I like that old expression, but I don't have one. Instead I have a nagging pain that runs from my neck to a spot just below my shoulder blade. At times it's just a dull pain, but certain movements (like tilting my head forward) and actions (like a cough, a sneeze, or--at it's worst--just clearing my throat) trigger pretty intense pain. Luckily for me (but mostly for my family), I can still shovel snow. DC was hit with a fast moving storm this week and I was able to clear the Plow Mountain that the snow plow built at the end of my driveway. Yay!!! ;P
I'm sharing this just to explain why I haven't been commenting much this week. I've had no problem doing things that only require mouse clicking (since the pain is on my left side), but typing has been more of a challenge than usual.
I'll be back at full strength soon and writing comments that are too long and occasionally TMI.
PS = Does anyone know how to delete spam messages from Comment boxes???
Sorry to hear you are out of commission. I suspect shovelling snow did not help your condition very much. I like the new look your blog has! Get better soon!
ReplyDeleteawwww what did you do?????? get better soon. get some massage if it doesnt work go n see a doctor :)
ReplyDeletei hope you get better soon :)
ReplyDeleteim loving the new lay out and your banner!
awwww...you need to go see a doctor. oh and by the way, i love your new layout. =)
ReplyDeleteOh no! Did you see a doctor for the pain? Is i muscle strain or pulling of some tendon or something? Hope you recover soon coz I love to read your long long comments.
ReplyDeleteI hate all the spam on my cbox too! Do you remember your ID and password? You've to go to the homepage: http://www.cbox.ws/ and log in. From there click on message and you can choose the msgs to del. I do ban some of the addresses too but it's practically useless. I do not know how these spam work but I must say they're pretty smart in that sometimes they comment something related to your blog content or use names that are significant.
Hope you manage to work this out.
new layout =D
ReplyDeleteget well sooon
I hope you get better soon, I miss your long and occasionally TMI comments LOL but no, really, love your comments and stories :)
ReplyDeleteAaaand I really, really like your new layout and header! :)
Aw geez, I'm sorry to hear this. =( Have you sought help yet? I think a chiropractor could be beneficial. =)
ReplyDeleteOn a bright note, your new header is very nice!
By comment box, I assume you mean your cbox? To delete spam messages from there, you have to login to your account, click on "Messages", check off the messages you want to delete, and then click on "Delete". Hope that helps.
Ohh, I'm sorry!! Have you seen a doctor? I'm also sorry you had to shovel snow!
ReplyDeleteOn a completely unrelated note, your blog looks awesome! And the new header is great!
i think you need an ample amount of rest
ReplyDeleteget well soon...
nice header!!! ♥
Hope the issue is resolved soon!
ReplyDeleteI like the new blog look!
Hey Rick! No wonder - i was starting to wonder where you were!!! Hope you get better soon!!! To delete comments, there should be a garbage can icon below the comment - you can just click that and it will say "comment has been deleted by user" something like that. Am i the spam commenter you are talking about? you can tell me, rick... i won't be mad.
ReplyDeleteIm so sorry for all my friends back east. ALl that snow must suck balls! Anyway, I'm sorry you are "injured". Get better soon :)
ReplyDeleteoh...that explains your absence. I specifically clicked on your blog after days of not hearing from you. I thought, "Hey, I think I've flooded my feed with too much blogs...I can't find RIc's entry"...Lo and behold...a glitch! Don't worry ric...we'll all be right here after you recuperate fully. PLEASE: FIRST THING ON YOUR TO DO LIST -- Explain to me what TMI means. :D
ReplyDelete...and oh congratulations on your header!!! Glad your friend was able to address the problem of your header specs and blog theme! :)
ReplyDeleteyour new banner looks great! :)
ReplyDeleteaw. i hope the pain goes away right away! (wow that rhymed! lol)
re: the cbox spam, log in to your cbox account by clicking "cbox" on the lower right of your message box. then click on messages, check the ones you want to delete (and report as spam or BAN!) and you'll have a clean spam free cbox again! :) i do that at least once a week. hahaha
three comments in one post!??!! sorry Ric :D forgot to tell you I tagged you in one post. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm sulking now, rick. I left a long long comment here but I don't see it. I'm starting to wonder of it had gotten lost again in some cyberspace where it hit some Larry yet again? Plus, due to my insensitive keyboard, I always type out my comment in blogger box first as it sensed better and I just deleted that! Double whammy.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope you've seen a doc for the pain. Is it a muscle pull or some strain? Better to check out what it is. I totally understand how it feels to be partially handicap.
And I also typed the instructions for deleting spam on cbox but I see you've had some replies on that. I do hope you know how to log into cbox. I get lots of spam too; almost every day. I took some time to figure out how to delete them too.
I hope you recover soon coz I love reading your lovely replies.
wow! new lay out..love it!
ReplyDeleteoh am sorry about that pain Ric, get well soon:)
Yikes!! I am sad to hear about your pain. Neck problems really suck. You never realize how much one needs to move your head around until you can't. I hope you are able to feel better soon, and until then you should just have your kids read out your blogs and comments for you while you lie down hehe
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah I know..it's my fourth! :D But anyway...glad to see another one of those long comments of yours Ric...hope you recover fully soon! :)
ReplyDeleteI think you can delete them, one by one. If I am not mistaken, there is always a "trashbin" icon at the end of every commment, and you can click it, to delete a message.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the snow and your hand. Hope you feel better!
I hope you feel better!
ReplyDeleteI get so much spam too :{ you can go
1.onto your dashboard,
2.then on settings,
3.then click on the comment tab,
4.then you tick 'always' to 'comment moderation'
It collects all the spam comments for you and you can delete it in one go :) I don't know whether there is any other way. It is quite fun to moderate comments :P
oh noooooooooo! poor you!!!
ReplyDeletei'm sorry pal...i hope you feel better soon. at least it's friday soon right?
I am so sad to hear this. Please take care and get well first above all things. Let the doc have a look at it, leave nothing to chances.
ReplyDeleteI need to apologise too for not commenting of late. My time management has gone out the window ... at the expense of my blog ... SHOOT ME!!!
I hope you get better soon! I delete spam messages in comment boxes by logging into blogspot and there's a comment tab and you can check what message you want to delete