I confess that I stalk my own comments on your posts. I don't want to miss it if you comment back. But I think I need to stop--I can't stand reading my own comments. It makes me sick! I am making sooooo many typos that my comments appear to be the work of a drunken illiterate. I am neither--I know for a fact I can read and write on at least a 5th grade level!!! LOL!
Anyone know how to run a virus check and reboot a human????
Tnhaks for baernig wtih me!!! =)
PS - As is true with so many things, the typos of others don't bother me--I usually don't even notice them. It's just mine that drive me crazy, especially the ones that cloud my meaning. Ugh!
LOLLL don't worry so much about the typos ! I would bet good money that you can read and write wayyyy better than a 5th grader ! haha
ReplyDeletehahah typos shmypos... as long as we understand what youre trying to say, thenn it's no big deal.
ReplyDeletei would say something though if you sTaRt tO tYpE lIkE tHis :P
haha I totally know how you feel. Sometimes I'll twitter and I'll reread it and cringe because it's so horrible! We all do it, so don't worry =)
ReplyDeletehaha.. never mind the typos Ric.. im pretty sure we all understand what u're trying to say.. and i appreciate the time and effort spent on commenting.. :)
ReplyDeletei know i suck at that coz sometimes type how i text.. like u're instead of you're.. i know some people hate that..
Ohhhh, I TOTALLY know wht u mean! Actually, upon finding typos on my own comments, I go as far as deleting them and rewriting them! And yet, so true: other pple's don't bother me, only my own! And I scan my comments so carefully before posting them... *sighs* We need help...
ReplyDeleteHA! i am the SAME EXACT WAY!!!
ReplyDeletehi, i swear i'm a college graduate. LOL!
Hahaha! You're so normal Rick... I sometimes delete my comment when I see even one typo error.
ReplyDeleteWe are so OC I guess. Have a good day my friend! xoxo
& i didn't even notice there were any typos when i read it before you deleted it ! and now i'll never know what they were ! haha
ReplyDeleteHahaaa! Don't worry so much about it, but yeah, I delete comments I've posted too if I see that I missed a letter or what. But hey, it's all cool :)
ReplyDeletehahaha..I understand you Rick..I usually reread my comment before I post it, you know, just to double-check, and triple-check..But I'm not an OC..or am I???
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, I didn't notice any typos on your comments so far, so should not be a problem :)
I hate reading my comments too. I almost never reread what I write. I want to kick myself. =P
ReplyDeleteHa, I know how you feel.
ReplyDeleteWorse yet is when you're working on a semi-important document and you think, "finally, all the editing is complete." Then, after you print it out, right away you notice a typo or grammatical error.
Such is life, eh?
hahaha i understand the sentiment ric! but dont worry about it, i dont mind it too! it's no fun if everything is perfect, mistakes make writing exciting sometimes. at least for me. hahaha ^_~
ReplyDeletelol you're such an oc!! :p dont worry about it too much. everyone makes mistakes. yours happen to be typos. you know we love you nonetheless, right? :p
ReplyDeletei'm like you, i don't like it when i see typos especially when it is mine hehehe. i don't care about the others, i understand that it's normal to commit typos...but i don't like committing it
ReplyDeleteI also make a lot of typos! I don't know why, but I usually proof-read everything before I apost it! :-) So, don't worry, if the post is still understandable, one or two mistakes won't hurt! XDD
ReplyDeleteIt is true that we are our best and worst critic :D Don't mind the typos, I'm sure they are all appreciated :)
ReplyDeletePS: If it's any consolation, I don't remember you making any typos on your comments in my posts :)
i know about this kind of virus
ReplyDeletei think this virus attacks only one person in hundreds,
this virus wont kills the person whom it attacks it kills 100 members around him,
till now 18 are over still 72 left
NRA ???
ReplyDeletedo you really own a rifle? O.O
i'd be a scared neighbor too! hahah
& that's actually a lot of sport-themed stuff ! lol
LOLZ i think I have zillions typos spread out around the blogsphere ^^ dont worry about it rick!!
ReplyDeleteheheh..we feel the same...you are not alone! hahahha.. I mean with mine.
ReplyDeletehave a great day!
I do have lots of typos too..so no need to worry bout it!..godspeed!
ReplyDeletei don't really mind them, sometimes it can be funny ;)
ReplyDeletei'm the other way around... typos of other people bother me but not my own. haha! i guess cus i know i can spell properly but when i'm in a rush to type or afraid i'll forget to type everything i need to type... okay i lost my train of though... what i'm trying to say is. . okay i forgot. you get it though, i hope. hahaha!
ReplyDeletei have a confession to make, i delete my comment and rewrite it if i see a typo. and it bothers me so much if my comment has to be moderated before it can be displayed; because i can't check my spellings! :D
ReplyDelete"Tnhaks for baernig wtih me!!! =)" --- I don't know if you typed that on purpose but Rick strikes again! Lols. hehehehe. It's ok Rick, we love you, typos and all. Mwah. =)