Do you talk with people about your blog? I do, but only a select few. The first time I mention the blog to someone, he or she usually tries (and fails) to hide their surprise and, perhaps, confusion. One exception is my birthday twin. I call her that because we share a birthday and (surprise) she has a twin. LOL, I know, I wasn't very original on that. We don't see each other often, but we make sure to get together for lunch at least once a year (guess when). She works in publishing and is interested in "new media".
Anyway, last year she was working on a project with a former boss of mine and we invited him to join us. During lunch she asked if I was still blogging, so I gave her a quick update. The former boss was amused. At first he didn't say anything. Then he said he thought it was great, in a smiling, mocking way that told you he meant the opposite. I didn't react because he almost always lobs up a big softball for me to hit when we talk. I waited and before long, he delivered. He said he didn't understand why people would embarrass themselves by writing a blog.
My reply: "It could be a little embarrassing. That's why I blog under your name." *evil grin*
He was taking a bite at the time and nearly choked on a tasty piece of chicken satay.
How do your non-blogging friends react when you talk about your blog???
PS - My wife is the only real-life person I'm sure reads my blog. She's my fact-checker, making sure my stories are accurate (and don't make her look bad). :P
i'm grateful that most reactions i get when people learn that i blog are positive ones. i think most get fascinated when they learn that I write stuff online or that my blog has a following.
ReplyDeletemy husband, parents and some relatives are very supportive of my blogging that they check my site regularly and appreciate what i write. my friends, thank god for them, are very open-minded about it and likes it when i share a photo of them in the blog once in a while. and the most i'm grateful for is that people close to me even give me tips and suggestions on what to write about. :)
have a great day Rick!
Blogging is interesting if people just keep an open mind and check it out. Sorry about Pacman!
Deletei don't really talk about my blog with my friends but they all seem to know about it and sometimes it's weird because they'll say "hey, great blog post.." so i guess they lurk without commenting.
ReplyDeleteLOL, that sounds a little awkward--but they're saying good things, so that's good. =)
DeleteI get surprised that people (friends, classmates, strangers) even read my blog. I hardly ever talk about it in real life lest they think I'm shamelessly plugging my site, heh.
ReplyDeleteI feel that way too. I rarely link back to my blog, but sometimes there's an old post I really want to share with a new reader...but it still feels like I'm plugging my site and feels wrong.
DeleteI often feel awkward talking to people who know me about my blog. I dunno why, but it's not so overwhelming that I don't talk about it.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest supporter is my beau, he'll tell me if I made an error and always checks it. So I think it's super sweet that your wife does too.
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I am feeling much better, now I'm just a bit stressed about the move just because it's so much stuff to pack!
It's nice when our significant others support us. My wife wanted me to blog, but her idea was for me to advise men on being good partners (so I guess she's keeping me). ;P
DeleteI DON'T tell people I blog! Not because I'm embarrassed (well, not so much) but because I don't want irrelevant people finding out what I get up to and what I really think. More people knowing my blog means less privacy and less outlets to bitch about them. :P
ReplyDeleteHaha, yes, we need to be able to vent. Sorry for insulting you this week--didn't mean it as one.
DeleteI mostly talk to my blog friends about my blog. But my parents know about my blog because packages are sent to their address hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing your folks are supportive--or at least not negative about it.
DeleteLOL. missed you and your awesome stories Rick! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see you blogging and commenting! =)
DeleteAll my friends know about my blog and even refer to me by my blog name (Krissyfied) heehee. I think it's great, they are actually proud of it (I think) and use it as my little "something about yourself" when introducing me to other people. Maybe because blogging has become quite big here recently?
ReplyDeleteThat sounds very positive--and cute!
DeleteEveryone knows I am a blogger. I get people who come to me and tell me "Hey, I read your blog... you write so well!" or "You know what? I read your blog... (and then they begin to talk to me about some things on my posts).
ReplyDeleteIt is not all good though. Unfortunately, I have people who look down at what I do and even say: "She's a blogger" (In a tone that I don't really like or they'd sometimes go: "Are you going to blog about this?" I think they're just funny. Possibly without any talent with words so they don't understand why blogging is not something that you just laugh at.
You know what they say, YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBODY... but the few that I am able to please, seem to be happy and proud about what I do, so I'm okay with that.
Yes, if I somehow made every everyone happy, I'd worry I wasn't being true to myself.
DeleteGreat line you delivered about writing under that guy's name. I would say that qualifies as a softball home run!
ReplyDeleteMy friends are all supportive of my blog writing. Some read it, others don't. Oddly, the only person who has said negative things about me writing my blog is my mom.
He makes it easy on a fairly regular basis. It helps that I know to expect it and can see it coming.
DeleteI don't think my mom would have understood. But I think if your mom read yours she couldn't help but like it.
It is public knowledge amongst my friends and acquaintances on facebook that I have a blog. After all, I need to generate traffic, and in the beginning that was the quickest way to create some buzz.
ReplyDeleteI am not really sure how long the probation would last. My first goal is to clear out my closets with stuff I don't wear. Already listing items on ebay and will work on it this wknd. Then I need to take inventory of what I have and don't have...don't be shocked. There are things lacking in my closet lol!
You are a blogger with a purpose and you're doing great.
DeleteYou've reminded me of an old joke about a red belt. I'll share it soon. =)
A few of my coworkers and friends know about my blog, and I think they don't know what to say or what to ask about it. I haven't gotten any awkward or smug responses, save the hubby who teases me about the blogger. Then again, he knows how important blogging is to me, and is ultimately supportive.
ReplyDeleteHappy teasing is a sign of a good relationship. Hopefully the people who don't know what to say are at least learning things about you that will help strengthen the friendships.
Deletehahaha that must have felt so satisfying to say that one-liner to this guy! What a dope. I don't understand why people think it's ok to say dumb stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteConversations with him are routinely like that. Even when he's just trying to be funny, it's almost always insulting to someone. I'm with you, I don't understand it.
DeleteThey don't b/c I don't talk about it...hehe. The hubs is the only real-life person who reads my random thoughts. XD
ReplyDeleteWe're practically in the same boat then. I've only shared it with a handful--and the wife is always hovering.
Deletemann... i would love it if my hubby blogged ! that would be SUPER interesting. i just said that cus your wife reads your stuff!
ReplyDeleteanyway... i have a few people that i know of that reads my blog. i'm a little embarassed of sharing it because i usually a shy person. and i think blogging is a place where i can say anything and feel proud about it. lol
LOL, stay proud and share what you feel like! It's your space and your readers respect that.
DeleteAw thanks :) And thanks for tweeting it!
ReplyDeleteThe Mrs is reading this? Hello kh!
ReplyDeleteWell, it's nice that your kh helps you to check your facts while making sure you don't make her look bad. She must be really pleased to read your posts coz almost everything about her is so lovely. My kh only reads my blog when he is overseas. He feels no need to get updates from my blog when he could get updates from me personally though the main reason is that he hates reading texts from screen.
I kinda smirked to myself when I read your reply to your former boss. He must have read too little blogs to think that all people embarrass themselves by blogging.
I used to be able to count my readers by 2 handfuls. And then my blogging started to spread to my colleagues in my first company. It was my well-respected superior who told many people about how she loved to read my blog. The people there are all lovely people who often read but do not comment so imagine my surprise when one fine day, everyone started talking about some of my posts and revealed one by one that they were all reading.
With friends linking one another's blog links up, I had more and more readers and felt it was fine to share my link in a close knitted forum. I made many lovely local blogger friends there. Unfortunately, many stopped blogging and transferred all updates to Facebook.
The rest of the story, you would know when you click "the author's journey" on my blog. I'm glad that nobody had said a negative word about my blog in my face before and I'm happy to know that my friends love reading my updates on them.
My mum only recently knew I had a blog but fortunately, she doesn't know how to use the internet. She would sometimes quiz me if I've posted ugly pictures of her. lol
I'm still breathing, so my posts must be passing the spouse inspection. =)
DeleteLike you, many of my earliest blog friends are no longer blogging and some have disappeared completely. That's a sad part of the experience. But thankfully I have some amazing blog friends and I've recently met a few new people I think will end up in that category.
PS - I took the journey!
Hey, I'm a real life person too! HAhaa :p Or real life bunny. I don't usually tell people I blog, and in all honesty, I get a little shy when people mention that I'm a blogger. I don't know if I feel right or deserving to be called a blogger... I mean, I just take pictures and talk about whatever for fun :p I don't think I get any reactions that are too surprising though. Usually just "oh really?? What kind of blog?" And then I say... um, I take pictures of my self and yeah. Which probably makes me sound kind of narcissistic. But it's true, I take pictures of myself! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're a real life person AND the pictures are of you??? lol, you're funny--and of course you're a blogger.
Deletei never talk about it maybe because i dun want real ppl knowing a bit toooo much abt me. virtual ppl are okay :)
ReplyDeleteAs long as you mean bloggers and not Sims people, then yes, virtual people are okay (great)! =)
DeleteI've been checking back for a new post...and wanted to let you know that your comments are always a delight to read. Hope you are having a good start to the week!
ReplyDeleteHow funny, I've posted about this too. There are very few "real life" people that I tell about my blog. It has to do with being my true self online maybe?
ReplyDeleteIf that's th ecase, I'm glad I've gotten a chance to meet the real you. =)
Deletehmm, well I don't normally talk about my personal life on my blog so it's okay... but most of my friends are in fashion so they understand... and as for my co workers they just think I dress weird LOL
ReplyDeleteWeird? No way! If that's even a little true, they have no spark.