Whenever I got a new pair of sneakers when I was little, I felt like they gave me the power to run super fast! I would go outside and let them work their magic. At times I almost felt like I was flying, like my little legs wouldn’t be able to keep up with the shoes. I loved that feeling!
During one of my mad dashes across the yard, something was headed the opposite direction. A huge bumble bee! That thing nailed me right in the middle of my forehead. Thanks to my reckless speed at that moment and the bee’s speed, I got knocked on my butt. My head stopped when the bee hit me, but my feet kept going…so of course I ended up on the ground. I didn't get stung, but I did end up with a big, red welt on my head from the impact.
I really wish I could find that same brand of shoe today to see if they're still magical. But I'm not sure where my parents got them. Please let me know if you see them anywhere. My brothers called them "maypops", but the designer label stamped on the bottom read “irregular”. Is that an Italian designer??? LOL!!!
PS - I usually don't post 2 days in a row, but I had to prove I could keep a story brief!!! =)
Edit: Hand-me-downs circulated around my extended family--mostly my mom's side of the family. But when my folks did buy clothes and shoes for us, they went to a store that sold factory rejects--items that had defects. They were always marked "irregular" somewhere.
Rickkkk your stories always make me go "awwww" :P
ReplyDeletenever heard of a brand called "irregular" though lol
Hahaha..well, the magic of shoes. When I was a little girl, whenever my mom bought me new pairs of shoes, I would wear them all day inside the house. And they made me feel like a woman, haha..And well, up till today, I still do that..women and shoes, you know..
ReplyDeleteHahah irregular? are you serious? Time to put google to work!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you didn't get stung by that bee! I wonder if it died when you guys collided! LOL at the fact that the bee knocked you down! Hahaha. I absolutely hate bees. Getting stung is THE worst feeling ever! One time a bee decided it wanted to fly into my hooded sweater to sting me! Those crazy things.
magic shoes??hmmm are you sure they're not red slippers? and borrowed from someone called dorothy? hhaha
ReplyDeletei was so scared of bees and wasps when i was small, >_< such a wimp lol
LOL!! I just love your stories. I remember when the light up shoes first came out! I was so cool.
LOL to this story, just like all of your others :)
ReplyDeleteLOLz reminds me of my experience with bee, I never liked bee flying around my head.poor you got knocked off your feet from that 'head to head' impact lolz
ReplyDeletemy mom used to buy me rejected clothes from the factory too,its still look nice and original-well it is, just not perfect:).. just saying..:)
ReplyDeleteanyways, you are really a weird kid but that was funny. Be sure to tell us if you found the shoe and tried ites power..hehe:)
hhahaa wow! that must have been some collision if you got a mark afterwards!! good thing you didn't get stung. i was the opposite with new shoes... i would be SOOOO careful for the first 2 weeks because i didn't want to get them dirty! ;P
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I also had "irregular" stuff when I was little. I guess it's the in thing with kids right? We are really in fashion way back then. Waaahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteHAHA, I sure wish!!!
ReplyDeleteI have not at all perfected my girlfriend skills. I still have lots of practice to do. lol
Irregular? LOL.
ReplyDeleteIf you're getting shoes, it's always best to get new ones because you could get into accidents just by wearing the wrong kind of shoes, even if they fit you. Does that make sense?
Aw, such a cute story. I don't know about magic shoes, but I did see a little on the playground with shoes that make squeeky sounds everytime she took a step.
ReplyDeleteThank you also for your very kind comment on being a good mom, means a lot to me.
What a cute story Rick! Somehow I get the feeling that you had the most awesome childhood! :D
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine being stung by a bee, I think I would be scared, but that's nothing as compared to if a spider as much as touches me, YIKES!!
I won't know what shoes those are, but for me all shoes are magic shoes :D
Yay, so you can also keep a story short!
ReplyDeleteNow it is proven!
Lol to your story! :-)
It's all in the mind, Ric. In the event you did find those shoes again...I believe its magic would all depend on you :) anything could be magical with faith! :)