Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer's Here - Giveaway Winers!!!

Summer is officially here, so it's time to announce the Almost Summer Giveaway winners.  As usual, I used the random number generation feature in Excel to assign numbers to each entry, with the lowest numbers being the winners.  The sort revealed our Grand Prize winners and runners-up (also winners) are (highlighted in yellow): 

Herro Hachi Winners                                                                   Flo Tea Room Winners

Herro Hachi winners, please visit Herro Hachi to pick out your prize (any t-shirt of your choice) and e-mail your selection and mailing address to Kym (  As the HH Grand Prize winner, rooth may select any item available on the Herro Hachi website.

Flo Tea Room winners, please contact Harmony (  to let her know if you'd like her to mail your gift certificate or if you'd prefer to pick it up (I've heard rumors about the Candian Post being slow).  As the FTR Grand Prize winner, Elisse...gets a gift certificate--haha, sorry, the gift certificates are all the same.  But you still have the distinction of being the Grand Prize winner! :)

Thank you all for being here, all of my blog friends, I truly appreciate it--you're among the great people who make blogging fun.  Also, thank you Kym and Harmony for making the giveaway so easy (for me). 

Okay, let's all have a great summer!!!

PS - I don't think I used the word "winner" enough in this post.  :)


  1. Congrats to the winners! :)

    (Nope. Have you tried them yet??)

  2. nice giveaway and congrats to the winners! don't forget to check out my $50 gift card giveaway! your wife would love the clothes/jewelry i bet :)

  3. Congrats to all the winners! :D

  4. Thanks so much Rick! I can't wait to try out the Flo Tea Room. You know what a tea fan I am!

  5. YAAAAAY! Now I have to decide which one I want.. oh decisions decisions...

  6. Congratulations to the winners! Have a good weekend Ric...I left the office at quarter to 7....argh!

  7. YAAAY! This winning really made my day!

    <33 Rena

  8. Omg, I agree with Rena, this win made my day!!! :) Can't believe I won one of your giveaways again, Rick, you bring luck to me, hahaha!! :) Can't wait to check out Herro Hachi :)

  9. Wow! Thanks so much!!! I will make good use of my prize :)

  10. Congratulations!!!


  11. Woohoo! Can't believe I won haha. Mr Artist is going to be so happy, thanks Ric!

  12. Wow! Congrats to the winners!

  13. I WIN!!!!!!!!! muhhhhahaha. I mean, just kidding.

    Thanks RIc!!! :)

  14. ahhh! i haven't been on blogger for a while and i get this!? :D i think i'm gonna cry! T___T lol! thank you so much ! ^__^

  15. haha no I don't think you used "winner" enough LOL

  16. wow! thanks for the heads up.. thank you so much!!!
