merrily for the rest of the day!
ReplyDeletewhat a daredevil, you. hahah. i'm glad everything ended okay :) i think if it were me realizing he was stalking me, i wouldnt have the guts to get out of the car but i'd maybe take him on a wild goose chase..
ReplyDeleteaww thanks for the warm welcome back! :) i've missed reading your blogs, hopefully i will be around much more. have a good one ok!