Why do so many people park at odd angles, perpendicular to the lines, straddling the lines, or anything other than between them? I’ve never met any of the drivers in question to find out. But at the start of December my wife did. She was running errands before taking her dad to knee surgery. She stopped at Goodwill to drop off some items and the place was packed. There was only one spot, next to a car that was over the line. It was on her passenger side, so she was able to park and get out of her car. It was just a quick stop—in and out.
Almost immediately she was paged and informed her car was blocking someone in. She went out intending to apologize, but also point out that if the person had parked properly there wouldn't have been a problem. The other driver was an older woman who immediately starting yelling at my wife—that she should learn to park and stop being so inconsiderate. I’m told there was an examination of the physical evidence and a spirited discussion as to which of them didn’t know how to park. Finally the other woman snapped, “Just move your damn car.”
Having spent too much time with me, my wife folded her arms and suggested the woman try getting in her car from the passenger’s side since "there's lots of room over there". But after enjoying the moment, she moved. It was annoying, but not as bad as the time 2 guys stole a spot she was waiting for (with blinker on)—the car backing out blocked her from pulling in and in the meantime the guys swooped in from the other direction. When she told them she had been waiting for the spot, they just looked at her and then went into the mall. Chivalry isn’t dead, but it sure is in short-supply.
Okay, in a big empty parking lot, who cares how anyone parks? Well, I do, just not as much. But in a crowded parking lot it really annoys me when drivers can’t get it right. It’s a little thing, but it shows a lack of regard for others. Whether it’s by omission (not thinking) or commission (thinking, but not caring) it’s inconsiderate. These people need to be reminded that, as Kym’s recent post title says “Newsflash: You’re Not the Only Person in the World!”
Next up: "Proper Grocery Cart Etiquette", "If You Kick My Theater Seat One More Time!", and "It's 2am, Shut the H*** Up!" The last one was inspired by a drunken teenage party next door that spilled into their front yard--the elderly couple across the street send me a Father's Day cake every year to thank me for sending the kids home.
Of course the woman's behaviour was way out of line (the other woman, not your wife!). But as someone who has almost no depth perception I do have a small amount of sympathy for people whose parking efforts are less than stellar.
ReplyDeleteUgh I totally agree with this post!! Sometimes I find that the older people get, the more they seem to feel entitled that everyone should treat them better than anyone else just b/c they've lived longer. So annoying!!
ReplyDeleteahh, that must be super annoying when people take your parking spac when you've been waiting for it for much longer than the other driver. You should've .. or your wife could've did a lil prank on them, like bust one or two of their tyres. :P
ReplyDeleteOh I have a hideous confession I cannot for the pixi sake parallel park to save my petite life!
ReplyDeletei just learned another driving moral lesson
ReplyDeleteOh god, poor Mrs. Ricademus! I got angry just by reading your post, LOL! I so hate this kind of people, so inconsiderate of them! Tsk...
ReplyDeleteBut I'm really looking forward to your next posts! How many times didn't I wish I could just turn around and say "If You Kick My Theater Seat One More Time!" =P
oh no, the issue of parking. i must admit i cannot parallel park so i avoid those spots at all times! except when lurvey's with me and we can trade places. LOL. but back to the subject, i hate those inconsiderate people who seem not to understand the LINES in parking lots. im glad your wifey got to annoy the old lady a little bit! >:))
ReplyDeleteIt happens all the time here too! I always questioned where they've gotten their driving licences. In my country where corruption is top, I'm not surprised that they never sat for the driving test in the first place! They always spoil your trip for some retail therapy!
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate with this. Living in a small city, in a small country, you can imagine how limited the parking spaces here are, so it's really annoying when I see a car occupying 2 slots. I like it that your folded her arms and enjoyed the moment. Haha!
ReplyDeletei am a very good "parker" (is there such a word)? when i was in college and still a bad driver, bon trained me well with parking... well, he had too because i was really bad. now, i am proud of my parking skills. this one time, i was driver for my family and my dad (who usually requires a battalion to help him park) said, okay let me go down to help you. immediately, i had to tell him: no! don't bother! i'm good at parking... i really am!
ReplyDelete*it was a proud moment*
ps. i can't eait for the post on theater seats... ugh!
I'm paranoid where I park most of the time, because I don't want my doors to get dented! and people just don't care if they dent your doors, so I always park far far away... sometimes my friends make fun of me but it beats seeing another dent on the door!
ReplyDeleteHave you been to California? Dime a dozen. That being said, it sucked what happened. =\
ReplyDelete(No ghostwriters here! I'm curious why you thought so)
i always feel like scratching those cars with mean drivers. or just smash the windows. or the lights.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad now as I'm suck at parking! But at least I've never blocked other cars I guess? :D
ReplyDeleteI'm so looking forward for your upcoming posts!
i would be so mad if some old lady cursed me out when SHE was at fault! lol i hate when people take up multiple spaces because they don't want anyone to park next to their "precious" car.
ReplyDeletethis had happened to me as well. i could feel you and your wife exasperation. it was when me and my boyfriend tagged a parking spot, and a bunch of Chinese people took it knowing that we were there first. i had never that angry before in my life.
ReplyDeleteyour wife is very patient facing those people, i was yelling at those chinese boy right in the front of the mall lobby. i told them that they're brainless assholes :P never mad that crazy before
Sound like a text verson off a leaf of parking idiots. Is there a parking idiots blog in your state? We have one in our country.
Parking idiots annoy the hell out of me but to be on the other end of scolding the victims? Tsk tsk tsk, the old woman should just shut her damn mouth. *imitating her tone*
Hubby and I experienced many of such parking idiots but fortunately, we've not been ridiculously scolded by the idiots before for we didn't bump into them. The 2nd incident reminded me of what we experienced too. We were at a multi storey car park of a very popular estate hang out with eateries and bars. After waiting for a lot and signalling, this damn lady, much younger than us simply zipped into OUR lot and walked very quickly out of her car in her little heels with her head down all the way. She KNEW it! She knew she snatched our lot. I wanted to run out of the car and chase after her. I could definitely outrun her little pathetic snatcher legs but hubby said it wasn't worth it.
"What do you want to do? Pull her hair? Claw her? Cat fight?" he asked.
I guess he was right.
Happy Belated New Year to you as well Rick!
ReplyDeleteBeing elderly is not an excuse to be a Grinch to others. I like that your wife stood her ground instead of just automatically giving way.. I've had my share of car bad parking incidents but luckily no confrontation with drivers yet.
GAHHHHHHHH!! don't even get me started (again) on this topic! hahaha! We have TONS of that here... especially since the parking spots are smaller (i find) than the ones in the States. -_- it's so frustrating... sometimes i am tempted to leave notes. As for people stealing parking spots... i've almost had that happen to me once but before they could pull in... i held out my index finger towards them as if to say "don't you even dare" and then i just pulled in. My fiance is scarier... he actually got out of the car and told the guy to "get the f out of my spot" and w/o hesitation, the guy did. Mind you, this was when he was much younger... and he looked more like a member of a triad... so practically anyone would move if asked like that... now he's just a harmless kitten. hahaha!
ReplyDeleteMy aunt is another one.. when i was vacationing in L.A with my family last month - she actually got out of our car and told the person who parked behind us to "fix their parking so that other people can park beside them" haha!