Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Mystery Gift

I've been told this is a vintage, white rhinestone choker with "individually prong set stones" (I don't know what the last part means). It has matching screwback earrings.

My wife selected them for me. She sells stuff like this on ebay along with an odd collection of junk she and her sister have accumulated.

The giveaway closes on Thursday and I'll ID the random winners as soon as possible. I wish you could all win! =)


  1. Lovely set Rick... I'll check out your wife's site now. :-)

  2. wow that's sooooo nice. :) i love it!

  3. Wow, it looks so beautiful, I really want to win it! Can I bribe you somehow to let me win this? XDD

    Kidding! I wish everyone who entered your giveaway good luck!

  4. omyfreaking gawd, that is beautiful!!!

    ya know, considering that i save lives everyday, perhaps you might want to consider choosing me to win this giveaway. ya know, considering that work kinda sucks right now and i need a boost. hehehe.

    but then again, i'm a very fair lady. i'd like to fight equally. yeeeeha!

  5. Hmmm...nice man but I like the pendant more...hehheeheh! take care mah friend and have a great day!

  6. It's me again..from my daughter's site...letting you know This is a nice one but I love the pendant...harhar! and it will be enough for me..harhar again!


  7. Goodluck to everyone who joined :)
    Rick's lucky to have a very supportive wife. Now I remember, that she's an Aquarian. I have a question. It's Holy Week here in the Philippines? Do you guys observe it over there?

  8. That is so beautiful Rick, I cannot decide which I like most :) It's my birthday on Tuesday, maybe I can win one of those? Nyahahaha I'm so excited to see the winners :)

  9. thanks for your comment haha!
    OH those are beautiful!
    How do i ENTER?!

  10. Wow, those are beautiful, your wife has a great taste for jewelry!

  11. Oh no. I didn't wanted to say, that I want to enter to the second giveaway, too. I only wanted to say, that that's a very nice idea for your readers. :)
    Didn't you learn a bit German in school?

  12. ohh gorgeous!

    it's so cool that she sells stuff like this on ebay!

  13. Ooh nice. :)

    And yes, I think my tattoo will be a great reminder of my grandparents. I think they would have loved it.

  14. LOL @ "I don't know what the last part means" hahahaha.

    that piece looks gorgeous!

  15. WOW amazing necklace, just love it!

  16. It's so pretty, very vintage looking, whoever wins will be a very happy and lucky person!

  17. Haha... that's soooo weird that I wrote that and you were thinking that. And I'm not even sure why I did. We must be on the same wave length.

  18. ooh veryvery perdy!

    but man oh man, we gotta wait til tomorrow!!! ahhhh!!! ;)

  19. Wow, this is so beautiful!! I wish everyone good luck, this is a really great piece of 'junk' your wife found :)))
    I am your new follower xx
