Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shipping Rates!

WTHeck! Why in the world is shipping so expensive in Canada? Is each carrier assigned only one package a day??? I once did a post on stereotypes and shared some fun facts about Canadians (to foster understanding). I may have acccidentally been correct on one of the things I joked about:

#7. Their mail is delivered via dog sled.

Excluding groceries and flashlights (a joke, but I do own an oddly high number of them), I probably shop as much on-line as I do in person. Shipping is usually free or so minimal that it's not even a consideration.

Do shipping costs influence whether you buy things on-line or not (especially you poor, extorted Canadians)??? Are shipping costs high in your area?


  1. I usually try to purchase within the US only due to the reason of returns. Foreign shipping is always $35+ and unless it is an item that I cannot buy in the US I won't bite the bullet.

  2. I am one of the poor, extorted Canadians so I am afraid I can't answer your question. And please, don't get me started about Canada Post. I might not be able to stop. (Let's just say sled dogs would be an improvement over the current system.) :-)

  3. I hardly shop online, but sometimes I must cause there are things which I can only get in JP... Shipping is very expensive from JP, so I always ask friends to do me a favour, hahaha XDD

    When I ship internationally from Germany a 1 kilo parcel is about 7 Euro, it is quite cheap if I compare with other countries, the US for example ;)

    The imagination alone of sled dogs bringing the post in Canada is somehow... I don't know, romantic maybe? XD I just imagine a cottage outside in the country, with snow everywhere and the mail being a highlight of the week :) Okay,I fail in trying to be funny, haha...

  4. Via dog sled... Haha! Shipping is always a factor for me, so I try not to shop online so much from overseas stores. One solution though is to shop with a few people so you save on shipping costs.

  5. i live in canada and have to deal with stupid canada post on the regular. it's strange because sometimes i'll get a package from vancouver in like, 2 days and just to send a letter to hamilton (about a 1hr drive from where i am) can sometimes take up to a week!!

  6. I hate paying for shipping so I'm always looking to get it FREE! And if the company also offers free RETURNS? Icing on the cake. XD

  7. Sometimes shipping costs more than the thing we buy..hahhah.

    if you can comment back here instead Rick: http://www.3outof4.com/vacation-place-for-family/

    needs comments there..thanks and Happy Easter!

  8. I love shopping online! Shipping definitely plays a factor for me though.. I always try to look for free shipping, or hit the minimum purchase amount just to get free shipping. The prices at Canada Post are ridiculous these days and I try to avoid sending out packages unless I really, really have to!

  9. I really don't know why shipping cost is so high here, and sometimes we get charged extra on top of shipping for duty and the cost of duty is like half of the item itself. it's dumb lol

  10. It's totally true that our shipping is ridiculous. All those dog sled postpeople must be rolling in the dough.

  11. I usually try to hit the $75 of $100 mark when shipping is then free. If it's something I can drive over to the store to buy and save the $6 or $10 on shipping then I get off my lazy butt and go get it.
