Thursday, October 24, 2013

That Other Bee Story

Recently, I shared an embarrassing encounter with bees.  The MOST embarrassing bee encounter happened on Labor Day when I was 5 (a little younger than my profile picture).  Labor Day was a big deal when I was a kid.  Our church held its annual picnic that day.  It was a fun way to end the summer and helped take the sting (pun intended) out of going back-to-school the next day.

I'd almost forgotten about it.  But a few weeks ago a friend wrote a funny tweet about being stung by a bee.  It had crawled up her pants leg.  That brought back the memory of 5 year-old me having a bee go up my shorts.  Since I was wearing hand-me-downs that were four sizes two big (the leg openings were HUGE), I'm lucky an entire hive didn't accidentally fly up there.  But one was enough--the little bugger stung me...**cough**, um, well, "there"! 

Most of the day is a blur, but I remember the pain.  I remember having to lie on my brother's bed bottomless with a bag of ice "there" (trying to numb the pain).  I remember my brothers leaving the room laughing...then bringing their friends in and all of them leaving the room laughing.  Other people may have come and gone (I may have heard a sister throwing up), but I'm not sure. 

The worst part?  As with the other story, it was the pain (although, now that I've been reminded of that day, I am laughing at the memory).  But it was made worse by having to miss the picnic.  Did I mention it included carnival games, a cake walk, moon bounce, lots of food and fun for kids?  Plus, I was allowed to place actual bets on the spinning wheel game (that's how I discovered 6 is a lucky number for me :).  All in all it was a great way to spend Labor Day.  Just not THAT Labor Day. 

PS - If I can remain calm around bees after that experience...well, do your best.  Panic almost never leads to a positive result.  Although, perhaps the lesson here is to be more careful about what you wear.  If I'd been wearing shorts that fit properly, I probably wouldn't have been walking funny that first week in September.  :D 


  1. haha, that story it too funny.... in retrospect :)

    1. lol, thank you! Rooth helped me make it funny. My first draft missed the mark--it was too factual and had a negative vibe.

  2. How awful! I can't help but feel sorry for the five year old Rick. I'm surprised that even now you can find an element of humour in this story. :-)

    1. It would have been okay with me if I hadn't been reminded of that day. :)

      But what the heck! It was an unusual experience and there's some value in that. Plus, if it had to happen, I'm glad it happened when I was so young--so the memory could start fading sooner. Haha!

  3. BEES and kids don't mix. kayla was stung 3 times by a wasp and now she's terrified (and i don't blame her).

    Vodka and Soda

    1. I was semi-swarmed three times--by that I mean I've run from a small swarm of bees 3 times. I probably never had more than 5 or 6 stings at once from those encounters. The one sting in this story had to be the most painful though!!! :)

  4. I can't even imagine the pain, ouch! But yea, sure is funny to other kids. Keep your pants long, man!

    1. In one draft of this post I advised readers to imagine a little boy they know as being the one who got stung--but that made it very not funny. The fact that it happened to me so long's something that can be laughed about now. Although, I have to say that to me most "slapstick" humor or situations in which someone gets hurt, it's just not funny (but I did laugh during the movie "Baby's Day Out"--the injuries were cartoonish).

  5. Oh no! Bees are horrible. I hope you're alright now..

    Fashion | Food | Travel

  6. This story still makes me chuckle and cringe at the same time - all marks of a good story. I'm glad that you survived and can laugh about it now :)

    1. Thank you Rooth--hopefully all the bee venom (venom???) that's been injected into me has had some positive effect. And thank you for the help with the first draft was pretty dreary.

  7. Haha what a story! I mean, I'm sorry that happened, but it makes for a funny story. Usually when I see a bee I literally run around in circles trying to get away from it. I hate bugs/insects of every kind.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. After remembering all of these bee stings (roughly 15 in total), I should start looking to dish out a little payback!!! lol But not against honey bees, they're having enough trouble and we really need them.

  8. oh my this is definitely some story to pass down for generations :P however, i'm sure it was not that great at the time. i have never been stung by a bee and I am usually very careful about being near bees or wasps. I'm scared I might be extremely allergic that if I get stung by one I'll die. It's my paranoia kicking in, lol.

    I hope my son also doesn't get stung by a bee. I am now keeping him bubble wrapped thanks to this story, lol. can't be too safe. lmfao

    1. I htink I've been stung 15 - 20 times...never more than 6 at any one time. That wasn't fun. My neck and face swelled and I worried my throat would close. But it didn't. In fact, I was fine by the time the very slow doctor said he was ready for I left instead. I figured if I didn't die in his waiting room and the worst was over, there was no point giving him any money. LOL
