I am passing the Beautiful Blogger Award and the Sunshine Award to: Angel, Blair, Dana, Khim, RML, sssdawna, teJan, and Thanh Thao for helping me out of a funk.
I'm passing the Ten Honest Things About Me tag (an invitation to share more) to: ana, applepie, Becks, Christy, kimmy, Megan, Nitia, Olive, Sonia and Wenny.
The You're a Doll Award goes to: acutelife, anne, bananas, Elaine, eQ, Mel, Krissy, Kym, Leah, Manju, Nashe, russ, Shirley and Stiletto Girl.
The I Love Your Blog Award goes to all of you listed above. If I didn't love your blogs I wouldn't bother reading and commenting.
The title of this post has the "L" word in it. I have trouble getting that word out sometimes (unless you live with me). But fortunately the "F" word (fond) rolls right off my tongue. I'm very fond of the people I've met blogging! Thank you all for being so wonderful--especially you! Yeah, that's right, you! You know I'm talking to you!


1. My eyes are blue and my hair is light brown
2. I don’t drink hot coffee, hot tea, or eat soup unless I feel sick.
3. Growing up, I didn’t want to have a wife or kids
4. I changed my mind about #4—I have a wife and 2 kids
5. I like watching old movies and old TV shows
6. A car is just transportation to me. It doesn’t have to impress anyone.
7. Aside from my mortgage, I don’t like being in debt—at the moment I hate it!
8. I played little league baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball and played on the school soccer, wrestling, and baseball teams. My parents wouldn’t let me play organized football, so I played that at the local park.
9. I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!
10. Like any good German, I’m really, really excited about having followers!!! Hahaha~
Thanh Thao tagged me with "Mr. Brightside Award" {formerly the “Ms. Brightside Award”}. You need to list 10 things that make you happy and 5 trivia items about yourself.
Things that make me happy:
1. My kids (daughter and son);
2. Time with friends/meeting new people;
3. Bloggers;
4. Spicy food/home cooking/dining out/EATING!!!;
5. Visiting new places;
6. Learning something new, exchanging ideas;
7. Quiet time at the end of the day/looking up at the stars;
8. Doing random acts of kindness daily (I do it early so I can be a grouch the rest of the day).
9. Keeping traditions alive, creating new ones for my kids
10. I'll never tell!!!! =)
Trivia about me:
1. I used to be able to climb trees like a monkey {not sure now};
2. When I was little I wanted to be Governor of my state;
3. I like peanut butter on toast {sometimes w/honey), but rarely think to make it;
4. I use a western grip to hold my tennis racket;
5. My hat size is 7 5/8—which is VERY attractive to zombies (that's for you, Manju).
Along with teJan, Dana also gave me the "Lucky Chinese Tag" {aka, Crazy Eights, Eminent Eights}. **in no order particular order**
1) How I Met Your Mother
2) Top Chef
3) The Office
4) Big Bang Theory
5) Smallville
6) That 70’s Show
7) TLC; HGC; The Food Network
8) Angel/Buffy/Moonlight
1) Olive Grove ...for crab cakes
2) Rita’s ...slushies and soft ice cream
3) Grace’s Fortune ...for Chinese food
4) The Original Steakhouse ...for steak, LOL
5) Jerry’s Seafood ...for all seafood (except oysters)
6) Thai Restaurant ...for um, oh yeah, Thai
7) Papa Johns ...for when I want to stay home
8) Almost anyplace for Italian food or barbeque
1) Considered taking the day off from work
2) Went to work
3) Had lunch with a great friend
4) Bought Girl Scout cookies
5) Ate Girl Scout cookies
6) Had to ditch dinner with friends
7) Got home too late for dinner
8) Watched “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”
1) Clear night skies
2) Holidays and cozy fires
3) Great food—and fruitcake (I mean including fruitcake!)
4) Spending extra time with family
5) College bowl games
6) Snow, but not so many feet
7) NFL playoffs
8) Snow days!!!

sssdawna gave me the “Once upon a Time" tag. The rules are to post a picture from your childhood (less than 13 yrs old) and write about it.
Have you seen my profile picture??? LOL! That is a school picture, but it was taken before I started school. Our local elementary allowed younger brothers and sister of students to have pictures taken—they probably made money on it.
teJan shared a “Valentine” tag with me, but I guess I’ve missed the boat on responding to that one since it is now March!!!

1. I like Dr. Pepper and Diet Lime Coke
2. I have had cats and dogs as pets
3. I love walking in the snow at night—especially if the sky is clear. 4. I enjoy college and pro sports. I’m a fan, but not a fanatic.
5. I like flowers, but don’t have a favorite. Although, there is a very cool blue weed I am partial to—it grows in my yard during the summer.
6. I don’t remember ever being lonely or bored
7. Most people can’t tell I’m angry unless I want them to, then it’s unmistakable. LOL!

Hey Ricademus,
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the endless awards, you totally deserve it! Like your sense of humour. It starts my day today, before I start embarking on work.
Your last 2 honest facts are really funny.
"I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!"
"Like any good German, I’m really, really excited about having followers!!! Hahaha~"
Woo, you can wrestle too. Better don't piss you off. =p
Awwww Rick, congrats on all the awards... everybody loves you. So what's with the broken heart then... I'm intrigued.
ReplyDeleteI think we have some things in common... I don't drink hot coffee, not even for breakfast. I love spicy food. I don't remember being bored and lonely either.
I wish I have blue eyes too. Hahaha!
Thanks for sharing the doll award with me. I'm glad you chose to give me the award with no tags. I'm so lazy to do tags. Luv yah friend! xoxo
Hi Rick, I hope you get out of the funk that's bothering you :) As you can see, so many of us love you! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL at "I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!" You're so funny! I look forward to your posts as they really cheer me up! :D
OMG, omg, omg, SO MANY awards!! ^__^
ReplyDeleteWoah I can't believe that you were able to finish this LONG post. Now for me to ask, how long did it take for you to finish this? O_o Hum? lol I know that it absolutely takes me FOREVER (and I mean FOREVER) to finish posts from tags and awards. That's why I'm just so horrible at making posts in response to them >,<
But hey! Thank you very much for the awards :) Made my day <3 Now I can head out to my night class in a good mood. (shhh, don't tell anyone, but it's like the most booorrriiing class ever) LOL
And I know you said you won't go into detail, so I won't ask [even though I'm a huge nosey body ;p ] and just say... I hope your heart feels better. Or at least a little better *hugs*
Oh and one more thing!
I love how you've just fit so perfectly into this Blogging world. & I actually find it really funny how you've meshed so well with all of the Beauty/Fashionista bloggers here on Blogspot! (myself not included) LOL
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You're DEAD funny! I absolutely love your posts, hehe!
ReplyDeleteFirst things first: thank u very much for the awards! You're a doll! (got it?! =P)
"I almost made a really high pitched “Eeeeee” sound. Almost! Since I’m a baritone it didn’t quite come out right." LOL!
10 honest things:
#6 THANK YOU! I've been saying that for years now...
#9: LOL2!
#10: you're German??? I could've sworn you were American! Also, LOL3 for the followers bit, hehe!
LOVE The Big Bang Theory, the best comedy ever!
8 things that happened yesterday: LOL4!
Sunshine Award: trust us, angel did not get it backwards. =)
(Long comment? Sorry, I'm a talker!...)
Im sorry you had a crappy weekend. =(
ReplyDeleteBut look! Look at how many people have shared love with you. I wish I had that many passing awards my way!
German hu? I can dig. Married young with kids. Like flowers and snowy night walks. The office is the best show! And I LOVE peanut butter honey toast. Its so filling and sweet!
Chin up buttercup...
Thank you for your comment and support.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to stop thinking about it.
Hopefully my next post I won't be complaining about it...
you're so loved!!! awwwwww yay!
ReplyDeletecongrats on all your awards. you deserve each and every one. loved learning more about you. but wait, did you say spicy hollaaaa! do you like thai? mexican? let's do spicy together!!!
HAHAHAHAHA..You're so funny..I really enjoy reading this post..Congrats for the awards Ric, you totally deserve them :) Btw I saw my name there, but since my name is quite common, I need to confirm with you whether the Olive you meant is me (I know, now you have to say that it's me of course! HAHA) Thanks Ric :D
ReplyDelete"I don’t drink hot coffee, hot tea, or eat soup unless I feel sick." -> WOahh, I live each day drinking coffee.
"Like any good German, I’m really, really excited about having followers!!!" -> LOLOL
"I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!" -> It's a good one, haha. Too bad I can't say this, since I'm the oldest.
Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend!! I hope everything's okay or that things get better real soon !!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on all the awards and tags! Reading through all the fun facts was lots of fun!
"3. Growing up, I didn’t want to have a wife or kids" you changed your mind about this pretty quickly didn't you? seeing as you got married quite young, no? haha
"8. Doing random acts of kindness daily (I do it early so I can be a grouch the rest of the day)." haha i highly doubt you act like a grouch any time of day !
"5. My hat size is 7 5/8—which is VERY attractive to zombies (that's for you, Manju)." that's a really really exact hat size..
how i met your mother is LOVE ! except..it's gone very very downhill the past 2 seasons =( i miss when the show was ACTUALLY about how ted met his kids' mother ! now it's about randomness..AND BARNEY NEVER SAYS LEGEN...WAIT FOR IT..DARY ANYMORE ! what's up with that! =)
OH and thanks for tagging me too!
ReplyDeleteI've been totally MIA from blog and haven't even looked at mine for the past two+ weeks..but as soon as i do i'll get right on it =)
Haha, I can't believe anyone read this mutant post!!! Thank you! I L...*cough*.., you guys are amazing!
ReplyDeleteeverybody loves rickmon!!!! :D i cant believe i don't know that you're a German!!! omgd. my bad :( congrats on those awards. what you give, you get back ;) and thank you for passing the award to me too !!!!
ReplyDeletewheee i'm a doll lolzzz :)
i hope you're feeling better now??
'Growing up, I didn’t want to have a wife or kids' really? i'm curious as to what you wanted when ugrew up?
these are interesting facts about you! i don't like debt either and am afraid to get a mortgage lol but i drink hot coffee or tea almost every single day. i hope your week is better : ) thank you for the awards!! <3
ReplyDeletelol. tell us some irish jokes. i'd love to barf in front of my irish friends when i tell em those jokes. LOL.
ReplyDeleteor perhaps i should tell my american friends so that the jokes make sense. ahahha.
awww thanks for the tag Ric!
ReplyDeletewhatever happened this weekend though, i hope youre keeping your head up! :)
hahahaha my faves:
9. I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!
10. Like any good German, I’m really, really excited about having followers!!! Hahaha~
im the eldest sooo rebuttal to #9: masterpieces can't be replicated; parents will try and try... and after a certain age, just give up ;)
#10 is awesome lolol
... oh and ive never tried/heard of peanut butter and honey before! kinda sounds gross at first, but now that im thinking about it, im drooling lol
wow aren't you Mr. Popular! LOL to your comment, it could have been much worst. I'm not familiar with the movie but I will now have to watch it!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the tag... going to work on that this weekend.
ReplyDeleteMy son has had some not so fun coloring moments with our house, but only like 1 or 2 and they were washable crayons. Now back when I was about 3 or 4 my dad went to go take a shower and in the mean time I decided it would be best for me to color my entire body with a green crayola marker. It was his favorite color and me being the daddy's girl that I am could not understand why he was so upset with me for coloring myself in his favorite color. My mother was not home at the time hence how we both survived the issue. That moment alone made me pretty happy as well to spend the 7.00
The BF is forgetful..he would forget my birthday if I wasn't so persistent about reminding him every single day for a week leading up to it, haha. and he's quite oblivious too. he saw all the ads and decorations for valentines day but always thought it was further down the road! we ended up not celebrating last year because i refused to remind him. he didnt realize until 3 days later when his friends asked him what he did for valentines day, haha sigh.
ReplyDeletei would bet you BIG MONEY that the yoga room smelled a million times worse than your wrestling room! hahah i have honestly never seen sweat drip off people like fountains like that before ! and the floor just sucked it all up so others could enjoy the stench later.
& HAHAH i dont know where people get the idea that we say aboot! unless people on the east coast say it or something, but i swear, never in my life have i met a canadian who said aboot..or eh, haha
& AS IF I WOULD BLOCK YOU lol are you crazy that would bring my readership down to..like..2! haha it's really good to hear you're in a "silly" mood though !! way better than hearing that you had a bad weekend =(
sorry, this was a super long comment. i haven't commented in weeks ! i need to catch up!! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting it and thanks for your visit and comment all the time.
Forget the passed crappy week and hopefully it´s gonna be better this coming weekend.
Happy blogging
congrats on the awards Rick. that's soooo many :)
ReplyDeletehope the sunshines brighter for you in the coming days.
uh, sorry to hear that...I hope you heart mends soon. what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, I hope this will apply to you too :)
ReplyDeleteand thanks for the award!! i love reading more about you rick. LOLZ about growing up wanting no wife or kid. one of my friend is like that, I should tell him to read your blog, he might change his mind! ;)
Rick, I enjoyed reading a little bit more about you! :) I hope you're having a better day today. And thank you for the tag!! :)
Winner! :-p haha, thanks for the tag. :-p
ReplyDeleteAw so much love for ya i see! Well, whatever the situation is...i hope you feel better.
ReplyDeleteBtw, i know!! tlaw and blake left!!! the blazers are crayyy but blake is in a better place b/c i know ppl there that <3 him!
i couldn't agree more about the car. and honestly, it just kills me seeing those cars with huge spoilers! golly!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing you had facts. i find them both fun to read and wait, you wrestle? why, i bet i can wrestle you down! :D
I wish they showed Big Bang Theory here. :(
ReplyDeleteAnd snow days... now you're just trying to make me jealous!
what happen dear friend.., i hope you will be alright so soon!
ReplyDeletewow! congrats to your awardsssssss! waah! so many..hhehe! you really desrves it! have a good bright new day!
haha, no wonder you've done so well fitting in with all of us gals, because you always know the exactly what to say! LOL It's always the perfect compliment or response to our posts/comments! And you're just such a super gosh darn sweet guy - what girl wouldn't love having you around! ;)
ReplyDeleteI doubt I'm not the only person who always finishes reading your comments with a smile :) thehehe
AND you're just too funny!! I love your sense of humor!! ^___^