Sunday, October 6, 2013

Spooky Tales (since it's October)

According to family history (my mother), my parent's house was haunted by my dad's mother. The woman didn't get to see the house while she was alive, so she took up residence "later".

I didn't know anything about it, until one late-summer evening.

During summers, we placed a large fan in the window at the top of the stairs leading up to my sisters' bedroom. We put the fan on "exhaust" and it pulled air through the house from the open windows downstairs. I liked to stand in front of the fan and talk "through" it...the fan chopped up my words.  I thought it sounded cool (I was 6).

So one evening I'm standing there on the landing, shouting out through the fan to one of my brothers in the yard, having fun (again, I was 6).  After standing there a few minutes, something caught my eye from the right side. I turned to see a woman floating towards me along the bannister. She had dark hair and a white dress (the official uniform of female ghosts). I'm not 100% sure what happened next. One second I was looking at her, frozen, and the next I was at the bottom of the stairs on my butt. It happened so fast, I think I might have jumped. Anyway, I got out of the house as quickly as I could. I told my brother what I saw and he just laughed at me. All of my siblings did. But not my mom. When I told her, her eyes got big and she told me it was her mother-in-law. She also told me not to mention it to my dad. Apparently he didn't like the idea of his mom haunting us.

For years I thought I was the only one who had seen the ghost. But 20 years later one of my sisters admitted she had seen exactly the same thing in exactly the same spot. She didn't say anything earlier because she was afraid people would think she was crazy (like me :).

When I was almost 12 my brothers and I moved into the bedroom upstairs (yes, the pink one), where the ghost lived!!!

LOL, just kidding....she moved all over the house.  :D 


  1. I believe ye. We used to have "someone" guarding our house back home. I've seen that "someone" on few occasions, but never in a scary form. But apparently people who stayed at our house (especially those who we didn't like) seen that "someone" in its scary form. And I always heard voices talking during the day when there was no one else at home. Perhaps I was just having audio hallucinations, I don't know :p

    1. That's a great way to get rid of visitors you don't like. :) Any idea why the "someone" is there???

  2. This story gives me chills Rick... I don't know if I would have been brave enough to go back into the house

    1. I stayed out of the upstairs for a while after that. :) But curiosity made me go back...and something good happened a few years later--in the basement!!!!

  3. ugh i hate ghost stories and ghosts lol I think I watched too many scary ghost stories back when I was younger... though the idea of a ghost guarding you isn't too bad of an idea.. keeps the other ghosts and demons away like paranormal activity movies :P

    1. lol, yes, that would be like having a bully as a bodyguard! Hopefully my next ghost story will be easier to read...less spooky.

  4. Spoooky! I'm not sure if I really believe in ghosts.. I've gone back and forth and right now I'm leaning towards no. Aliens on the other hand, I totally believe in those, haha.

    By the way, I used to do that to fans when I was little too. Talking into them and pretending I was a robot. Don't ask. I'm an only child, I had to entertain myself a lot.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. I go back and forth too. I've had some really strange experiences, but the logical part of my brain keeps looking for other explanations. The next story I'm going to share is the hardest to explain. :)

      Being able to entertain ourselves is a great skill...I think it makes a person more fun to have for a friend.

  5. Ahhhhhhhhhh! That gave me the heebie-jeebies!

    I used to do the fan thing...I would still do it!

    1. You're right, it IS still fun! :) I have a nice ghost story and a scarier one to share this month.

  6. Omg is this for real?! I would be too scared to ever go to that area of the house ever again if that happened to me haha

    1. I was cautious on the 2nd level for a long time after that--then my next encounter was in the basement (she was all over)! :)

  7. oh, I'm currently hiring ghosts. I have this little vendetta going on and could need some help :) do you think she might come over?

    1. She's on the side of right (although she didn't seem to want me getting married...hmmm :), so I'm sure she'll help. :D

  8. I love spooky stories even though they spook me out.

    I think I've seen ghosts before but I usually shake it off as I feel like my eyes are always playing with me!

    1. Yes, it's probably our eyes and minds playing tricks on us. But maybe it's not!!! :D

  9. I hate ghost stories. They creep me out! Have you seen her again or just that once?

    1. That was the only sighting, but there were other encounters. The next story I plan to share is about a time she was very helpful. Very!!!

  10. Oh lord. glad you didn't hurt yourself falling over though!

    1. lol, thank you! It was my quickest exit ever. :)

  11. I had tears in my eyes reading this post. I sometimes would have tears when I feel a chill listening to or reading ghostly encounters. Fortunately, you always inject humour in your stories and that didn't spook me out as it was supposed to. I cannot imagine seeing a dark-haired woman in white floating towards me. I would freak out! I can't wait to read more. It seems like you had a couple of encounters!

    1. Oh, I'm sorry about the tears. I wish I'd added more humor to the next story. I'll try to do that when share the story about the ghost warning me to not get married.

      Hi kh, you know I'm just teasing, sweetie!

      (NO I'm not!!!) :D
