Friday, October 14, 2011

Drivers Around You

I’ve mentioned several times that as a teenager I worked as an assistant manager at a burger joint. The other assistant was a 22 year-old blond who liked me and hated me. The guy she replaced didn’t like me either (hmmm, I wonder if that’s worth writing about?). Anyway, she often acted without taking even a second to consider the situation.

In August, she and the district manager’s daughter went to Ocean City, MD together. She had just purchased a new car and was eager to drive. As they crossed the Bay Bridge, she decided she wanted to listen to a CD that was locked in the glove compartment—and of course the key was on the same ring as her ignition key. She worried she would have an accident if she tried to remove the key while she was driving. So, she cleverly decided to turn the car off and hand the keys to her friend so the girl could open the glove box. She planned to coast for a while. What could go wrong?

What could go wrong is steering wheels lock when you turn off the engines. The portion of the bridge they were on was fairly straight—but not perfectly straight. Almost immediately her car started scraping against the guardrail. The two girls started screaming, not thinking to restart the engine and the car continued to scrap along the barrier until it came to a stop.

They were lucky the car didn’t: crash through the barrier; drift the other direction into traffic; or flip over. She KNEW steering wheels lock when you turn off the car, but it didn’t occur to her as she focused on getting the CD.

The moral of the story? Be afraid. Be very afraid—that people like her are out there!! I mean really, how could anyone hate ME??? LOL, just kidding, of course I mean be afraid because people like her are out there driving. So my friends, please drive defensively and don’t get mad when drivers do stupid things—just be glad you’re okay.

Have a nice weekend!!!


  1. I can see the CD is soooooo importantto this girl.

    Does coast for a while mean let the car cruise on its own for a while? Should she just drive till there is an appropriate spot to stop and then STOP the car to remove the key?

    It's good that they didn't get hurt. I bet she learnt her lesson after this incident.

    PS: It's comforting to know that I'm not the most bimbotic driver around!

  2. It's a good thing that no one got hurt. It would've been a shame if an accident really occured because of a CD. O.o

    I would have taken the key out if I needed to use it, hehe. :P Anyway, I guess she learned her lesson after that incident.

    Have a great weekend too Rick! :D

  3. Okay, serious shit who does that? LOL. Honestly, that's really not smart. I don't drive often, hell I don't drive at all. It's been a couple mos. since I've actually driven, but the one thing I wouldn't do is risk my life, risk a passengers life, and risk the life of others driving. Some people just don't have common sense, huh?

  4. LOL when I saw the title I thought "shot, is Rick going to talk about driving safely because now he thinks I'm a maniac on the road?" due to my last facebook status, but it didn't refer to me. haha.

    But in my defense, driving really slow on the freeway is also a hazard.
    And even though I seem like a crazy aggressive driver, I actually drive very defensively - thanks to good teaching from my Momma! ;D


  5. Oh, I know what you mean... I had a friend who had a head-on collision accident with another car. My friend was drunk and driving fast. The other person was, apparently, drunk as well and since he snuck out of the house to go out, he was changing back to his house clothes and was driving at the same time.

    You see, people should know (myself included) that multi-tasking while driving is not safe. The other driver crashed onto my friend's car and although my friend only got out with a few cuts and bruises, the teenager's car was cut in half and he died.

    This, I realize now, is not a very good story to... but this is my "be very afraid" story.

  6. WHOA...that is one scary story! I am a lousy driver and it is a blessing that I live in the city and can either walk or talk public transportation! I haven't drive a car in *gulp* 7 years.....

  7. In my country, we call it 'kopi-O licence' or espresso licence. :) These drivers never really pass their driving test but paid extra to get them.

  8. There is no cure for stupidity. As much as I would like to see one, it is never going to happen. Stories like this are reminders of that fact.

  9. All those brain cells gifted to her are not being used, omg, I'm speechless >.<

  10. I can't drive - no license, lol. But that doesn't mean I'm safe, hahaha, I have to be so careful, sometimes drivers are driving crazy here! XDD
