Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hitler!!! Where is he???

Have you ever had your name spit out at you, as if it was Adolph Hitler?

Thanks to one of my older brothers--the one I've referred to as "Sonny", I had the pleasure. But when you follow in the footsteps of 5 older siblings who passed through the same schools, you're bound to encounter comparisons, expectations--and occasionally fear and anger! =)

Most of it was easily overcome. You keep showing up every day and being yourself, eventually teachers get to know you. Sometimes it's a little harder than that. When I didn't make the wrestling team the first year of junior high, I approached the coach about it. I reminded him I had won all of my matches and was the youngest person in my weight class. He said he had to do what was best for the team. I thanked him for his time and started the long walk home--I'd missed the bus. The next day he tracked me down and invited me to join the team. He later admitted he cut me because of Sonny. He worried I might act the same way. But when I called him "sir" and didn't start yelling during our talk, he began to see I was me (not Sonny).

Because of changing school boundaries, I spent the next 2 years in a school across town--none of the teachers there knew any of my siblings. It was really nice having a clean slate. But in the 10th grade I ended up back at the local high school. The first day of class I stayed after school to try out for the soccer team. I'd been team captain the year before (@ the other school). As the coach read off the names of the kids trying out, he got excited when he read mine. Excited as in, "Hitler! Hitler!!! Where is he???" The man was furious. When I answered, he scowled at me and then mumbled something under his breath. The two days of tryouts went well. He matched me against the top, senior forwards (I was a defender). When the coach posted the team roster on the 3rd day of school I scanned the list for my name and found it, sort of. The coach had written my name at the bottom of the list and then vigorously (violently?) crossed it out. I considered approaching him about it, but he seemed a little unstable. I decided to play boys club soccer instead.

So, have you reaped any benefits or encountered problems as a result of elder siblings? If you are an elder sibling, did you leave a legacy for the younger members of your family to live up to--or live down??? ;P

PS - For the record, no, my last name is not Hitler. LOL!


  1. I am the oldest sibling. I am afraid you would have to talk to my brothers to get the scoop on the legacy I left them. From my viewpoint I was perfect. :-) Not!

    You said you hoped we had warmed up with something in the ski lodge after our deep freeze experience. Unfortunately we headed straight for our vehicles and drove home. The worst part was that two of the passengers in my car included my oldest son and his wife- both doctors. They got involved in a medical discussion about the actual process of freezing to death. It was less than helpful!

  2. Im the oldest! and my younger siblings went to the same high school too. i was a good student (i believe) and never got into so much trouble. i sang in a choir, i played sports, i joined cheer leading. but my younger siblings seemed to have lots of troubles. two of them almost got an expulsion due to their behavior. i had to visit school and talk to the principal (who used to be my math and music teacher). not a good memory.

    Poor you!!! What a scary coach, jeez! He should've acted like the other coach and given you a chance...
    Well, I have no siblings - but I did study at a school where my aunt (with whom I lived) was the headmistress. It was hell... everyone expected me to live up to all those crazy expectations, and I just wanted to fade into the background...

  4. speaking of hitler... i bought a travel guide to germany today. hmmm perhaps i should go to germany soon.


  5. HAHA! I was in the same school as my elder brother for 3 years. He was one of the popular kids so lots of people knew me as "the sister". Bah! (It wasn't as bad as it sounds, though.)

  6. i am the eldest, so i was the welcoming party. i wasn't exactly bad in high school, but my priorities were out of whack! i was so much into my friends, cheerleading and sports... my grades were just fine. not as high as my parents would want them to be, but high enough to remain in the squad and in the team.

    when my sister got into high school and the teachers noticed that she was an "inserto" they had to ask: "is crickette your sister?" when she did very well in schoool, they had to ask again: "you're really related to crickette?"

    i guess, i thought i was "fine" in high school, but my teachers thought otherwise.

  7. I am the oldest...and I use to be the school's representative for inter-school singing competitions....

    my younger sister didn't like to sing
    but since the teachers knew we are a family
    of singers..they pushed my sister join the contest..since I graduated
    even list her without knowing that she's going to be in a contest...I feel really bad for her
    she would always said "Im not like my sister...I am different"

  8. wait...what? you're not hitler? ;)

    my brother is 4 years older than me so when we were in high school together, i was always known as "JJ's little sister" - any boys who wanted to date me feared him. hahaha

  9. I am the eldest, and no worries, I was such a very good student that when my teachers met my siblings, they were really nice to them :)

  10. It can be tough sometimes living in the shadows of older siblings. Younger kids will always be expected to be like them and/or compared to them it seems.

    (I believe it! Hmm...sounds like they're just playing dumb. =( Oh I just make sure my hair looks decent in pics I share...haha...but thank you)

  11. 'Twas tough for you I see ... well, you survived being you, see how you've turned out today ... hahaha!!!

    I've not had such opportunity to be compared to my elder siblings eventhough I'm the youngest. The age gap between my nearest sibling is 11 years apart ... so you know what I mean. I didn't put my son through the same ordeal either being an only child.

  12. Thanks for sharing! I have not gone through this because i am the oldest BUT i can see how it can deeply affect your chances for everything but I'm proud that you set yourself as a diff person from your siblings!

  13. I'm the oldest, most people don't associate my sister with me cuz we are soo different. haha!

  14. I'm the youngest, but I'm also the only girl. I went to an exclusive girls' school so it would have been weird if I had been compared to my brothers.:p I have had girls try to befriend me because of my brothers though. Ick.
