Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weird, random health stuff

My mind has been on health lately and that has reminded me of a few odd things that have happened to me--for some reason these all involve my eyes in one way or another. Perhaps in future posts I'll work my way from top to bottom. =)
Patriotic Eye: Apparently I cough too hard--doctors have said "don't cough so hard" to me several times. Twice I dislocated (dislodged???) cartilage in my rib cage. That hurt like the dickens, especially when I coughed! LOL. But the coolest side-effect came when a capillary in my left eye ruptured slightly. The outside half of the eye was blood red, while the other half remained white. So I had a patriotic eye--it was red, white and blue! {USA, USA, USA}

Raccoon eyes: I've heard this can happen to women who fall asleep with their eye makeup on. I found another way. I had a stomach virus and in the middle of the night I...well, I'll just say my dinner retraced its steps. Apparently I do that too hard also--capillaries around both eyes burst ever so slightly and it looked like I was wearing red goggles.

Chicken Disease: In really low light my left eye dilates a little larger than the right. While working late one night I caught a co-worker staring at my eyes. She was the first person to notice. After that I experimented in low light, looking through one eye and then the other. I discovered she was right, things were a little brighter through my right eye. It only happens in very weak light. I asked an ophthalmologist about it. After an intense exam he asked if I had ever been around chickens. I said no, I thought he was joking. But he went on to explain there was scarring in the eye that had to be the result of an untreated case of "X" (can't remember what he called the bacteria--just that I couldn't pronounce it). He said "X" left a distinctive scarring pattern. I thought that was impossible because I had never been around chickens. Except later I remembered I HAD. My aunt who made the great Xmas cookies had chickens. During several visits she asked me to help her son collect eggs. I must have wiped my eye during the chore. I had a chicken disease!!!

PS - I remember having an eye infection, but it was NOT untreated. My parents had me hold hot teabags on the eye every morning! LOL


  1. That is so interesting !! Before deciding on Engineering I had wanted to be an ophthalmologist so reading about all your eye stuff is really cool! I hope you can still see properly though...your poor eyes have been through a lot!
    Now were those great christmas cookies really worth getting disease X making your eyes dilate funny? Haha.
    & have you since learned to control how hard you cough?

    I think a medium pizza hut pizza is 12"..if that helps any! Haha. I'm sure it's not meant to have leftovers, but I'm sure one person shouldn't be able to finish a whole one themselves either! LOL.

    & LOL AT THE SISTER IN LAW who thought canada was one of the 50 states..not that I should be laughing, not like I'm any better..but the whole Pangaea idea is brilliant! i think i might have to use that haha. =D

    PS. is your bronchitis better yet ????

  2. Coughing too hard, eh? I learned something new today. That's the first time I've heard of it. It's interesting. You know how kids intentionally cough harder when they're crying or when they're trying to get the attention of their parents??
    You should be taking supplements for the eyes or you should eat more of foods that have stuff good for the eyes. I'm sure you've these checked. Please take good care of yourself :)

  3. Oh Rick, your eyes have certainly gone through a lot! I cannot imagine which of this is worst, but I would think I am most scared of having patriotic eyes! I hope your eyes (and yourself, per se) are doing okay now :)

  4. Rick, the tea bags are used to reduce the eye bags, not to cure eye infection.

    Word of advice my dear friend... take care of your eyes. Don't subject them to too much strain.

    PS...I want to see your patriotic eyes. Hahaha!

  5. this is a very interesting post, we should take real good care of our eyes, im scared of eye infections now because when i was little i used to get painful sties on my left eyelid (because of bacterial infection ) which left a scar :( i'm not really sure why i get them. Now, when i feel discomfort in my eye I panic. hahaha!

    after everything they've been through, i hope your eyes are healthy now. do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

  6. lol... USA eyes..hhahah.. anyway, hope your eyes are better now. yeah really weird health stuff,,,hhahaha!

    take care my friend!godspeed!

  7. agree,
    its weird.
    never heard:)

  8. this is my first time hearing about the chicken disease!! I will google about it!! coz I play alot with chicken when I was young *panic mode on* lolz lolz
    ryc, thanks rick, I always enjoy reading your blog!! not many male bloggers around so gotta appreciate those few who are ;)

  9. Oh my Rick! That is one too many eye problems. Be more careful ok? Don't sneeze too hard, don't cough to hard. Take it easy. =)

  10. i have no idea that there are such eyes problems like that. lol. but i got diagnosed with vertigo where my doctor told me it came from my eyes.

    eat carrots! it'll help to make your eyes better.

  11. omg. you are TOO MUCH! lol patriotic eye...wow. so i visited my granpa over spring break. and his eyes are blue around the brown! so i asked him what was up with that and he just said they're getting old. and my mom said that they're getting cloudy. what do you think about that?

  12. How can one cough too hard? XDDD

    And lol to the "American Eyes", you are a true patriot! :-) Get your eyes some rest, too, they deserve it after taking so many eye illnesses! ^^

  13. Man... your eyes are soooo screwed up, hahahaha! Hope you take better care of them from now on!!!

  14. i hope your eyes and your well-being get better rick. take lots of rest. maybe it could just be stress too.

    i remember before when i spend too much time reading, something goes wrong with my eyes (infection, redness, swollen, etc). my doctor advised me to always take it easy and alway clean my eyes.

    have a nice thursday!

  15. I dont wanna cough so hard from now on.
    lol about the patriotic eye.

    there is a skin care product that works for dark circles under the eyes, its called hylexin. i heard leno has been using this.

    our cells get old rick and it is something that we cannot stop. except of course if we try to manipulate it through medical procedures. the only thing we can do is to take care of ourselves and live in a positive way.

    get well, so that you can still see the beauty of the sky when you reach the dawn of your life.

  16. I don't think I will ever cough the same again since reading this post, I kind of laughed, but more of the dark humor when you know you shouldn't and you do anyway then it hits you it could very well happen to you and then you stop laughing and the dark cloud sits over your head.

  17. O my! Coughing so hard that you injure yourself is pretty bad! You must so much passion for coughing and throwing up.

  18. "patriotic eye"...HA!!! that's funny!

    what do you call it when it's red, white and poop brown? my uncle used to get it all the time and it was so gross! i couldn't even look at him. i think he coughed too hard too!

    i get a good case of racoon eye on weekends mostly. haha.

  19. I know it's kinda inappropriate to laugh at someone's illness, but the patriotic eye is so funny, hahaha..ehemm..sorry..Btw, you better take good care of your eyes Rick, knowing that they're kinda sensitive to stuff..Eyes are very very important!
    Oh and thanks for the song suggestion :)

  20. you're bringing some random new medical stuff HAHAHA.

    well, not really but your version is funnier :p

  21. This is a funny collection of little health anecdotes..very colorfully-written. :-p I don't mean to be having fun listening to you talk about them Rick, they were very amusing, even if it was at your expense..:-) Your stories are always amusing. love reading them!
