Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Last (and shortest) Spooky Tale

I have several more spooky stories, but enough is this is the last one (for now).

Most of my spooky stories are from events that happened before I turned 25.  Since then, I occasionally smell stale cigarette smoke in the house and wonder if my mom is visiting--and that's not scary.

But there are other things going on that ARE scary!

--Some nights as I try to go to sleep, the blanket mysteriously slides off me (sometimes quickly, all at once...sometimes slowly).

--Some mornings I wake up with strange marks or bruises.

--Most nights I hear terrible, frightening noises in the house.

Am I being haunted? 

I wish!  All of these things are simply among the benefits of being married.  LOL! 

My wife does a tuck 'n roll with the blankets in her sleep; apparently she has restless leg (and elbow) syndrome; and recently she's started snoring (we're investigating the cause, hopefully it's nothing serious). 

Thankfully the government shutdown is over.  Now that I'm back at work I can start catching up on my sleep.  :D


  1. i swear my cousin's old house was haunted. she used to hear all kinds of weird shit and has told me all kinds of scary stories of sstuff that went on there so i stopped going over there!

    Vodka and Soda

    1. lol, I don't blame you! I'm too curious for my own good. My SIL used to live in a Civil War era-house and claimed she had ghosts. Whenever we visited them, I would try to recreate the situations that they said caused them to see/hear things....but it never worked out for me.

  2. Lol, I found this so amusing I read it to the mister and he totally agreed with the tuck and roll, I do it all the time!

    1. lol, that means a lot, thank you! I guess he's haunted (in the good way) too. :)

  3. Hah - this is funny! I thought you were going to tell another one of your super spooky stories. You must be saving those for closer to Halloween

    1. It's not as funny this morning. It was chilly last night and I lost the blanket. Now I have a sore throat and that pre-cold feeling. :( I need a separate blanket of my own!

  4. I wake up with strange marks and bruises too sometime, but then it's because my boyfriend stays over! lol

    1. I'm not sure, but I think we might be talking about different things here. :)

  5. Is your bed against the wall? I get bruises too and it should be caused by the wall or else I'm going to be very creeped out o.O

  6. Ha! My first thought was "your wife must not read your blog!" If she does, my guess is you might be in for an intentional double dose of all the scary things in your post. :-)

    1. I think she doesn't visit as often as she used to. I like to throw in posts like this once in a while as a test. :)
      I can't express how much I appreciate the friends who do take the time to stop by and comment. :D

  7. My husband always steals the blankets, so I have to start the night off with more on my side and then I tuck it under me so that he can't steal it in the middle of the night. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. That's smart! I need to do that...and start going to bed before she does so I can start out with the covers (and maybe get to sleep before the snoring starts). :)

  8. Did she appreciate this post??? hahahaha....

    1. I'm guessing she hasn't read it. But it's not really a guess, I'm sure I'd know if she had. :D

  9. haha ya I haven't heard from you in a while! LOL i was getting spooked when I was reading that haha. funny.

    1. I was hoping the post would have that effect on people. :D I don't know what happened with the link, but I'm glad it's fixed.

  10. I got tricked! I thought you are being haunted. I have mysterious bruises too that I often joke that kh abuses me.
