Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cold Shower

Late Friday night the DC area was rocked by high winds, hail, and heavy rain.  We lost power at 11pm along with over 800,000 others.  Saturday was long and unpleasant--our temperature hovered in the 100 (37-38) degree range.  The highlight of the day was taking a very cold shower before heading out to run a few errands.  "Run" isn't the right word, since I did them as slooowly as possible.  Right now we're borrowing wi-fi from my wife's office as I charge my netbook and iPod (and enjoy their a/c).

It's supposed to be just as hot on Sunday and Monday.  I'm not sure when our power will be restored.  One of the local power companies assured its customers that within 24-48 hours they would have an estimate on how long the power will be out.   Is it just me, or is that crazy???

We're going to play "Guess what this used to be" tomorrow as we clean out the refrigerator.

Hope you're doing well.  Enjoy what's left of your weekend!

Edit:  Still waiting for electricity @ 9am on Tuesday.


  1. I thought of you as soon as I read the news about the power outage. You are right - saying that they will have an estimate of when the power will be back on in 24-48 hours is nuts. I would have expected them to say they would actually have the power restored in 24-48 hours. And here in BC we continue to have unseasonably cold and wet weather. If only there was a way to balance the two sides of the continent!

  2. OH no Ric! I am sorry to hear you are out of power! And to remain without it for the next 24-48 hours is unreasonable. I don't envy the fridge clean-out either. So much food is going to go to waste! I hope everything gets sorted out soon.

  3. power outages on a summer day?! omg that's awful! but i 'm sure that's back now... rightttttt?

  4. a while back - maybe about 5 or 6yrs ago - there was a huge power-outage (i think the entire eastern seaboard was affected) that lasted for 4 days during a heat wave. my city was one of the last (canadian) cities to be restored with power but luckily, our fridge/freezer was practically brand new so the insulation was amazing.... we never had to throw anything out and nothing melted. i remember that day - the day had just ended (it was a friday) and when i went outside, there was mass chaos as traffic was crazy since none of the lights were working, trains going out of the city weren't working, buses were packed, cabs were charging min $75 per person and people were stranded. luckily, my friend drove me home (by the time i actually go home, it was 11pm) and we fired up the bbq and just sat outside in the pitch dark. it was pretty awesome, actually :)

    hope you get your power back soon! was this the same outage that affected hulu, instagram etc server farms?

  5. Eek. Really hope they get things up and running soon! And that refrigerator game? One of those medical face masks wouldn't be a bad idea. :\

  6. oh no!!! I hope by now..they're no longer guessing! It's 2012 for pete's sake! Shouldn't we be a bit more accurate and techy nowadays? Haha. In our little country called the Philippines, though, I'm sure our electricians will answer the exact same thing! :)

  7. Wow, this sounds insane!! I've heard there are often outages like that in the States, hope you will have electricity again soon!! Here in Germany we also had heavy thunderstorms and strong winds that some people died when trees or flash hit them, it is so crazy.

    Well, hope you have a nice start into the week!

  8. Oh no! These can't be fun times, especially leading up to a holiday! Hope power gets restored soon!

  9. Blargh, I really hope you guys get power back by tonight

  10. Ha! But why just a nickel? ;P Glad you guys have a hotel to head to!

  11. Yikes! I've been watching the terrible weather on the news and I definitely sympathize. How are you managing to keep cool at night? It's so hard to sleep when you're so hot :(

  12. I can almost feel your agony from the heat. I hope by now the electricity has been restored. The last time the air con in our room spoilt, he could not bear with it. Our country is really very hot almost every day. But as I'm typing now, there is a thunderstorm outside at a quarter after midnight and it's cooling.

  13. hmmmm wow, I think I'd rather be cold than hot because at least you can put on clothes when you're cold. when it's super hot outside even the wind blowing at you is hot! I think I would just lie in my bathtub of cold water if the power goes out here haha

  14. Oh, you people in the first world. Hahaha. I'm kidding. But years ago, we had daily scheduled blackouts (called brownouts in this country. I still do not know why) because the power plants weren't generating enough energy or something. How's that for crazy?
