Friday, October 28, 2011

Lucky Me & My Simple Randomness

Part I: My friend Dana gave me a blog award this week and I am supposed to share seven bits of information about myself. Since I've over-shared so much in my posts (including my hat size--7 5/8), I don't know what to write. So I need your help. I'd like you to ask me questions. Is there anything you'd like to know?

Part II: I think I mentioned before that I have two posts planned on the topic of how lucky I am. This is not one of them—but it is about me being have met some amazing people through blogging. In fact, if you're reading this, you're probably one of them. My blog friends are a great group. My last few giveaways were only for current followers, to let you know I appreciate you stopping by to say hello. I have sort of a giveaway for you today.

Dana (My Simple Randomness) is one of the amazing people I've met. She was among my first ten followers, so she's been putting up with my shenanigans for quite a while. If you don't know her, you should visit her blog--that bit of advice is today's giveaway. =)

She and I had an interesting experience last year. One Saturday morning I posted about a bad dream I'd had. Almost immediately Dana commented that she'd just had a very similar scary dream. The timing was perfect. I told her I would try to have a great dream to post about, so she could have one too. I didn't have that great dream, but she had one anyway, while awake--she found a BF who is also her BF. Pretty great!

Also, without going into details (I'd rather make it sound weird and mysterious), Dana did something wonderful this week (in addition to the award). I already knew this about her, but she showed she's the kind of person who is in a friendship to actually be a friend. She genuinely cares about people--she's a sweetheart. It was kind of touching. Normally, this is where I would make a bad joke about how I hate to be touched (emotionally). But this is no time for a bad joke--and, as usual, I can't think of a good one.

Happy Halloween!

PS - We bought our Halloween candy too early and now have to re-stock for the trick-or-treaters.


  1. I love her blog! It's very warming to read ^^

  2. It is going to be a close call here in terms of the Halloween candy. I think there will still be enough tomorrow, but it is still too early to make that call. :-)


    I just had like the LONGESTTTTTTT COMEMNT EVER!

    I swear that I was sitting here typing out this comment and thinking of what to say for the past like , idk 20 minutes & Now it's gone!!! :(

    WHYYYYYYY!?!?! >:0

    I had responded to your last comment & to this super sweet post of yours & now *blah* -______-

    I loved the post, I appreciate it so much and was wonderfully surprised, but I can't retype the comment I had before. & it also won't have the same meaning as the last one came from my heart and if I rewrite it all, it'll be off the top of my head trying to remember what I wrote.

    Ehhhhh, I've never been so upset at losing a comment before. I mean yeah I've been frustrated before from losing comments because they're packed with a bunch of words, but this one was different :(

  4. Okay well that was just a super depressing & lame way to end my comment :/

    But I'm sure you'll understand that I still loved this post very much. It had me smiling & giggling at your jokes :) (<--- look, cracked a smile for ya, lol) [<--- oh look I loled] haha

    Did you know that when I type out lol, I'm really laughing out loud. haha, means I find it funny; lol, means I'm laughing out loud (embarrassing when I'm in class) & LOL means if someone saw me laughing, they'd think I'm just a crazy ass because I'm all by myself at my laptop laughing. haha

    But anyways(I get sidetracked very easily),
    thank you Rick xoxo


  5. Awwww, I know what you mean, Dana is such an angel and sunshine!! I've got to love her too and am so thaknful to got to know her and blog <3<3<3 She also gave me this award, makes me remember I also have to do a post abput it ;)

    Hmm, I'm so bad with asking questions, maybe you'd tell us your height and eyecolour?? Lol When I've came up with other questions I might ask you hahaha

  6. That is always the case. However this year my new fella and I have decided to watch a scary movie on Halloween - Paranormal Activity 3

  7. I like this post. :) I'll have to check out Dana's blog since it comes so highly recommended, too.

    And I will be dutifully sitting in my office tomorrow night instead of handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, as I have duty tomorrow. Blech. :(

    Hubby says he's all over the candy thing though, so we'll see. :)

  8. i'm doing fine! haha busy busy busy :) how am i balancing 4 jobs and full time school!

  9. She's a sweetheart :) Bloggie friends make blogging worthwhile.

    I guess I haven't been a blog reader as long as I thought but how old are your kids? I've only read a few posts where you mention them. Only share if you feel comfortable of course. ;)

    (Yep, thanks! The doc has me on Flonase and Claritin too)

  10. I'm still laughing at the fact that we know your hat size. HAHAHAHA!!

  11. Dana is a really sweet person I agree!! and I love how blogging brings everyone together. haah as for the lantern I'm not sure where I got it, i think it was just sitting on the front porch and I borrowed it for the shoot! those are the best props- unexpected and freeee :D

  12. Did your children dress up for Halloween? Would love to see their costumes (can always pixelate their faces if you want them to remain anonymous on the net)!

  13. Lol, I like watching Star Trek too! ;)


  14. Hehe blog friends are great :)

    Hmm, I'm not sure what question I should ask... what about what is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

  15. Serpent is a great name for the color green! Its the reason I bought the dress. Ok no not really but its still a cool color. ;)

    We ran out of candy half way through the trick or treaters. Shoot.

    Q for you? Why do you rarely have photos in your posts?

  16. So sweet of you to blog about her on here. I also have met some awesome people through blogging and it's nice to know that the internet has good people :)

  17. Rick I am sorry I have not swung by in a while but how are you doing? I know the job was keeping you quite busy and glad you had some time to take a few days off!
