Sunday, January 17, 2010

Three Day Weekend!

Oh the fun I'm having!!! Don't read this unless you are prepared to deal with deep feelings of jealously!

Okay, regular readers have probably already figured out from those two sentences that I'm not doing anything fun this weekend. But I am doing something necessary. My wife is sick. So this is a weekend of trips to the grocery and drug stores, cooking, cleaning-up, timing medicine, and trying to hold the place together until she's better--which I hope is soon because I'm starting to feel a little funky.

But I can't be sick on Monday. It's the holiday! Plus, I need to be well so I can replace the refill valve assembly on the toilet in our hallway bathroom. It stopped working tonight. I really know how to rock a holiday!!! I would ask for volunteers to come help, but that didn't turn out so well the last time--but I appreciate that your hearts were in the right place!!! LOL

I hope you all had good weekends, that you're healthy, and that things will be quiet in my office on Tuesday!


  1. I hope your wife gets better soon!

    So so jealous that I don't have a 3 day weekend ! But it's too bad that you'll have to spend yours fixing a toilet...haha

    & hopefully you don't get sick too!

  2. You know how things go, once 1 thing goes bad a bunch of other shit goes bad! I truly hope not in your case. I hope you wife gets better soon. i'll be sending you some happy get well soon vibes!

  3. regardless of all the chores you have to do... im still jealous you get a long weekend! next one for me is not til the second week of feb :(( booo

    hope your wife gets better though!!


  4. Aww. Aren't you a sweetie to your wife? :)
    Keep it up, enjoy your long weekend.

  5. thank you I do have a good weekend...bit boring thou my hb is working but my kids is with me alone ...hehehe
    hope she´s gets better now...
    CR mens work...

    happy monday....thanks for dropping by and writing a comment..

  6. I hope your wife gets better soon! And I know that even with all the chores you have to do, you will still manage to have fun. Ü

  7. Hope your wife is feeling better Rick. Nyquil works.

    PS...I published the ode.


    Rick and the family needs help, it's for a good cause this time, Batman is in trouble. :P

    Hope you and your wife feel better soon, don't get sick yourself!


  9. booo, i want a long weekend too!!! darn you americans. hhahaha! ;P feel better soon mrs. ricademus! :(

  10. my bathroom faucet is busted and i am so pissed...

    anyway, why cant you use the crucifix from vatican? ok... ill just wait for the time that youll blog about it... haha!

  11. LOL sounds like my day too! I have a lot of cleaning and rearranging tonight.

  12. i slept my entire weekend. damn me, damn.get well soon mrs!
