Wednesday, January 12, 2011

High Maintenance--Not Bitchy!!!

Last month, MizzJ of the wonderful Being High Maintenance, not Bitchy blog, sponsored several giveaways. For the first one, she asked readers to leave a comment giving one way in which they are high maintenance. I didn't enter, but it got me thinking.

Am I high maintenance? Well, I do like to be comfortable. Enduring discomfort is not a problem—you get to be good at it when you’re the youngest of 6 kids! But why endure it if you don’t have to? Right?

I adopted that philosophy at a young age. At 5 or 6, I inherited a roll-away bed from an older brother. I liked sleeping on my little cot. But with 6 kids and 7 beds in the house, we were one sheet short of full coverage. While a single sheet folded in half was big enough to cover the mattress on my cot, I didn’t have a top sheet—I didn’t know anyone did. But while getting into bed one night, I accidentally grabbed the top half of the folded sheet along with my blanket and I climbed in between the fold. Lying there nestled between two layers of the sheet felt heavenly! It was cool, soft and insulated me from the itchy blanket. It was amazing!!! In that moment, the Little Prince was born.

Up until then, I was a rough and tumble little boy who didn’t notice anything. But comfort started becoming important. When my shoes got too tight, I lost them. (Now you know where shoes on the side of the road come from!) If I got a hole in my sock, it had to be fixed—I even sewed a few holes closed myself. (What is “darning”?) When my dad wanted to turn off the A/C before he went to bed, I promised I'd push the “off” button when I turned in—then I’d doze on the couch for hours so I could enjoy the cool air. After chores, I occasionally pushed the forbidden “on” button on the A/C. Why wait for my dad to get home to cool off the house a little? I knew how to push a button—I just had to remember to turn it off before he got home!!!

Sometimes I might go too far in pursuit of comfort. Thankfully, labels on the Hanes t-shirts I wear under my dress shirts are printed on the shirt itself now. But the old tags, made from synthetic material, aggravated my neck. So I cut them out. That left a sharp little stub that was even more annoying than the tag itself. My only option was to turn the shirts inside out—no one could see them anyway. Unfortunately, one day I went to the barber shop with my shirt inside out. The barber giggled because she thought I was being stylish (for once). Also, the seams on some socks are too thick. They can irritate my toes…so those go inside out too.

Okay, it’s clear I’ve taken comfort to crazy-ville with regard to some things. But like the princess in the Princess and the Pea, this prince does not like lumps, humps or bumps. But don’t get the wrong idea. I can tolerate sitting on a backseat hump for hours, in the center seat on a plane, in a theater with my kids elbowing me, or on a hot subway car stalled in a tunnel, all without complaint. I just think the “comfort” things I can control, I should control—even the crazy little ones.

If I was a girl, my only heels would be the two end slices on a loaf of bread.

So, do you know anyone who does weird little things to be comfortable? Believe it or not, I have a sister-in-law who wears her socks inside out for that reason. So I may be crazy, but I’m not alone. =)


  1. "If I was a girl, my only heels would be the two end slices on a loaf of bread." - ha, I love this sentence.

    See, for me, I think turning things inside out would be more uncomfortable for me...or maybe my OCD side would need it to be the right side out.

    After reading some of your posts and how you manipulated the AC, I'm starting to conclude you were a sneaky...albeit very smart...little boy when you were younger. :)

  2. I'm high maintenance in some ways but not really in others. I dont' really care if I don't talk to my boyfriend for days and I wear socks with holes in it, but I'm kind of a designer whore and I like quality food... ha!

  3. im not sure if im high maintenance, but i have a thing about drinking very cold coffee after i got home, just to get comfortable. in other words, i need starbucks. its hurting my student allowance cause startbucks is quite expensive in my country.

  4. i definitely have little things i do for comfort.. but at the same time, i'm okay w/ being uncomfortable. I'm just afraid b/c i don't know how FAR i can be uncomfortable.. for example, i've experienced the comforts of North America for 12 years now and i'll be going back for a visit to the Philippines in 5 months for our 2nd wedding reception! It has been 11 years since i last visited so i'm not sure what it's going to be like anymore. The biggest discomfort for me is really BUGS. *cringe*

  5. i can be both high and/or low maintenance. :P i can eat street food for lunch then at a fine dining restaurant for dinner. ;)

    oh i get that in between the sheets feeling, a comforter feels so good especially when its cold *turn on the AC!* its like sleeping on a cloud! (makes me feel like an angel) kekeke! :P

  6. Hehe I'm glad I inspired you to write this post! Ewww yes I totally agree bugs are intolerable.

  7. The cure for the sock seam irritation is to learn how to knit your own. Once you put a pair on your feet you will never want to wear store boughten ones again. It is OCD heaven- ask me how I know!

  8. For a moment there, when I was looking through my reading lis I thought I was looking at MizzJ's blog with RicAdeMus sign off. It's really cute how you associate high maintenance with simple comfort. I love curling up under the comforter and on top of smooth sheets but i don't get the sock seams which is lucky!

    I'm a mixture of both. I can save a lot but once I spend, I splurge. So the debit and credit always sort of balanced. Recent incidents of being high maintenance in terms of comfort would be my commuting to work.

    I've been calling for lots of cabs due to the inaccessibility of in in laws place to everywhere. (I'm living with in in laws). The cab fee totalled up to huge amounts per month. I used to be thrifty back at my family's place. I take a bus or the MRT to all my destinations when the hubby isn't my chauffeur. I believe in spending the money to travel in comfort as opposed to walking 15minutes up and down the slope to the nearest bus stop to take me to the MRT station and perspiring buckets even before I reach the bus stop. I save tens of dollars each day should I make myself suffer with the walk, bus and mrt. But is it really worth it?

    Is that considered high maintenance?

  9. that's high maintenance?! hmmm then consider me not. haha. though we all know i am under normal circumstances.

    the only thing that i do to stay comfortable at night is to sleep with bare feet. no socks. even in the cold. that's not too weird though. is it?

  10. Socks inside out, huh? I may have to try that one day. ;) Your tolerance level is higher than mine so I wouldn't call you high maintenance. I dislike sitting in the center seat of a plane for example so I make sure to reserve my aisle spot as early as I can.

  11. EL-O-EL!!!!
    lookin forward to more hilarious doings-

  12. high maintenance or bitchy?? how about a little bit of both?? best of both worlds!! HAHAA
    and my brother just went back to USNA a week ago, he was really depressed the day when we drove him back..we might head over there next month for his feb birthday :)

  13. i actually have no idea what the boat is LOL my parent said it's most likely not real, and its just a lil mall inside. should check up on that idea haha.

    and yes my friend found me because he's smart/ he works beside that city so he just laughed and said OHHH the supermarket mall thing

  14. "If I was a girl, my only heels would be the two end slices on a loaf of bread." << Best sentence from this blog EVER!!! :D

  15. hmmmmmmm... i dunno. i had to pause really long to be able to answer this post. i don't exactly demand comfort and i can swear i am the type of person who endures a lot of things, too. like the heat, the cold... etc.

    i used to not care about not having hot water when i take a bath in the morning (i mean, you won't die if there is no hot water here in the philippines) but ever since we transfered to our new house and my dad got a solar heater, i can't take a bath without the hot water anymore...

    comfort is good.
    at least, the reasonable kind is!
