Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scary Drugs

The prescription kind. I don’t usually pay attention to commercials. But prescription ads got my attention—at first because I was annoyed by the thought that TV ads would just add to the cost of the prescription. Later the commercials grabbed my attention because of the horrible, horrible side-effects they mention (very quickly).

Some asthma medications may increase your risk of death due to asthma. Well, of course! Isn’t that what asthma medicine is supposed to do???

Antidepressants may make you more depressed.

Pills to strengthen bones may cause bone fractures or osteonecrosis of the jaw (don’t google that, the pictures are awful--a co-worker developed this after taking a prescription).

Some prostrate treatments increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Some diet pills may cause oily, unstoppable diarrhea. (Yes, please, I want that!)

I'm thinking about this today as I’m taking a new (for me) antibiotic. It has some interesting potential side-effects. It can make your tendons swell and pop (“If you hear a snapping sound, see your doctor immediately.”) It can damage your nerves and a cause a few minor aggravations. It can also cause hallucinations. I’ve never had hallucinations, so I was curious to see what would happen. Malaria medication didn’t cause them when I went to Panama, maybe this will be my chance.

So far, the pills have only given me a headache and made my tummy itch…nothing interesting. Maybe next time. =)

But how do you decide if taking one of these prescriptions is worth it? When is it worth using an asthma medication that may cause you to die from asthma??? Presumably only when other options won't work. Do the older (hopefully safer) medications no longer work? Or do doctors push the new meds when there are older, cheaper (generic) meds available?

Our best option is to educate ourselves and ask questions. Some doctors don't like being questioned, but that's their problem. We have to live with the consequences of whatever we swallow (including the pistashio ice cream I had last night--but that's a subject for a different post). Ask questions and keep track of how you react to medications, so you'll know what to accept and what to say no to in the future.

And if you find something with fun side-effects, let me know!

PS - My doc blog friends don't mind answering questions.


  1. don't forget that eating healthy and exercising is one of the ways that you can avoid the drugs! :D but yeah... i totally get what you mean about stupid drugs :[ i was on bcp and it made my blood pressure go up! O_O it was sooo scary so they put me in a new one and i was like... uhhh... no thanks.

  2. i try to avoid meds as much as possible and use alternative medicine. when my doctors recommended surgery for my carpal tunnel, i went with acupuncture and was cured after 3 treatments. when they wanted to give me powerful muscle relaxants for my pulled back, i did massage + cupping and it was gone the next day.

    while some meds are necessary (ie. anti-depressants/anti-psychotics etc), the side effects are brutal. when i was on anti-depressants, i went through all of them and my husband and family watched me round the clock because i kept on having suicidal thoughts (those are the worst). after the side effects passed, i was much better but that was the longest week of my life.

    so i agree; it's important to gauge if you really need to take medication. i prefer preventative actions (eating healthy, exercising, reducing your stress etc) and alternative medicine like using natural herbs/supplements to cure ailments then filling your body with those chemicals/drugs.

    1. I'm glad you had people there when you needed them.

      I discovered that a certain muscle relaxer makes me very irritable--it gave me that feeling you have when you're half-asleep and get startled awake. Very grouchy, for hours. My wife won't let me take that again.

  3. “If you hear a snapping sound, see your doctor immediately.” <==I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry here. :\

    I try to take the homeopathic/Chinese medicine route whenever possible b/c I don't like the idea of unknown chemicals in me.

  4. I hate taking medication, the only thing I use consistently is eczema cream which frankly isn't helping! The dermatologist I see sees me for about 5 minutes and the cost is $50...I still have eczema and zits :( I hate tv commercials with prescriptions as well, I think it makes the public more paranoid.

  5. This post reminded me of days of traditional meds... those we get from nature... hmm.. When I was a kid, I remember my grandma telling me to boil guava leaves for my wounds... so simple yet very effective I must say :)

  6. It's very true, we can't just have blind faith b/c doctors are human too! They make mistakes! I hope you don't experience any of these "fun" side-effects.

  7. I am not a TV watcher unless I am visiting my mom in the US. I have to say I am always shocked by the drug commercials, both the quantity and the content. If I was to judge the United States simply by what I saw advertised on television I would have to come to the conclusion you have a very sick nation! :-)

    Our province has a policy that if a generic drug exists and will work it must be the one chosen if you want it paid for by the provincial plan. I think going with the simplest med that will do the least harm is a good policy. It is often the cheapest policy too.

    If you started to itch after taking that antibiotic you could be having an allergic reaction. Be careful!

  8. LOL... is this even real?? Hahhaa... this is why prevention is always better than cure!! (I know some things mightbe genetic but that's a different story.)

  9. I am obviously a stubborn kid coz I went to google osteonecrosis of the jaw despite your warning. And guess what? I'm eating now. lol

    The most recent one I heard was of a couple friend of a friend who has been trying for a kid for years. They tried almost everything except IVF as it is too expensive for them at this current moment. The doc suggested putting her on a medication with cancer as the potential side effect. I'm not so sure if they went ahead.
