Friday, October 21, 2011

"It's My Worst Nightmare!"

That's what my dog must have been thinking the past two days. For some reason, the existence of our attic freaks him out. The pull-down, folding stairs are in the ceiling of our family room. He covertly keeps an eye on the panel, to make sure it doesn't pop open. When we do open it, he leaves the room--with dispatch.

The past two days, workers have been replacing our roof. Bandit was happy to have them in the yard, where he could see them and greet them (by barking like a psycho dog). But when they got on the roof and started walking around, making noises (that seemed to be coming from the attic), he didn't know what to do with himself. The sound was everywhere, so avoiding the family room brought him no comfort.

But don't worry about Bandit. My family has been pampering him in a way that I know I'll never experience.

Darn that cute dog!!!

Have a great weekend--we're going to the pumpkin patch. =)


  1. So sorry to hear the Bandit is not dealing well with the roof replacement. Hopefully you'll find some much needed tranquility at the pumpkin patch tmrw with the kids!

  2. Oh poor Bandit!! Hope the replacing will be done soon!

    We already have a huuuuge pumpkin which was a present from my elder sis' neighbour. He had them grow in his garden and there was a huge one left over, so we got it! I'm looking forward to Halloween now, it is actually my very first time to sratch a face into a pumpkin, hope it will go well!

    Have a nice weekend as well my friend!

  3. Reminds of my in-laws' dog, Connor. Only he's skittish about everything, and it's hilarious and pathetic all at once. I hope they're done with your roof soon so Bandit doesn't have a nervous breakdown! :)

  4. What a beautiful dog! I don't know who I feel sorrier for - the dog for being so stressed out or you for having to pay for a new roof.

  5. Yes, he is so cute! I believe he is a very intelligent dog, sensing something amiss in the attic with all those alien sound. I guess he must be really confused since the family isn't affected by it at all.

  6. awwwww... he's so cute and he must have been so scared. it's good to know that you have all been looking out for him during his nightmare.

  7. aww poor dog! my dog is the same way, but no where near the size of your pooch. mine's a little tiny chihuahua, haha.

    oh man i need to take my son to the pumpkin patch soon

  8. awww poor bandit!!! sounds like he's scared of the attic boogey man. lol.

    hope you had fun at the pumpkin patch!

  9. Rick, your comments always crack me up! It takes a tux to almost make you charming...nice ;)

  10. Going to a pumpkin patch sounds like fun! I don't think I'll get the chance to this year, as Halloween is like just around the corner. I can't believe how fast it crept up on me! I'm just glad that I'm not doing anything this weekend because I wouldn't know what my costume would be or anything. I'm glad that this year's Halloween weekend will be nice and quietly spent with probably a pint of some yummy ice cream and a movie. lol Maybe carving a pumpkin if I can convince Aylwin to do it! ;D he's never carved one before, so we'll see. haha


  11. Turbo hates change, maybe Bandit hates change too? and haha I'm freaked out by the attic too, and to get to the attic is from the closet INSIDE my room, like hello have you seen paranormal activity....
