Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dark Side - Revenge

If this is not the most evil thing I've done, it’s definitely in the top 2 and I've forgotten the other one. It involved my very first girl friend—Dawn. We were 14. I spotted her during soccer practice. She was a cheerleader (the best one). She agreed to be my girl.

For 3 weeks we held hands, smiled at each other and talked in the hallways. Then just out of the blue she broke up with me. It might have been because her family didn’t like “Catlicks”, as her grandpa pronounced it. "Might have been" but wasn't.  I soon learned the true reason. Her actual boyfriend (an older boy) had been out of town and now was back. She had used me as a temporary replacement--cheating on the other guy. I wasn't really upset when we broke up, but the new info made me mad. I wanted revenge and I had a plan. An evil plan!

Step 1 - I used all the charm I had (at 14—hahaha) to win her back. It worked.  I convinced her to break up with the older guy so we could get back together.
Step 2 – I bought a couples ticket for the upcoming school dance. She was on restriction for a bad grade in Spanish. She wasn’t allowed out of her house after school.
Step 3 – I invited her to the dance. She gave me an annoyed look and reminded me she was on restriction. I replied, “Oh that’s right. But I bought a couples ticket. Do you mind if I ask someone else?” Her jaw dropped and she starred at me for about 5 seconds before she stormed off.

I sold the ticket for face value, went to the dance alone, and met my second girl friend there. Victory!  Right???  Wrong!  At first I thought “now we’re even”, but my annoying conscience kept making me think about it. (Is there a way to remove that thing???)  I felt awful about it.  As you might have guessed, guilt worked its magic and I've never considered doing anything like that again. Not even when karma paid me back and I found myself in a similar situation in high school.

During my short dating career, two girls cheated on their boyfriends with me (without my knowledge of the situation). It was unpleasant. By any chance have you had a similar experience?

PS – I bumped into Dawn four years later and we had a great talk. I apologized. She apologized and gave me a hug.  I served my penance.  So please don't yell at me about this. :)


  1. Oh Rick! That was mean of you. Yes yes I know that Dawn had cheated on not only her actual boyfriend but on you and had used you as his replacement but you were so mean to have exacted revenge on her. You could have been the better person by not doing anything mean and showing her how your next gf is actually better than her.

    That said, whatever you did wasn't as mean as what she did to you. I just wondered if that storming away was a silent break up coz you did "cheat" if you hadn't broken up with her when you met your wife at the dance right? And that would mean that you were just as bad as her.

    1. The storming away was definitely a break up--that was confirmed before the dance. I did a terribly mean thing. That experience at 14 helped me to learn the value of being "the better person" even when it's hard.

      BTW, I didn't meet my wife at that dance--but not too long after that. =)

    2. Ah, sorry my bad. I thought the gal at the dance was your wife. I hope KH doesn't see this. *shies*

  2. i imagine it would be a poor feeling :/ it's funny to look back at first love

  3. Oh yay teenage love story! Don't you miss those years of angst and heartbreak and more angst? But at least you can live vicariously through, oh I dunno, every single character in every single YA novel available today. :)

    1. Haha, yes, that time was quite a roller coaster! Living vicariously by reading and sharing the stories of others is probably smarter than sharing my own--it's a little embarrassing. :)

  4. ohhh pshhh... we've all had our share of revenge! but yeah... this is pretty mean and cute at the same time just because you were young at the time.

    1. Worst thing I ever did! I'm glad I had a chance to talk with her about it later.

  5. Aww, I think it's sweet that you two managed to talk and forgive each other about it years after! :)

  6. Ooh who knew there was a dark side to you? Hehe. Karma usually prevents me from doing anything really bad but I can see where you were coming from. Good to know you and Dawn eventually apologized to one another. :)

    1. LOL, believe it or not, I actually get that from people--"Oh, you'd never do anything bad" or "I don't think you ever get mad."

  7. The follies of youth. :-) Know you are not alone. There are over 6 billion people who also did stupid things when they were 14.

    I am glad you got a chance to tell her you were sorry though. I don't think most people would have done that given the chance.

    1. Haha, it's good to know I'm not alone. :) Maybe most people wouldn't apologize, but I think you would.

  8. It was quite an experience! You shouldn't feel guilty, she deserved it hah! It's wrong to cheat, and I'm sorry that you had to undergo it twice =[

    1. The second time wasn't as interesting. The girl cried, but only because I found out and her plan fell apart. Although, it was a weird experience walking away from her front porch as she stood there crying...maybe that's a better story than I realized!

  9. young teens are stupid but i see these as learning experiences. i was an idiot during grade and high school but i learned from each mistake and isn't that the whole point of growing up? ugh, the worst part is watching our kids go through it and hopefully they'll be a lot smarter about things than we were.

    1. wait, that came out wrong.. i correct myself ..."young teens do stupid things" is what i should have said; not that they're stupid! (well, maybe some are) :p

    2. You said it right the first time!!! LOL

      You're right...you combine the lack of experience with the emergence of strong emotions and things are bound to go wrong. And if we're smart, we learn. I think there's an old expression that experience is the best teacher.

  10. I can't believe you have a dark side. My evil and brilliant plans remain as plans, and nithing more... In a way, i envy you, but maybe not. Haha!

    1. It's always the quiet ones you have to watch.

      Ahaha! Just FYI, I couldn't even type that about myself with a straight face. It is completely true in general, but it just doesn't apply to me--I watch myself better than anyone else ever could. =)

  11. Revenge sure is sweet! She got what she had coming to her and you are too nice of a soul to feel badly for what you did!

    1. My dark side likes the way you think!!! Hmmm, perhaps karma was working through me to show her the error of her ways. Oh, this is good. If you don't hear from me for a while, I'm going to be off doing more work for karma. ;P

  12. That was pretty vindictive, but you also got the karma payback - LOL! That could've been reality tv worthy back in the day!

    1. I cringe first because I thought of it and again because I carried it out. I learned a good lesson.

  13. Oh Rick, I didn't know you could be so evil, hahaha! But she was mean to you so it was a deserved revenge :)

    My dark side hardly shows up, maybe I'm just too nice??
