Monday, October 28, 2013

Remembering Bandit (and Tommy)

This was a sad weekend.  Our Border Collie, Bandit, died at 3am Sunday morning.  We were all with him.  He had an "episode" last week that made the vet think his anti-siezure medication dosage needed to be increased.  But in reality he had lung cancer. 

It was clear he out-ranked me in the family, but I didn't mind.  My wife and kids love him like he was our hairy toddler who somehow never learned to talk.  Instead of me writing about Bandit, I'd like to share what my wife posted about him on Facebook:

Bandit was an amazing dog. Always loving. When you had a bad day - you could look at that face and everything seemed ok. The most sweetest temperament of any dog I've ever seen. Loved to cuddle next to you. Still wanted to be held like a baby even though he weighed over 40 pounds and had those long legs. Always willing to share his food and water with visiting dogs. His one Lassie moment came when I was moving boxes in our storage room and tripped. I fell flat on the concrete floor and the box opened and everything landed on top of me. Bandit runs in hearing the commotion. I tell him to go get the kids. All I saw was a blur of black and white fur as he ran from the room. Instead of people he brings in his toy and lays it on my chest. I realized then we didn't have a Lassie. What we had was better. The most loving and gentle dog. Greeting us at the door. Dragging us on his leash when he went for walks. Always happy to meet new friends whether they were people, dogs or cats. He will be missed by all of us and all that knew him. Love you Bandicoop!

PS – My wife called me this morning, hovering on the edge of tears.  We agreed this was a sad, but hopefully useful experience for the kids.  She said she was really, REALLY going to need my help when the time comes that her dad passes away.  I asked who was going to help her when I go.

Wife:  I can count on Suzy (a friend) to help me.  Me:  I’m not out-living Suzy???

Some may think what I said was inappropriate, but she thanked me for helping her laugh.  She needed it.  (We can never share that with Suzy.)

Edit:  Bandit deserves his own post, I'll remember Tommy (the cat) in a later one. 


  1. Poor little Bandit! I'm so sorry for you and your family.

    PS - You really are a hoot though. I have a feeling your wife and kids laugh a lot!

    1. Thank you, Rooth...for everything! Hopefully they think having me around is a positive (and not just for the financial support and bug killing :).

  2. oh, I'm so sorry to hear. it's always heartbreaking to go through something like that.

    ps: greetings to Suzy ;)

    1. Thank you! I can't decide whether to share my childhood pet loss stories with my kids. I think I'll wait until after their grieving process is over--and maybe a little while longer after that.

      Thank goodness Suzy doesn't know I blog. :)

  3. i don't care what anyone says; a pet is like a child. they grow with you, give you troubles, makes you mad and loves you unconditionally. when you lose a pet, you lose your child. a part of your family.

    i sorry for your loss. bandit sounds like he was an awesome dog. xoxoxo

    Vodka and Soda

    1. He really was awesome, thanks Kathy! Bandit was our youngest child. But sometime I need to do a post on my childhood experiences with pets. Yikes!!!

  4. I am so sorry about Bandit. I'm sitting here crying for a dog I never knew in person, but who I still felt like I knew through your blog and the things you have written about him. I love what your wife wrote about Bandit. I'm sure that dog felt loved every minute of his life.

    1. Thank you, have a good heart. I was trying to figure out how much of my feelings stem from Bandit's loss versus seeing the impact on the family. But it's impossible to do (and wouldn't matter anyway, there's plenty to go around). He was such a good dog.

  5. Awww Bandit will be always remembered and forever loved!

    1. Thanks Blair! You're right, he will be--that's what made write that my wife and kids love him, rather than loved him. I think it was bad grammar in the sentence, but it was right anyway. :)

  6. a dog is man's best friend, I truly believe that. RIP Bandit!!

    1. Unconditional love and an unconditional relationship. Dogs put up with a lot from their humans.

  7. Oh man, I am so sorry to hear about Bandit and Tommy. I remember a comment of yours telling me you tried not to get to close to him because you knew the inevitable would come, but the unconditional love a dog gives makes it quite difficult. Your wife's memoir of Bandit is lovely and I know that dog knew he was loved. I am sorry that you had such a difficult weekend. I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts!

    1. Thank you, my friend. It's amazing you remember that comment! You're right, it was difficult and I failed at being the stoic German...which is really a good thing. But I had my wife fooled...she thought I kept Bandit at arms-length. Somehow my daughter saw through me. She'd laugh and say "I know you love him". Darn lovable dog!!! :)

  8. So sorry to hear about Bandit! Losing a pet is definitely like losing family. The hubs lost his dog about 3 years ago and the thought of that moment probably still brings many of the family to tears. I didn't have a pet growing up, so the hubs' dog taught me what it was like to love an animal. Hope you and family are able to heal from the loss and the kids are taking it well. I think it was sweet that you helped your wife laugh at this time. Of course, not to laugh at the moment, but to remember the joy that Bandit brought her. LOL on that "not so Lassie" moment. My dogs probably would have done the same.

    1. Thank you Lisa. Since she was on the floor, Bandit naturally assumed she wanted to play. :) The family thought that if anyone ever broke in, Bandit would be sweet and play with them. I was always sure his instincts would kick in and he'd protect the I think he had a little "Lassie" in him. Of course, no one would break in with him in the house because he had a very ferocious-sounding bark--especially when he saw mail carriers, babies and the very old. It was the strangest thing, because he really did just want to play with them--or maybe he wanted to herd them.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Bandit!! Now that I live with a dog, I know how gut wrenching this must be. Having a dog is so bittersweet at times, but they bring you so much happiness, that you wouldn't have changed a thing. At least you know he's somewhere better now, probably eating everything in site and playing with tons of toys.

    1. You're right, they do give us a lot...and the sweet is worth the bitter. I try not to mention this very often (because it's a little depressing), but every relationship--every one--eventually ends in a bad way. The good ones are more than worth it. :)

  10. Oh Rick I can't say again how sorry I am for your terrible loss! Really I had tears in my eyes when reading this post and the touching words of your wife! He will be greatly missed

    1. I'm sorry to have upset you too, but I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I have some pretty great friends.

  11. Aww I'm sorry to hear about Bandit! I'm sure you and your family will always remember him. Your wife's tribute to him was really sweet.

    xo, Yi-chia

    1. Thanks Yi-chia! You're right, Bandit will be remembered and missed for along time. It's a sad life experience, but one the kids will learn from.

  12. Oh... I'm so sorry for you! It's so often that you mentioned Bandit. Your wife tribute to Bandit is lovely and I could tell what a sweet little dog he is. I hope you and your family are coping well. I wonder how are your kids coping too. It's always hard for the children.

    I don't think what you say is inappropriate. A little laugh is a always a good perk me up!

    1. The kids are taking it hard and so is kh. Little things are setting them off. My daughter dropped a piece of bacon on the floor, then teared up because Bandit would have loved that.
      Humor is a nice release and we need it even more in the tough times.

  13. Just managed to catch up with blogposts. :( Again, sorry to hear about Bandit. I'm sure Bandit is waaaaay happier somewhere up there. Playing with waaaaaay too many toys and eating waaaaaaay to many food :) Bandit will always be remembered :')

    1. Thank you're right, he's having fun--and he'll be missed and remembered.
