Monday, October 10, 2011

Time with Siblings

I've been planning two posts on how very lucky I am. But I'm putting them aside for a family post. My father's sister passed away recently--that side of the family is not long lived. By coincidence, she passed on the same day my father did (a few years earlier). I thought this might be an opportunity to see my brothers and sisters. It wasn't.

Of my five siblings, only one of them made it to either a viewing or the funeral. The others were too busy. The sister that did make it to a viewing made quite a splash. She and her husband informed the deceased aunt's daughter that her (the aunt's daughter's) infant son is "probably retarded"--because the boy likes to hold a soft cloth against his cheek while he drinks a bottle. I'd estimate that 80% of the babies I've ever seen liked to do that--it's comforting, which is something my sister and her husband know nothing about.

Before that happened, I commented to my sister how strange it was for our dad's sister to die on the same day in September that he did. What were the odds? (I know, 1-in-365, but let's not be so literal.) Her response, "Really? Dad died on that day?"



  1. hehheh! I think its odd too for your sister to respond like that;)

    but me, I really want to respond like that.. seriously Rick? thats really 1 in a million;I I know of a siblings who were born the same date (two years gap) so they have only one celebration every year;)but i heard one;)

  2. My twenty year old did exactly the same thing with her blanket when she was a baby. It is very common, but even if it wasn't I don't understand how your sister and her husband could have thought it was appropriate to make that comment. At least your family provides you with some good stories!

  3. yes, that baby gesture sounds normal..I knnow many who did but they're normal..hahha!

    uh..yeah family;)

  4. oh heck no, i would've shook her...sister or not!

    but eh such is family...not one is perfect.

    ps. sorry for your family's loss :(

  5. OOoo yikes, your sister I guess does not pay attention to details? I am sorry to hear that at your Aunt's services on the two of you made it. BTW...that cozy comment may give my mom a heartattack tonight..she reads every post and every!

  6. It's sad to know that only 2 of you managed to make to to your aunt's funeral. I don't see why your sister had to specially inform your cousin that their son is possibly retarded. In what way would he affect anything during the funeral holding a soft cloth and drinking from a bottle?

    I don't know if anyone else would forget the death date of their parents.

    Think of it as your family is this way so that you would be able to tell us anecdotes of your family life! They provide lots of material for your blog.

  7. Oh jeez, that last line...-.-

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt, whether or not you were close, losing a family member or someone you know makes an impact.

    The baby gesture does seem normal and it's not very nice of her to say that...especially about her baby!

  8. This is a tad gloomy of a post.. at least I feel that way :\ It saddens me when children do not pay respect to their parents, whether they are alive or deceased.

  9. Yeah family XDDDD My elder sis (we are 13 years apart) also talks about weid things from time to time, that quote about the baby could be from her as well, she always, always has to give in comments like that on others... well, but that's family! XDD

  10. I'm sorry for your loss! My siblings aren't all quite adult enough to tell who's a flake and who's not, but I can totally relate because I see the older of my two younger brothers heading down this path. Still, that's pretty cold to not konw when your own father passed. :(

  11. Wow your sister sounds... nice.

  12. Sorry for your loss. Honestly with family even if you cared about someone a lot or not you just usually find a way to make it back and just appreciate them. I'm sorry none of your other siblings were able to make it.

    I agree with MizzJ, no offense.

  13. wow, was the first thing that I could think of. But it wasn't a good wow, it was more of a "wow, some people" with a O_o look on my face.
    Sorry to hear about your aunt, and I guess I'm also sorry that your sister is the way she is. Goodness... But I'm sure everyone has stories like that to tell about different members of their family because I sure know that I have a few that would make people give me O_o looks.


  14. Oh my, that must have been awful for you Rick x_x
