Monday, September 9, 2013

Fire and Flood

Recently my weekends have revolved around dealing with the unexpected.  That's life.  But it gets to be a little much when things bunch together.  The water heater went bad, the refrigerator croaked, my car died, a car window got stuck open, a toilet developed a horrible leak and we had a kitchen fire.  Each one took a different weekend.  The fire was the scariest, but the leak was the most work.

Late one Friday night my son mentioned his toilet was flushing "funny".  He couldn't really describe it.  I checked and it was flushing slowly, like it was partially blocked.  I worked on it, but it wasn't getting better.  Finally I moved a towel that had fallen on the floor from the tub.  It was soaked--every time I flushed, water came running out of the bottom of the toilet onto the floor.  I spent a good part of Saturday taking the toilet apart to replace the wax ring that seals the connection between the toilet and the drain.  I don't know what plumbers charge for that job, but they deserve it.  It's gross doing your own toilet.  I wouldn't want to do someone else's!

The fire was on a Sunday.  It was too hot to cook, so I bought rotisserie chickens--one for us and two for Bandit.  We make his food on weekends and freeze it for the week.  I finished a handful of chores (including boning two chickens) and decided to take a nap* (something I never do).  Before heading to bed I asked my daughter to make Minute Rice for Bandit.  Fifteen minutes later she called me--she sounded scared (I thought someone broke in).  When I ran into the kitchen, I saw a good sized fire (18 inch flames) under the pot of water--our stove is electric!!!  I turned off the stove, moved the pot and put the fire out (ruining a good pot holder in the process).  Somehow there was oil on the cooktop and in the burner pan...the burner had ignited it.  I spent the next hour taking the stovetop apart and washing everything.   No one knows how the oil got there, but I suspect my daughter had a spill.  She HAD a bad habit of using the stovetop as if it were counter space.  This taught her that's not a good idea. 

That's the only lesson in this post (a stovetop is not a work surface).  Well, that and the fact that fate really doesn't want me taking naps.  :)

I'm hoping the change of seasons brings a change of luck. 

* A few days later I found out I had pneumonia. 


  1. Hey Rick!

    Oh my I'm sorry to hear about the eventful weekend you had. I'm just glad to hear that no one got hurt in the process of it all. we had an incident like that happen a few weeks ago. my grandmother burned part of her kitchen down. luckily no one got hurt, but it was still a huge mess. This is the second time this has happened a year ago my mom burned her kitchen down. It seems like a recurring incident :(

    I also am sorry you got pneumonia!! i hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Abby! The fire was the first thing to happen, so I'm all recovered now. I remember your mom's fire, that was awful. Combined with grandma and me, that's 3 fires, so we're more!!!

  2. Yeeesh, I'm wishing you better luck in September. We need a fresh start ASAP!

    1. The slate is clean, we're headed into calm waters (good luck, good health, and good friends).

      Thanks Rooth!

  3. Oh hell. I hope you're recovered from your pneumonia! Take lots of vitamin C :) especially now the season is changing. My nose is feeling funny too for the past two days. It's getting too cold for autumn here. I've a feeling it's going to be one hell of a winter.

    My car died too. At first it was after I came back from home home. Tried to start the engine but it was coughing like an old man who smokes for the rest of his life. Got my landlord to help me jump start the car and it was fine. Was able to start the car few times afterwards and then Monday morning (of all mornings), couldn't start my engine and my landlord was away so I had no one to help me jump start the car (and thus off day for me yay! because my house is a bit of a trick for public transportation and luckily my SV understood because he went to my house one time so he knew there was no way I could come to work with a dead car). My landlord came home later in the evening so the garage was already closed and only managed to get the battery changed the day after. LOL

    I feel like I just wrote a blog post HAHAH

    1. Next time I'm going to change the battery myself because I saw the mechanic changed the battery it was easy as hell. If I can operate on people surely I can change my car battery right? :p

    2. I am all better (no thanks to my actual doctor, a clinic took care of me). I am taking vitamins (a "Stress" combination) to get ready for the changing weather. Woo-hoo for a day off, but sorry it was because of the car. I'm sure you can change the battery with no'll just need the basic tools. My car is completely gone, I donated it to a charity (they will sell it for parts and scrap metal :).

      PS - I love blog post comments, thank you! :)

  4. That's teach you to take naps! Just kidding, I hope you're feeling better. And seriously, I would have called a plumber to fix the toilet if it was us. YUCK!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Hahaha, I think you're right! I'm not supposed to take naps. :)

      After all of that my wife wants to get a warranty for our major appliances, including the furnace-A/C. But I'm not convinced. We'll have to compare the cost to the benefit.

      PS - I'm all better now, thank you! Although, a friend seems determined to share his virus with me this week. It is that time of year...people start getting sick as soon as school starts back in the fall. I can;t wait for next summer. :)

  5. Omg this all sounds terrible! Actually, maybe this is Fate's way of saying you just shouldn't get out of bed and take a REALLY long nap lol

    1. That sounds like good advice for tomorrow morning--just stay in bed and enjoy the rest! :)

      I'm sorry to share a post about household problems so soon after you settled into a house. I'm sure it will be years before these sorts of things start happening (one at a time, well spaced out from each other)!

  6. You have such eventful weekends. I'm really impressed that you fix the toilet bowl and the stove all on your own. The way you described taking the toilet bowl out and resealing it with wax, I can imagine that. I'm really awed when I read or watch about how people in the States DIY most of the house chores and repairs. Over here, we seldom do anything on our own if it gets too complicated and messy. We would call the plumber and pay a good sum for whatever he charges coz it does sound like shit (pun on the word) job.

    As for the stove, I hope the fire didn't damage the electric stove and it's peculiar how it could catch fire. The oil probably did it. How old is your daughter?

    Are you still going to take naps from now on? lol

    1. Thankfully the past two weekends have been relatively quiet, with a cut finger being the biggest emergency (kh is healing well). My dad was a mechanic and believed in fixing whatever he could around the house. I don't do as much as he did, but I do my best.

      PS - I guess I'll nap after I retire. :)

  7. Elctric and electronic appliances have a way of conking out at the same time, don't they!

    and hmm my aunt has an electric stove too and while I was house-sitting for her I was so afraid of going anywhere near it. >.<

    1. Sometimes it seem they plot against us! Like in that terrible movie...all the machines, cars, appliances, etc. start attacking humans. :)

      It's too bad we can't unplug stoves like they can in restaurants (at least we could @ the place I worked).

  8. haha I eat rotessorie chickens all the time when I'm too lazy to cook, they're like $10 and last 3 meals. pretty good deal!

    1. They really's like getting someone else to do your cooking for free! That makes them taste even better. :)

    2. yeah it's true, and hey you saved so much money with the toilet situation that's like 30 chickens you can buy!
