Sunday, January 2, 2011

The King's Speech

"The King's Speech" is an excellent film. But don't go based on my opinion--I like a wide range of movies--from great to horrible! Check out reviews to see if it's something you'd be interested in. I went in convinced I would hate it, but instead I really enjoyed it. It's the story of King George VI's reluctant ascension to the throne at the end of 1936. He was the younger brother of Edward, who abdicated to marry an American from Baltimore--which didn't seem like a romantic move in this telling.

She (Mrs Simpson) was depicted in the film in much the same way my grandmother described the woman from Baltimore who married and then (supposedly) poisoned my great-grandfather--stealing the family farm, which she sold. I don't know the woman's name because my grandmother refused to ever say it, instead referring to her as "that woman".

The movie reminded me of one piece of Rick Trivia. In the film, Winston Churchill shares that he was born tongue-tied. According to my parents, I was born tongue-tied!!! The operation to correct that was probably not as gruesome as they made it sound, but thinking about it makes my mouth hurt.

Sorry, got off-track there. There's no magic or action scenes, but to me "The King's Speech" was more than worth the price of admission.


  1. Thanks for the review. I usually wait for movies to come out in DVD, but am tempted to go see this in the theater. I am not sure if it is because I am interested in the story, or because the movie has Colin Firth in it. Or both.

    Did that really happen with your great grandfather? Was the woman who poisoned him your great grandmother?

  2. i really want to see this movie too! i'm so glad that hollywood is starting to come out with decent stuff again.

    Seriously though did "that woman" really poison your great-grandfather?

  3. I have read reviews of the movie and they all said it is indeed a good movie! I'm interested to see Helena Bonham Carter in it :)

    Oooh that sounds like a Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys mystery! Do you know what happened to "that woman"?

  4. Hahahaa... Not to sound sick or anything, but I like a good dose of ancestral drama! ^^

  5. I'll definitely go see it. God knows I love movies about the British royalty!
    God also knows I'd never trust your taste in movies, LOL! ;)

  6. I keep hearing good things about this film! I'm not a history buff, but whatever happened to the prince who abdicated after he married the "commoner"?

  7. I was reading about this movie the other day. It's on my "to see" list. I had no idea one could literally be tongue-tied! Thought it was just a figure of speech.

  8. You were born tongue-tied? What my parents would give to have me born that way? I talked a lot of nonsense starting when I was three years old.My parents couldn't wait to send me to school so I can learn English and talk to them in a language they don't fully understand. But I digress. How many stars would you give the film, five being the highest?

  9. lol. my friend just told me like an hour ago that she wanted to watch this movie. we went to watch burlesque and loved it!

    i should watch the trailer for this movie - the king's speech.

  10. i heard that movie was good! maybe, just maybe, i'll check it out.

    but were really borned tongue tied? WTH is that?! is that a real thing?! i'm googling it now...

    ps. happy new year!

  11. Is the King's Speech a new movie? I'm terribly behind, hiding underneath a rock helps hahaha xD

    RYC, the girl in the ads is a Japanese model and a mother! I definitely win in regards to age, but looks? hmmm.. hahaha. Thanks much for your compliment though *mwah*

  12. Won't be able to watch this in the cinema coz my hubby's not into this kind of movies. I'll have to wait till when the DVD's available ... huhuhu!

  13. I haven't been watching movie for quite some time. Had wanted to watch The Social Network but didn't have the time. Had wanted to watch Easy A but didn't have the time. Had wanted to watch The Tourist. It's about to end its runs here. Wait a minute, ss I'm typing this, it suddenly occur to me that yes, I did watch a move recently and that's Rapunzel A Tangled Tale. Sounds childish and girlish but it was really lighthearted with some witty lines and Rapunzel is such a cutie!

    I've read good reviews on the king's speech. Movies related to royalties would not be on my must watch list at the cinemas but probably on long haul flights. Somehow, it always turned out that way coz nobody else wanna watch such films with me. But the thing is, I don't travel much so I guess I won't get to see this movie.

  14. i've only heard good things about it so far but sometimes going into it without expectations is better b/c it ends up more enjoyable! I probably won't see this in theaters but will definitely watch on DVD! What kind of operation do they have to do if you're tongue tied?

  15. This movie sounds interesting! Thanks for the review, I'll probably go watch this :D
