Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Base of Operations

This is a picture of my childhood home....the place I returned to after my odd adventures--and the place where I experienced some of them (like the ghostly encounters). I'm not sure when the picture was taken. I remember a huge oak tree being just to the right of the picture, but that shadow on the snow looks pretty slim. Also, the scraggily evergreens near the house were healthy when I was around (and applying Mir-acid regularly). There's a train track about 50 yards behind the house. Yep, the engineer had a great view of our laundry hanging out on the line. =)

An uncle lived in a house at the top of a hill to the right and beyond that were acres and acres of trees and fields and interesting places for a boy to explore. To the left was a house built by one of my aunts--two owners later it belonged to the man I shot with my slingshot. Beyond that and just over a hill was my grandparent's store/house on the main road. It was a nice, quiet place to grow up. Yes, even with me there!!!

I like this picture so much I asked Elaine of I'm Clothed Much to turn it into a header for me. She did a really nice job. See it up there??? LOL, well, soon you'll be able to--even if I have to change my template. This template won't let it show. Oh, I have good timing, Elaine just happens to be hosting a very nice giveaway at the moment.


  1. wonderful picture indeed! it looks like a lovely home filled with lots of good memories!

    i cant wait to see your blog 'makeover'! ;)

  2. such a cute little house! but where's the leg lamp?? i swear i imagine your life as a christmas story. is your name really ralphie? lol.

  3. Aww your house looks like the quinessential homey home haha if that's even a proper word.

    Thx for your comment - you make a good point! I do think that these people were reading into it, and reading it negatively. Even if I were saying that to them, it's not like it wasn't something I wouldn't have said to their face, so really, it's not unknown and they aren't getting any new understanding :P

  4. awww...your house looks like a ginger bread house! I want a ginger bread house but I'm afraid with our tropical weather, I'll never have that snowy-white effect on our roof!!! Unless I destroy tons of styro which is bad so ginger bread house for me. :s

  5. When you said that it was the header I was like "where?" then I saw it peaking out. It's a beautiful home and I love how you remember so much with it.

  6. Wow look at all that snow. Reminds me of the house in Home Alone! Dunno...that was my first thought. :D

  7. Oh my gosh this is so freakin hilarious! At first I was wondering what the picture was doing there, and then when you said "see it up there?" I scrolled up again and even refreshed it --- nothing. Then, I proceeded to read... ha! Well, good luck about the picture... I hope you can find a template that would accept it! :P

  8. oooo nice! it's always cool to see bits and pieces about ppl's childhood! It looks like a cozy place to live! you confused me with the header thing... cus i was thinking "should i break it to rick that his header is actually cut off?" hahaha!

  9. very lovely!!!!! i was wondering about the same thing that kymchi was wondering ahahha.

  10. nice house, looks quite cozy! and that's nice that you live close to your relatives, something to do when you're bored - i used to love going to my grandmother's house where she has so much candy and toys

  11. That looks like a nice homey place! :) lol! I scrolled up to see your banner and only a quarter of it was there and i was like huh? ^__^... then I continued to read your post.:P

  12. Thank you Rick for sharing a photo, it is so nice to finally put a "face" to the name :) I can't wait to see your new blog layout! Most of my blogfriends have changed theirs so I also jumped to the bandwagon LOL.

  13. I like the 1/4 pic of it that I can see! ;) Looking forward to seeing the finished product as it looks like a nice home.

  14. the house looks comfy and homey ^_^

    you have been awarded!
