Monday, September 30, 2013

"Why did I have the bowl???"

That question had my kids rolling with laughter this past weekend.  I didn’t understand why.  They explained.  If you’re familiar with the Simpson’s, you know Bart’s friend Milhouse.  In one episode Milhouse got fed-up with Bart lying to him.  He reminded Bart of the time Bart killed his goldfish and then tried to convince Milhouse he never had a goldfish.  To which Milhouse responded, “Then why did I have the bowl, Bart?  Why did I have the bowl???”
Why did I ask that same question this weekend?  Well, not long after I got married, my wife asked me to take her to a Pfaltzgraff outlet.  I was happy to—we had zero money, so we could shop all we wanted. :D 
During the trip she spotted French onion soup bowls she really wanted.  Despite that and the fact I love French onion soup, we couldn’t afford the bowls.  Over the next two years we visited the outlet several more times.  Eventually we bought two of the bowls and my wife committed to making the soup.  I was so happy.
Fast forward to this past weekend…I threw out the lone remaining bowl.  The handle had broken off years ago, but I’d kept the bowl in hopes of someday actually getting French onion soup made at home.  I finally gave up on that.  This weekend I reminded my wife about when we bought the bowls and that she had promised to make the soup.  She didn’t remember any of that.
To which I said, “Then why did I have the bowl, K?  Why did I have the bowl???”
It was funny to the two of us, but hysterical to the kids.  The lesson here is that good intentions are nice, but they don't get you soup!  :)


  1. Maybe she was just waiting for you to make the soup? Smart woman. And would it surprise you to know that I have a strangely funny French onion soup story as well? Not exactly the stuff of comedic inspiration

    1. I think you're telling me that's the only way I'll get homemade French onion soup (and you're right). Time to look forward, not back. :)
      How can I bribe you to share your story???

  2. Ha! Funny story! Here's something that may surprise you. I have never watched a Simpson's episode. And I have no clue what Pfaltzgraff is. I feel very culturally ignorant. :-)

    1. You haven't missed anything. Pfaltzgraff china/pottery has been around a long time, but I don't like it...and my wife doesn't anymore either. As for the Simpson''s not for everyone. :)

  3. home made french onion soup? ain't nobody got time fo' dat!! LOL

    i wouldn't have "remembered" either haha

    Vodka and Soda

    1. lol, I don't blame her for forgetting! She was very young and didn't know it's better to under-promise and over-deliver. :)

  4. haha, brilliant story :)

    1. Thanks Petra! :) My blog is mostly stories from my life and I've already shared the good ones. If more interesting things don't start happening, I might have to switch to being a food blogger.

  5. Haha that's how we women convince our husbands to let us buy certain things, DUH! But really... you should just go out to eat somewhere that has french onion soup and call it even. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Haha, you're right...I actually got off lucky, the bowls didn't cost that much. Also, there's a Vie de France on the first floor of my office building, so I do get French onion soup once in a while--w/a half sandwich it makes a good lunch when the weather is chilly.

  6. This is sooooo funny! And yes, coz I do watch Simpson's here and there and I know what you are talking about.

    I do not know what Pfaltzgraff is but upon googling, the logo look so familiar.

    Your kh made you onion soup. Now would be your turn to take her out for onion. I just had a spoon of my friend's onion soup last night. Yummy!

    1. She never made the soup, I just stopped waiting for it. :)

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this had me laughing out loud, thanks Rick! ^^

    1. I'm glad you liked it--and happy to see you commenting. I haven't written a funny story in quite a while, so this was good timing (and good positive reinforcement for me). :)

  8. hmmmmm now I feel like having a nice french onion soup.....

  9. Wow, your kids know old episodes of Simpsons? I used to watch that every week (when it was funny, not funny anymore). I haven't watched an episode for a while, so I wouldn't remember this time right off the bat, but now that you remind me of the episode, I could totally picture Millhouse saying it. Any...ways...funny how husbands and wives remember / don't remember different things.

    1. I agree about the Simpson's--seasons 2 through 8 were great. We have the DVD's, so the kids have seen them all multiple times. About memories, that's one reason why I'm glad my wife reads my blog, to make sure I get the stories right. :)
