Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Knock at the Door

It's Saturday morning. Since it was a long, tiring week. I slept a little late. Not long after I got up (and while I was still in my PJ's), there was a knock at the door. Bandit went nuts barking--as he always does when we have visitors or mail delivery or people (even small children) just walking down our street. I opened the door to find two Jehovah's Witnesses on the porch.

I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses, except, well, they seem to have terrible timing. How did they know to show up the Saturday I slept late and was still in my PJ's? The very earnest looking young man of the twosome tried to hand me the Watchtower magazine and asked how I would feel if I was lied to. I smiled because my brain wanted to say, "I would exact revenge with swift and horrorible violence!" and then lean forward to ask the boy in a mean voice, "Would you ever lie to me???"

But I didn't. As I said, he looked very earnest--and his cheeks were pink and fuzzy. So instead I informed them it wasn't a good time since I was still in my PJ's.

One Saturday I conducted a little experiment with a pair of JW's. My wife was at the grocery store and as I got out of the shower I heard a knock at the door. I thought it was her. So I wrapped the towel around me and went to open the door. It was JW's. I decided to act as if I was fully dressed to see if and for how long the elderly couple would talk to a man wearing nothing but a towel--thankfully the towel did not slip. I also tried to interest them in becoming Catholic (which I am, just barely). I didn't get to complete the experiment. My wife came home an hour later and broke it up. (I think I've mentioned this before)

ANother bit of fun with JW's came on a Saturday morning we were getting ready to attend a wedding. The doorbell rang just as I was getting in the shower, so my wife answered the door. When I came out of the bathroom, she was still at the door. I heard one of the JW's say "it can be frustrtating to see people down the street not lead good lives, but get material rewards--new cars, boats...". I joined my wife at the door...again in a towel, that's weird now that I think of it (I never walk around the house in a towel). But anyway, I told the couple, "We ARE the evil people down the street and also late for a wedding". I'm pretty sure I said "thank you" and "goodbye" as I shut the door.

Again, I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses. They're trying to help me, in their way--which I don't share. But it's okay. They're not overly pushy and in the future when I'm a lonely shut-in, I am going to talk their ears off when they visit. If you're a JW, I hope you'll come visit me then--it'll be fun (when I turn into Grandpa Simpson).

Is it just me or do Jehovah's Witnesses have bad timing with you too?


  1. I remember the towel at the door story before and that you entertained them for an hour. I also remember being quite amused by that.

    Now, I'm very bad with all the various groups/denominations... erm what do you call these? I don't know the difference between the different Christian groups even though I consider myself a "non-practising" one. I believe that God is in my heart and so it isn't necessary to know which group I belong to.

    I don't know about JW but I know that Christian "activists" always manage to catch people at the weirdest places ever. One pair managed to "convert" me on the street by reading some verses from a little booklet. I was already a non-practising Christian at that time and I guess they wanted me to say these verses so that I could become a "true Christian". In retrospect, it's really quite daunting if they went round "converting" people on the streets in this manner.

    I shan't embark on a religious discourse here.

    How's your day, Licky?

  2. JWs are rare in my country. But the Christian activists or missionaries or whatever are rampant. They're like everywhere!
    There was once I got approached by this Christian guy on the street asking if I have found Jesus. Wanted to grab his Jesus-on-a-cross necklace and say "Here he is!" but I was too nice... :P

  3. Great stories! I am tempted to share my best JW story, but I think Rebekah might not appreciate it. :-)

  4. haha wow! Quite a coincidence because today the Jehovah's Witnesses came to visit my house too. We didn't talk very much. The little boy just handed me this leaflet and ask whether my parents spoke Cantonese and then just left. It was pretty weird because I was in my PJ's too and my hair was messy. Before my mum left the house to go to this event, she saw the leaflet and was like why did you accept this? LOL I thought that it would be rude to say no to them.

    There was a time when this woman approached me. She asked me whether I had any time and I said yes I do. She then told me to hold out my hand and repeat the words that she said and I did. I felt pretty uneasy about it because I had no idea what I was doing lol! All she wanted me to do is go to this Christian event which I didn't even go. ^_^'

  5. I have a JW friend, actually she was a dorm mate when I was in graduate school. She said they don't celebrate birthdays. I asked why.. her answer? "Why should we celebrate the day our mother nearly died giving birth to us?" Whew.

  6. I think I used to have a classmate who was a JW in HS and she stood out because we were attending an exclusive Catholic school. I really don't know much about them but I often see them walking around in our subdivision. :)

    I do read about them in cases. LOL! They have quite a few in my country because of their beliefs.

    Maybe I don't look approachable at all but I've never had an encounter with them yet.

  7. JWs are beyond weird to me. i almost never open the door for then but rather yell at them from my window. grandpa simpson much? you betcha!!! i have no shame...and clearly neither do you, mr. walk-around-in-a-towel all day. lol ;)

  8. LOL Humm...I remember someone knocked on the door while I was alone...and tried to persuade me into converting/believing...but then I made an, it was uncomfortable. Ever since then, that someone always came knocking and referring to me by roommate at the time was home alone and seemed quite annoyed...LOL I don't think he ever came back after that...

    <33 Rena

  9. Oh yes, and there were times when I was younger and they'd come by speaking HMONG! It was quite suprising, but fascinating as well...LOL

    <33 Rena

  10. See you're lucky. They're not pushy. The JW in my area are extremely pushy that sometimes I just want to tell them that I respect their religion. However, I look at religion as a penis. Be humble and keep it to yourselves and don't shove it down just anyone's throat!

    Okay, I'm not sure if that might've been a little too forward as a comment, lol. Again I have nothing against them. It'd just be nice when they're trying to convince me that they don't shut me down and call me evil just because I'm not interested. Sometimes religion can show a person's true colors.. I swear.

  11. I've never had them come to my door. Is that weird...or lucky? ;) I've only heard stories. @_@

    (Thanks for checking in! Yep, you're right. Sick and courtesy of the hubs. If only the fame part were true too :P)

  12. I find it rather annoying how pushy some of them are, but I understand that they have good intentions. One time they came to my house at which I said bye to them. Then I went over to my grandmother's 10 minutes later and who should knock on the door? Oddly enough, they didn't even recognize me and went through their spiel again lol

  13. I live in a condo so luckily I am spared of JW. IF you are not a JW then I believe the timing will always be poor! You are right...the only way to overcome your fear is to face it!

  14. This reminds me of that time your wife said to you "i can't leave you anywhere!" hahaha! I love how their timing always involves you just coming out of the shower. haha! Our house has never been approached by JW's probably b/c my city is pretty much the next Hong Kong - all asians! (not to say there aren't asian JW's... but you know what i mean. :P)

  15. WRITE WRITE WRITE!!! (about that business idea you had that your wife wouldn't let you do) :P

  16. I think when you're in the shower you send out a welcome frequency. I was just to about to exclaimed what a timing just before you did.

  17. ohhh Jehovah's Witnesses... I have a thing against them, I don't like random people knocking on my door trying to sell me things or ask me for things!! I mean I got nothing against the religion, I just don't like the pushy-ness... if I really want to know about something I'll go out of my way to research or even drive to church...

  18. I really thought I had commented on this blog, but I didn't =(.

    I wanted to say that this post is hysterical and soo true! They always seem to come at an inconvenient time. I always love when you tell them that you aren't interested and they constantly try to push the issue. It's like, "NOOOO! kkthxbye"

    I'm sure your wife was amused at you coming to the door with only your towel on haha.

  19.'s already late at night here, i want to laugh out loud while reading but I can't, everbody's sleeping..haayzz! this story really gave me a good laugh;)

  20. It's their (JW) trademark actually to really knock on the door! I had also a funny experienced;) good day!
