When should a person start feeling old? Hopefully never! Unfortunately something happened last week that made me feel old. It wasn’t my birthday. I’m happy to see that roll around. Although, my wife looks forward to it much more than I do (I enjoy other people’s birthdays more than my own). She is 3 weeks older than I am and she does not enjoy those weeks at all. She’s happy when my b-day arrives because then “we’re the same age again”.
The year I learned she felt that way, I made a huge mistake. I used to tease her about being an older woman. It was funny when she was 16. It was hysterical when she was 18 and I was still 17. It wasn’t quite as funny when she was 21. When she turned 25 it stopped being funny altogether. That’s when she first made the comment about us being the same age again on my birthday. I was confused. That’s when I made my mistake. While still in a state of confusion, I stated a fact. I pointed out she is always 3 weeks older than I am—not just during the time between our birthdays. I wasn’t teasing her, just stating a fact.
I learned that is a fact she doesn’t enjoy and doesn’t want to hear—ever! She let out a small, stunned gasp (that very clearly communicated “how dare you”), so I apologized. I’ve never mentioned it again. She mentions it, but I never do. However, I do THINK it. Somehow she knows. Well, not exactly. But when I do think it, she always asks “What are you thinking? I don’t like that twinkle in your eye (or occasionally “that smile on your face”). I know you’re thinking something.” By “something”, of course she means something she would not like. LOL
The only thing I can do in that situation is ADMIT NOTHING! I simply smile and say "Oh, nothing". She is smiling when she asks the question. I think it is better to keep it that way rather than telling her. Right??? That way we’re both smiling. And shouldn't she just be happy to see me smile anyway? LOL
It’s funny how little things can make a person feel old. In my wife’s case it’s those 3 weeks. For some people it’s being called sir or ma’am. Me? I received a sign I was getting old. I was having dinner with friends and as we were being seated I noticed a draft blowing on the table. I asked for a different table. Not a big deal. But later I remembered I used to joke about my father doing that same thing. The man would take a tour of the entire place until he found a spot with no draft. Now I’m starting to do it. Next thing you know I’ll be writing crazy “Grandpa Simpson-style” letters to the local newspaper. I’ve had a good run, but it’s all downhill from here.
PS - Just for the record, “ma’am” is NOT polite speak for “hey old lady”. I don’t know why it bothers some women. It’s simply a sign of respect for the wonderful person you are. Take it as a compliment! The first time I was called sir it amused me—I was a school safety patrol and a boy in kindergarten called me sir. He was so serious ("Excuse me sir...). Very cute!
OMGosh! Why is this post so long??? It takes longer to read it than it took me to type it. Sorry!!!
ReplyDeleteRisk, I miss you. I guess you had a great time during your birthday.
ReplyDeleteYou know how it is with women and age... I am so quiet when it comes to my age but I give out clues every now and then... like I have two teenage boys so people can guess how old I am really.
I get to be called "ma'am" a lot. My husband is an officer in the police force and all of the people under him calls me ma'am. That's ok, it's a sign of respect. I don't have an issue about being called ma'am.
About the draft, I agree with you... I need to find a good spot without a draft or else I'll go home with colds... I guess that really comes with age. And that's the reason why I love wearing tights... at least my legs are protected from the draft.
And you didn't mention about the reading glasses, I guess you are not in that age category yet... those who can't read without his/her glasses. I am in that category now. My vision used to be 20/20 until I reached that age of no return... now, I can't live without my glasses. Hahaha!
This is getting too long already... I'm looking forward to you writing Grandpa Simpson letters to your local paper. That will be the day. xoxo
oooh Ric i never knew you married an older woman ;) lol j/k... i hope your wife never reads my comment haha.
ReplyDelete3 weeks is nothing! im a year older than my bf... buuut since he was born in december (i was born in july), for half a year, im TWO years older than him.
besides, it's not what your birth certificate says, buuut how you look that's more important... everyone we meet always thinks bf is MUCH older than me lol
i like long posts : ) i dunno what to say to this one though. but i was so happy the other night when i didn't get carded! and today these dudes were able to tell that i was married! lol maybe the "looking like a 15 year old" curse is being lifted...
ReplyDeletehehheh... long but interesting and worth reading:) I mean, maybe its the way you persuade it.
ReplyDeletehehhe..yah you are right in there, we have different things and sometimes so little things that makes us feel old. Me??? when my glasses is on. lol! have a great day still!
Haha I'm 4 months older than my BF and when I turned 18 he would tease me about dating an underaged boy. PSCH. Not that I care much...but then again...I'm not 25 yet so maybe i'll get to the point your wife's at and start getting angry too! Haha.
ReplyDelete& LOL i love the things old people do...like pay in change and ONLY change ESPECIALLY when there's a long line up behind them at the supermarket ! okay well i don't really like it..but it's funny haha
& when I worked at a banquet hall we were trained to ALWAYS call women MA'AM and men SIR. no matter their age. people would always get offended..
Aww, you know I do agree that I enjoy celebrating other peoples birthdays rather than my own. I'm not exactly sure why, but my birthday is in two days and people won't let me forget it. [laughs]
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I like long posts!!!
ReplyDeleteHehe, my last boyfriend was 4 months younger than me! But what actually happened is that I got to tease HIM for being a brat! Hahahaha, I really enjoyed it!
But yeah, it does bother some women...
I notice I'm getting old when I ask how old my teenage students are - they were ALL born AFTER 94! And in my head, I go like "Oh God... they didn't see Brazil win the World Cup in the EUA!" (sorry 'bout that one, btw! =P). Don't know why I think of that...
LOL!! Do you feel any wiser now that you feel you are getting older?? :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I personally don't like to be called ma'am.. only because in Korea only older women are called ma'am!!!
ma'am is all about age. You don't get called ma'am when you're 18. It's the same thing as going from "that nice girl" to "that nice lady"..
ReplyDeleteAiya RicAdeMus, it's a women thing. Not only men have ego, you know. I'm always thrilled that hubby is at least one month 2 days older than me ... I'll never be the older woman, kakaka!
ReplyDeleteBtw, I do agree that 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' are salutations of respect irrespective of age. Why should anyone feel offended unless like the Malaysian Chinese, when you are hailed as 'auntie' ... gosh, it really makes me feel so old! But then again, it's actually a traditional way of salutation for the elders. :)
i am 30ish now and the only thing that bothers me about getting old is that my eye grade keeps getting higher year after year.
ReplyDeletethis is funny because my bf is a year older than me and everytime before i celebrate my birthday, hes like "WE HAVE THE SAME AGE NOW!!!" (with a twinkling eyes).
i dont get it! haha!
i dont get it! haha!
I love how your sensible post turn out to be funny after all!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree how small things can make a person feel old.
In my case I don't wanna be called Ate by friends younger than me simply because it just rubs my insecurity --- a 27 yr old caught in a body of a 16yr old teenager (lol!)
FYI: Ate is a Filipino term addressed to an older female (sister/cousin/friend)
This reminds me of my brother and me. He's actually less than a year older than me so when my birthday comes, I'll tell him that we're the same age and he can't boss me around. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI get what you mean about the "ma'am" thing. I don't take offense at all but I know a lot of girls who do!
That's so cute :D I felt old just last night actually. I went to the premiere night of The Lovely Bones with my friends and classmates from college and then we ate at a 24hour McDonald's after. We reminisced about our college lives, then realized we graduated almost three years ago! I will be turning 24 in April but I dunno, I feel like that's already very old as my interests don't seem to have matured yet :D
ReplyDeleteMan die a few years younger on average than woman. Just based on that, she should be happier that she's older, though 3 weeks really isn't much difference.
ReplyDeleteAge is just a number. What matters more is to look young, and have a healthy young body. That can be done through a healthy lifestyle, a positive personality (which you already have), and a good diet.
Time to buy your Sweetie some flowers?
I never get fed up by reading your posts, so don't you ever worry about the lenghth again! Even if it took me hours, I would still read it! XDD
ReplyDeleteI never knew you and your wife were so close concerning your age! I know a lot of couples where the man is always the older one :-)
I feel old (with my almost 23 years:-), but I look very young! Whenever I want to go to a movie raged 16 or 18 I have to show my ID.
It is bothersome when they realize that I am so old already, but I try to tske it as a compliment. I mean in ten years when I am 33, and people still see me in my twens, I will be happy about it, I am sure! XDD
lolz..funny how women celebrate their 17teen or 16teen or 21st like there's not tomorrow and being quiet about their birthday in later years XD XD
ReplyDeleteI feel old when last week at the youth church gathering, I was one of the three oldest people out of the lot lolz lolz
how was your birthday going??I hope you had a wonderful one!
ow, dont worry, i enjoyed reading it..
ReplyDeleteanyways, its really cool that we celebrated our birthday at the same day,
and i do feel old..
i know, i shouldn't be, but i cant help it.
so stop teasing you're wife, its really not funny, its actually deppressing..
thanks for the comment haha. aww you've been with your wife since 16?!
ReplyDeleteand i already feel old.. since i was like 14 lol! i keep saying that to my mom ; that my life is almost over i have limited time. I was a weird kid; but the older you grow the less you think of time as to how your going to spend your limited time.
Rickyyyyyyy! I'll keep calling you that. sounds so young hehe
ReplyDeleteyou should tell wifey that age is just a number, unless you're wine or cheese of course
LOL!!! Rick you are SO FUNNY! I seriously laughed out loud (super loud) when I read your comment. lol So loud my roommate asked me what was up, haha
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should stop following everyone and refollow them so I can get on the front of EVERYONE'S followers! ;) haha
I feel old now that I have aches and pains where I never used to. I still get carded and sometimes I get the "whoa, your 28!"
ReplyDeleteThat's always nice to hear.
I love how sweet you are to your wifey!
age is just a number. i only feel old when i feel something aching in my body---like my back hahaha.
ReplyDeleteit's okay to feel old sometimes. :)
i'm one of those who hates being called ma'am...not because it makes me feel old but the way people say it. just sounds frumpy, you know? well to me anyway.
ReplyDeletei feel old when i prefer watching movies at home and cleaning house than to drinking and partying. or when i get more excited over a new kitchen than shoes.
LOL!! Hey, I see that you "refollowed" me!
ReplyDeleteRick, you are so funny. I was LOL at the litany of prayers you stated. I was wondering why you didn't say, I will pray all the mysteries of the holy rosary. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteRick likes the older gals eh!??! hahaha! ;P In tagalog, when you are speaking to your elders, you say "po" at the end of the sentence or somewhere in the sentence. Now my cousins and other kids are talking to me that way. THAT makes me feel old. haha!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Rick, you didn't understand my tagalog that's why you were asking about my comment to Ibyang's post... to translate, I told her that guys are like that, they are scared to show their real feelings for fear of being exposed too much but her husband can't live without her. Why did I write that? Because that's how it is with you guys when you are already married. You ceased to be sweet and you control your feelings. :-)
ReplyDeleteLOL! i am a year older than jeremy and i always say "hey! we're the same age again!" on his birthday instead of wishing him "happy birthday!"
ReplyDeletei don't really know why i do it but it amuses me. mainly because i got into the university two and a half years earlier than him so people are always asking if i'm older. it doesn't bother me though. but! get this, it bothers him! he doesn't like that i'm older than he is. before i can tell the person that i'm older one, he'll chime in with "oh, we're the same age, she's just very serious about education."
i always feel like i'm 17 because even at age 21, because my mom treats me like one. i still have curfews, my mom still picks my friends, my clothes, etc. and i'm really glad that she did because it keeps me grounded and safe and in a way, disciplined (as compared to most of the youngsters at my neighborhood).
it's really sweet and cute that you simply say nothing to your wife but at the same time flashes a cheeky smile. almost as cute as the little boy!
p/s; i'm sorry, i've rambled to much, didn't i?